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University of California Cooperative Extension

First Press
Newsletter of Olive Oil production and Evaluation
Volume 2, Number 1 Fall 2006

Olive Oil Yield Olive Fly Product Update

The long-awaited change in the
Factors Affecting Production status of Dow’s GF-120 has occurred; the
registration now covers all crops. This
The amount of oil a producer gets means that the product is no longer under
from an acre depends primarily on the a Sec. 18 for olives, and a permit is no
tonnage yield of fruit per acre, which longer required.
varies by year, fruit set, irrigation, Non-commercial growers will be
pruning, age of trees, etc. This seems able to purchase the product under the
straightforward, but it must be noted new registration and apply it without
that oil yield and fruit yield do not obtaining an applicator’s certificate.
necessarily increase at the same rate. This If you have any product with the old
is because olive trees have the ability to label left from last season, you must obtain
produce more oil with an increased leaf- a copy of the new label in order to use the
to-fruit ratio; this higher oil content in product under the new registration. A label
the fruit that is produced during a lower can be downloaded from the following:
yield year partially makes up for lower
fruit tonnage. The amount of oil that a pdf.
producer gets from a given amount of The attract and kill device, called
fruit depends on many factors: Magnet OL in this country, has generated
Oil content of the fruit—varies by a lot of interest. It is a very convenient
year, the amount of fruit on the tree method, similar to a trap, that is placed
and variety in the trees at the beginning of the season
Extractability of the oil from the and removed when the season is over.
shoot growth the previous year from It was supposed to be widely available
fruit—varies by year, water content,
poor tree vigor. This can be caused by during 2006 but that never happened.
fruit maturity and variety
inadequate irrigation or dry farming, The reason for the delay is the
Extraction process—varies by
poor weed control, disease, very low acquisition of Agrisense by Suterra; they
paste fineness, malaxation time and
fertility, or inappropriate pruning. will now distribute Magnet OL. Check
temperature, decanter efficiency, or
Low yields can also be caused by poor their website for current info: www.
the amount of time and pressure
weather conditions during bloom, lack
used on the press cake.
of chilling, frost damage, inadequate For questions about the new GF-120
Yield of olives per acre flower pollination or simply a heavy registration, or pesticide regulatory issues
Yields per acre can range from crop the year before. Olives are strongly in general, call your local agricultural
less than one to as high as 9 tons per alternate bearing because a low crop commissioner’s office. For descriptions
acre (2-20 metric tons per hectare); yield one year will likely promote more of various olive fly control options,
a good consistent yield from year to shoot growth, resulting in more flowers go to
year would be about 4 tons per acre (9 and higher yields the following year. Horticulture/Horticulture_Publications.
metric tons per hectare). Low yields High yields are produced consistently htm, scroll down to Olive Pests, and click
usually can be related back to a lack of only from orchards that are very well on Olive Fly Handout for Growers.
managed (Table 1). One last note: it’s October and the
In this issue An orchard that yields twice the fruit olive fly catches are way up in our research
that it did last year does not necessarily trees here in Sonoma County. Harvest
Olive Oil Yield 1
yield twice the amount of oil. Normally a may be just around the corner, but don’t
USDA Summary 3
doubling of fruit yield will only increase let up on your olive fly control program
Maturity Index 4
the total oil yield by about 75%. just yet!
Calendar of Events 4 —Alexandra Devarenne
(Oil Yield, cont. on p.2)
First Press Newsletter of Olive Oil Production and Evaluation Fall 2006

Table 1. Orchard Yield Projections for Oil Olives

Fruit Yield Factors Affecting Yield
th th
• Widely-spaced orchard in the 5 – 6 year; older orchard with close spacing shading out the lower parts of the trees.
1 TON PER • Poor irrigation, weed control, pruning and nutrient management.
ACRE • Excessively vigorous or weak growing conditions.
2.24 METRIC • Poor pollination conditions from rain, cold, drought stress, or hot-dry wind during bloom, or inadequate pollinizer trees.
TONS/ HA • Alternate “off” year of production.
• Super-high-density orchard in the 2nd year.
th th
• Widely spaced orchard in the 6 – 8 year or poor irrigation, weed control, pruning and nutrient management.
• Excessive shading. Alternate “off” year of production from very heavy production last year.
2.48 METRIC • Excessively vigorous or weak growing conditions.
TONS/ HA • Poor pollination conditions from rain, cold, drought stress, or hot-dry wind during bloom, or inadequate pollinizer trees.
• Super-high-density orchard in the 3rd year.
th th
3 TONS PER • Properly spaced orchard in the 9 – 10 year with good irrigation, weed control, pruning and nutrient management.
ACRE • Probable maximum yield from a coastal hillside orchard.
6.73 METRIC • Some shading problems. Some poor weather during bloom or a lack of pollinizer trees.
TONS/ HA • Super-high-density orchard in the 3rd year.
4 TONS PER • Properly spaced orchard in the 10 year + with good irrigation, weed control, pruning and nutrient management.
ACRE • A great sustainable yield if everything is done right and nature cooperates.
8.97 METRIC • Trees have the correct vigor and growing conditions.
TONS/ HA • Well managed super-high-density orchard in the 4th + years.
• Properly spaced orchard in the 10 year + with excellent irrigation, weed control, pruning and nutrient management.
• An excellent yield especially if it can be sustained each year.
11.21 METRIC • Alternate “on” year of production from a low yield last year.
TONS/ HA • Perfect growing conditions and doing everything right.
• Very well managed super-high-density orchard in the 4th + years.
> 6 TONS • Properly spaced orchard in the 10 year + with excellent irrigation, weed control, pruning and nutrient management.
PER ACRE* • Yield that probably cannot be sustained each year.
> 13.45 • Alternate “on” year of production from a very low yield last year.
METRIC • Perfect growing conditions and doing everything right.
TONS/ HA • Excellent management in a super-high-density orchard in the 4th + years.
* Yields have been recorded in table olives in California at 12 tons per acre (26.9 metric tons per hectare). This is usually preceded by a light crop and
followed by a very light crop.

(Oil Yield, cont. from p.1)

First Press is produced by
University of California
Cooperative Extension
133 Aviation Blvd, Suite 109
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
Paul Vossen, Farm Advisor
Alexandra Kicenik Devarenne, Staff Re-
search Assoc. (Editing, Design & Layout)
Thick, dry paste, from Frantoio olives, that does
not emulsify and separates easily. Note clean
Articles published herein may be paddles due to coating of free oil. Over-watered, very ripe Manzanillo paste that
reprinted, provided no advertisement for a forms an emulsion between oil and water,
Yield of oil per ton increasing oil loss in pomace or wastewater.
commercial product is implied or imprinted.
Please credit First Press, University of
The quantity of oil in the fruit is a Note paste sticking to paddles.

California Cooperative Extension Sonoma built-in genetic factor, but it can vary assures the highest yield of oil, though it
County, citing volume and number, or complete from year to year due to tree vigor, crop will change some flavor characteristics,
date of issue, followed by inclusive page load, fruit maturity, and fruit moisture and extractability if the weather is rainy.
numbers. Indicate © [date] The Regents of the content. Oil content varies by variety The extractability of the oil from
University of California. Photographs may not
be reprinted without permission.
from less than 10% to about 30% on a the fruit is heavily influenced by fruit
© 2006 The Regents of the wet weight basis. Since oil accumulation moisture content, maturity, and many
University of California peaks when the fruit is quite mature, specifics of the extraction process
delaying harvest until the fruit is ripe such as paste fineness, (cont. on p.3)

First Press Newsletter of Olive Oil Production and Evaluation Fall 2006

Progress on the USDA Specialty Table Olive Processing Course

This course concentrates on the natural processing of
Standards for Olive Oil table olives as traditionally done around the Mediterranean.
Dick Nielsen, COOC Board Member, and I recently Find out about history, culture, health & safety and
met with several representatives of the US Dept of equipment. You will also learn the steps involved in
Agriculture (USDA) Processed Products Branch in processing, and applicable standards. The course is led by
Stockton. This meeting brought together USDA staff from Stan Kalis, olive and olive oil specialist and professional
Washington DC and elsewhere with experience enforcing fellow at the School of Plant Biology, University of Western
standards for various commodities. It was part of two Australia.
days of discussion on the proposed olive oil standards November 14 & 15, UC Davis
that included the COOC taste panel leaders talking about
sensory evaluation on day one.
Having been involved ever since the COOC proposal (Yield, cont. from p.2) malaxation time and temperature, and
was made to adopt the International Olive Council (IOC) extraction machinery type. Some varieties give up their oil
olive oil standards in the US, I had an opportunity to review quite easily and others hold on to it as an emulsion (watery
the proposed standards before they are made available gel) that escapes with the fruit-water or pomace solids. The
for public comment. (Any proposed government laws fruit’s water content influences the percentage of oil relative
such as this must be made available for public comment to moisture, so drier fruit will have a higher percentage of
for 60 days prior to final approval.) The proposed USDA oil by weight. It is difficult to extract the oil from fruit that
standard is essentially a duplicate of the IOC standards, has been over-irrigated and has a high moisture content.
with all the same lab analysis requirements including Table 2 indicates by variety, fruit moisture, and ripeness
the sensory rating. It would be enforced by the USDA. the approximate theoretical oil yield extracted from a ton of
It has been proposed to give each grade of olive oil the olives. It is logical to expect about 3 to 4 tons olives per acre
prefix “USDA” in the name (i.e. “USDA Extra Virgin”). and to be able to extract about 40 gallons of oil per ton, but
The laboratory tests can be conducted now quite easily at there are so many variables that it is hard to be accurate with
several available labs including the USDA’s own lab. oil yield predictions. —Paul Vossen
There is uncertainty over just how to handle the sensory Table 2. Approximate Oil Yield from 1 Ton of Olives with Different
portion of the standard. Sensory analysis is complicated, Oil Content and Extractablity (% on wet weight basis)
expensive, and requires trained unbiased tasters. The two Olive Variety – Water Status - Ripeness Oil Yield
options currently under review for testing oils according 10 gal of oil/t
Green over-watered Sevillano
to the proposed sensory standards are: (1) develop a panel 4 % = 37.9 liters
of trained USDA staff as tasters, and seek recognition for 15 gal of oil/t
Ripe Sevillano - Green Ascolano
that panel from the IOC, which could take 18 to 24 months, 6 % = 56.8 liters
or (2) contract with an independent sensory panel. 20 gal of oil/t
Very ripe Sevillano – Ripe Ascolano
One of the primary issues that arose was the need 8 % = 75.7 liters
to establish a marketing order in California that would Over-watered, green Arbequina or Manzanillo 25 gal of oil/t
provide the legal clout and financial support to enforce Very ripe deficit-irrigated Ascolano 9.5 % = 94.6 liters
the standards. Marketing orders are governed by the Ripe over-watered Arbequina or Manzanillo 30 gal of oil/t
Marketing Order Administrative Board and essentially Green over-watered Frantoio, Leccino 11 % = 113.5 liters
support a set of laws defined by an industry to enforce Very ripe Arbequina, Manzanillo–Green over- 35 gal of oil/t
watered Mission, ripe over-watered Frantoio, Leccino 13 % = 132.5 liters
standards and/or distribute funds to conduct research
and market promotion. In order to establish a marketing Ripe Frantoio, Leccino – Green Mission 40 gal of oil/t
Deficit-irrigated Arbequina or Manzanillo 15 % = 151.4 liters
order, a proposal would have to be approved by a 2/3
Ripe over-watered Mission 45 gal of oil/t
majority of the commercial domestic growers representing
Ripe, deficit-irrigated Frantoio, Leccino 17 % = 170.3 liters
2/3 of the sales volume. Developing a marketing order
50 gal of oil/t
takes about 2 years. In order to have the marketing order’s Ripe Mission, Picual
19 % = 189.3 liters
standard enforced on imported olive oils, the US congress
55 gal of oil/t
would also have vote to include olive oil within US law. Very ripe, deficit-irrigated Mission, Picual
21 % = 208.2 liters
An olive oil marketing order would likely be patterned
after other commodity marketing orders that assess each
grower for funds to pay for the collection and analysis Subscribe to First Press (it’s free!)
of samples, enforcement of the defined standards, and Send an email to Vivian (;
any other desired activities such as research and market
promotion. please include your name, address and phone
—Paul Vossen number. Don’t forget to tell your spam filter!

Upcoming Educational Events
• Specialty Table Olive Short Course–Nov 14 & 15, 2006 at UC Davis
For information, call Bill Krueger, Farm Advisor, 530-865-1107 or; 800-752-0881

• Olive Oil Production, Processing and Evaluation (SusAg 118)

Santa Rosa Jr. College – Classes start Nov. 16, 2006. For info

• Sensory Evaluation of Olive Oil–Mar. 30 & 31, 2007 at UC Davis

For info or to register: or call 800-752-0881

same person doOil the indexIndex every (MI)year. the yellows, and subtle changes in the
The Maturity Index: Olive
Olive Oil
And what does the MI tell you
Maturity Index (MI)
Paul Vossen of the fruit. In order to reflect
Quantifying Ripeness anyway? Our research is indicating that
Paul Vossen
this difference in maturity, I classify an
The fruit in this photo breaks down as
Most of our readers have at follows:least
The a photo
fruit in this 3.4 breaks
Leccino down as from a cool coastal area Arbequina that is superficially a yellow-
heard of the maturity index (MI), •and • A: 5 and
A: 5 green
x 0 =a0 3.4 Leccino from an inland valley
0 = 0 green (a 1) as a less-than-half-pink (a 2)
• B: 20 yellow-green x 1 = 20
hopefully many of you use it already. arecolor very
• B: 20 yellow-green
• C: 20 < ½ x 2 = 40 different in degree of ripe
x 1 = 20
if it has started to get an orange cast to
• C: 20 < ½ color x 2 = 40
This article is a basic “what-is?” •and • D: 28 >
D: 28 > ½ flavor.
color x 3 =The
color x 3 = 84
84 MI is most useful as a site- the yellow—the faintest suggestion of a
• E: 12 black/white flesh x 4 = 48
“how-to” for the newbies in the crowd, • E: 12 specific
• F: 8 black/<
½ purple flesh
x 4 = 48for recording information
x 5 = 40 blush, as it were.
• F: 8 black/< ½ purple flesh x 5 = 40
and it introduces a nifty new tool•• for from
G: 5 black/>
G: 5 black/> year
½ purple
½ purple toxx year.
6 = 30 Your 3.4 Leccino does
6 = 30 You may also find that you have
• H: 2 black flesh to pit x 7 = 14
you seasoned olive ranchers out there. • H: 2 mean something compared to your 2.7
black flesh to pit x 7 = 14 varieties that seem to skip stage 4, going
First, the introduction MI MIand
= 276 / 100
= 276 / 100 Leccino.
= 2.76
= 2.76 And that is what you want straight from a 3 to a 5. I always cut into
explanation for those who have yet to to know: how to repeat (or avoid!) the any olive that is a suspected 4 or above
explore the index. The MI is an attempt to character of your oil from one year to to verify the ripeness of the flesh. You
quantify the ripeness of the fruit. Think the next. will quickly become familiar with the
of it as the brix for olives, if you will, but idiosyncrasies of your varieties, and
instead of measuring the composition of develop a consistent way to classify
the fruit, it is a visual index. them. Do the MI several times and
To figure out your MI, you harvest average the results; the more samples
about 2 lbs of fruit (a single variety) you take, the more accurate your results
from all over the orchard and all parts will be.
of the trees. Mix the olives thoroughly Okay, you seasoned ranchers, thank
and draw 100 olives at random. These you for your patience! Here is the
are sorted into degrees of ripeness from promised nifty thing: I have created a
0 to 7 (see picture). The number of fruit little maturity index calculator in Excel.
in each category is then multiplied by You simply type in the number of olives
the category number. These products in each category and it will tell you the
are added up, and the sum is divided by Hopefully the value of the index is MI. It also tells you the total number of
100. Draw 100 more olives and repeat MIobvious = A x 0 + B x 1by+ C xnow;
2 + D x 3 it
+ E isx 4 +clearly
F x 5 + G x 6a+ H vital
x 7 / 100part olives, so if it isn’t 100 you know you
MI = A x letters
0 + B x= 1color
+ C xcategories:
2+Dx3+ AE = x1,4B+=F2,x C5 =
+ 3,
GD x 6=+4,HEx=75,/ 100
the process until the olives are gone. of a numbers
Formula good
letters record-keeping
= color categories:
= number of fruitAin
= each 2, C =program
1, B =category 3, D = 4, E = 5, Ffor= 6, Ga
F = 6, G = 7
=7 slipped up (in those cases, add to the
The MI is a somewhat subjective producer. Before I move on to the nifty
Formula numbers = number of fruit in each category
category with the largest number of
measure; two people assessing the same new tool I mentioned, I want to share fruit; that will impact your average the
100 olives will have slightly different a few observations. First, a word about least. Or go get more olives.)
MIs. This is inevitable since one person’s Arbequina. This popular variety presents Download the calculator at http://
yellowish-green may be another a particular challenge when doing the
person’s pale-orangey-yellow-with-a- MI: basically an Arbequina stays yellow Horticulture_Publications.htm (you will
pink-blush. (If you are color blind, it almost forever. So you will need to put need MS Excel to use it). There is also a
might be a good idea to get someone on your ultra-perceptive color eyes handout on the MI. I hope they’re useful
else to do this particular job) The best when you do your MI. I have learned during the coming harvest.
way to ensure consistency is to have the that there are subtle differences between —Alexandra Devarenne
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