SSHE Newsletter March

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SSHE Newsletter

March 2024
Welcome to the SSHE Newsletter.
Company SSHE Performance.
This year we will continue to monitor our incident to near miss ratio, and reducing the overall number of incidents across the business, #AlwaysSafe
The Near Miss to Incident Ratio
Current employees reporting
One of the premises of the safety triangle is that incidents and near misses:
if issues are investigated and resolved when
minor, they can’t develop to become major,
i.e. minor = near misses, major = serious • Total = 98
• Ops – 80
The more near misses that are captured and • Non-Ops – 18
resolved should lead to a corresponding fall in
the number of incidents we have, so the larger
the ratio between the two, the better.

The chart to the bottom left shows a really good

ratio to begin the year.

The chart to the bottom right shows our journey

*Graph includes Transport figures
since 2022.
Health and Safety at Work and Home
The Health and Safety DSE (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations apply to workers who use DSE daily, for continuous periods of an hour or more. The term DSE
covers not just PCs but also laptops, tablets and smartphones. The regulations don't apply to workers who use DSE infrequently or only use it for a short time.
Setting up your workstation properly at home, in the office, or both, can prevent aches and pains in the neck, shoulders, hands, wrists and arms.
There are simple steps that can be taken to reduce
the risks from display screen equipment work:
✓ Vary tasks (at least 5 minutes each hour) to
break up long spells of DSE work or change
✓ Avoid awkward static postures by regularly
changing positions.
✓ Get up and move around or do stretching
✓ Change focus from time to time to avoid eye
fatigue or blinking.
✓ Arrange equipment and furniture to avoid
trailing leads and cables.
✓ Check that plugs, leads, wires and cables are in
good condition.
✓ Keep the work area tidy and free from
obstructions that could cause slips or trips.
✓ Check there is adequate lighting in the work
If you begin experiencing any discomfort or soreness while using DSE equipment, don't wait until it becomes area to avoid eyestrain.
unbearable. Inform a member of the SSHE Team right away. Typically, just making a few adjustments to your ✓ Try the exercises on the following couple of
workstation can help alleviate the pain. pages.
Health and Safety at Work and Home
Sitting too long can cause circulation issues. This can often lead to stiff, sore legs, aching hands and musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). MSDs are
injuries or disorders of the muscles, nerves, tendons, ligaments, and joints. Just a few stretches can help prevent these problems for office and
remote workers alike.
Stretching can:
• Increase flexibility
• Improve range of motion
• Reduce muscle tension
• Improve circulation
• Reduce stress
• Improve sleep
Simple body stretching exercises you can do at your desk:
Neck, head and shoulder stretch
• Look as far to the left as you can, turning your head that way, hold, then tilt the head up, hold, tilt the head down, then
repeat on the right.
• Looking forward drop your chin down, hold, then look up lifting your chin, hold, turn to the left then to the right back and
forth slowly, drop your right ear towards your right shoulder, hold, repeat on the left, then turn to the right and hold, look
up, hold, look down, hold, finally tip your head forward and then look left, then right, pausing in between.
• Raise your shoulders towards your ears until you feel a slight tension across the tops of your shoulders.
• Hold up for a slow count of 10.
• Return to the neutral position.
• The entire sequence should take about two to five minutes and should be done every two to three hours.
Back exercise
• Interlace your fingers and lift your arms above your head, keeping your elbows straight.
• Pressing your arms back, slowly stretch to one side.
• Hold for slow count of 10.
• Repeat 3 – 5 times to each side.
Health and Safety at Work and Home cont
Fingers, wrists and forearms
• Make a fist with your thumb sticking straight up, not tucked under your fingers.
• Slide your fingertips up your palm, so your fingertips move towards the base of your fingers until you feel a stretch.
• Hold this position for a slow count of 10.

• Hold your hand open, facing down and move your wrist from side to side until a stretch is felt at each extreme.
• Hold the upper part of your hand with your other hand and slowly bend your wrist down and then upwards until a stretch is felt at each extreme.
• Hold each for a slow count of 10.
Legs, calves and ankles
• While sitting at your desk keep one foot on the floor and raise the other leg straight out in front of you so it’s parallel with the floor.
• Hold for five seconds, then lower and repeat with the other leg.
• Keep going until you have raised each leg 10 times, then try tracing a circle with your ankles while your leg is lifted.
• Stretch your legs out in front of you with your feet hovering just above the ground.
• Raise the toes of your right foot towards your shin, bending your ankle – you should feel your calf muscle stretch. Simultaneously stretch the toes
on your left foot towards the ground. Then switch.
• Wiggle your toes. Keeping your toes moving will encourage good circulation, and it’s easy to do.
• When you’re waiting by the printer, copier or microwave lift both heels off the ground, so your weight is on your toes, and then lower and repeat.
ENVIRONMENT | ISO 14001 Environmental Management System

Initiative Name Lead

We proudly adhere to the ISO 14001 standard, a globally recognised framework for environmental
management systems. This certification reflects our commitment to systematic environmental
responsibility and continuous improvement.

ISO 14001 guides our environmental management practices, emphasising a proactive approach to identify, manage,
monitor, and improve our environmental performance.

In line with ISO 14001, we set comprehensive environmental targets each year to ensure our commitment to
sustainability remains dynamic and impactful.

Each target is carefully created with measurable indicators, allowing us to track our progress, evaluate performance,
and adapt our strategies for continuous improvement.

Our commitment to ISO 14001 and annual target setting forms a crucial part of our continuous improvement cycle,
ensuring that we remain at the forefront of environmentally responsible practices.

Please take your time to review Mooves' 2024 Environmental Targets on the following slide.
ENVIRONMENT | Moove Environmental Targets 2024


Focus on better segregation at source and 100% of manufacturing staff will undergo Reduce the number of spill incidents
distinguish DMR from GM as much as possible environmental training
to increase DMR amount Target : 29% Reduction
Target : 5 tonne increase Target : 100% of Gravesend Site


Reduce non-blending water consumption

ENVIRONMENTAL Better focus on Supplier Emission and other
scope 3 factors

Target : 10% reduction TARGETS Target : Collect the first 25 suppliers'


Focusing on the areas where improvement is
On-site audits of suppliers on environmental or needed to reduce gas and electric consumption Develop a streamlined mechanism for supplier
social issues. Identify one UK based supplier to and to increase efficiency by having feasibility contracts that places a strong emphasis on
audit on SSHE topics assessments Moove’s sustainability expectations,
encompassing ethical practices and SSHE
Target : Conduct on-site audit for a supplier Target :Achieve 100% completion on feasibility
Target : Clear mechanism and 2025 plan


Continue using 100% Renewable Energy
Continuous energy efficiency Reduce chemical waste
Certificate (RECs) for electricity
Target : 100% RECs Target : 5-7% Reduction in Electricity Target : 10% reduction in weight

Objective being met

Objective not being met but showing improvement against previous measurement
Objective not being met and performance down on previous measurement SYS01-040 Planning Objectives and Targets for 2024
ENVIRONMENTAL TARGETS | Water Reduction Target

Initiative Name Lead

Welcome to our 2024 environmental target to reduce non-operational water usage by 10%!

Your commitment to this target is vital, and together, we can make a significant impact on our water
consumption. Here's a simple guide to help you contribute to this water-saving initiative:

Turn Off Taps: Ensure taps are fully turned off after handwashing. Avoid unnecessary running water.
Full Dishwasher Loads: Only run dishwashers when fully loaded to maximise water efficiency.
Flush Efficiency: Use dual-flush toilets appropriately for liquid and solid waste.
Report Leaks: Report any leaking taps or toilets immediately to Facilities or the SSHE Team.

Remember: Every Drop Counts!

Thank you for your commitment to achieving our 10% water reduction goal. Your small actions collectively
make a big difference. Let's create a water-wise workplace together!
WASTE MANAGEMENT | Guide to Effective Waste Segregation at the Workplace

Creating a sustainable workplace is a shared responsibility, and one of the key areas where everyone can contribute to waste
segregation. Proper waste management not only supports environmental sustainability but also ensures compliance with
Initiative Name Lead
regulations. This guide outlines simple steps to improve waste segregation practices at work, focusing on General Waste, Dry Mixed
Recycling (DMR), and Organic Waste.



Familiarise yourself with the specific types of waste accepted in each bin.
Posters or labels near bins can serve as helpful reminders.


Take a brief moment to ensure you're disposing of your waste in the correct bin.
This small action can have a significant impact.


Lead by example and gently remind colleagues if you see them mistakenly placing waste in the wrong bin. Share knowledge about the importance and
benefits of proper segregation.


If you notice bins are not clearly marked or if there's a need for additional types of waste bins, report this to the SSHE department. Your feedback is
valuable for continuous improvement.

Please review the following waste segregation leaflet that indicates the correct bin for each waste item!
WASTE MANAGEMENT | Guide to Effective Waste Segregation at the Workplace

Initiative Name Lead

P.S. Clocks go
forward Sunday,
March 31st!

If you have any comments, questions or suggestions relating to any of the topics
in our newsletters, or a different topic you would like to hear more about, please
let us know!

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