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SSHE Newsletter

Welcome to the SSHE Newsletter.
Company SSHE Performance.
At the end of Qtr3 we are very pleased to be able to report a 50% decrease in the number of spills over 2022 and an equally healthy decrease of 40% in the number
of damage incidents reported. This is a very positive picture for 2023 YTD, thanks to everyone maintaining a safe way of working at the Gravesend site.

LTI – Lost Time Injury
MTI – Medical Treatment Injury
RWI – Restricted Work Injury
Non-Classified – Non-reportable to outside
LPO – Loss Prevention Observation
The Near Miss to Incident Ratio
One of the premises of the safety triangle is
that if issues are investigated and resolved
when minor, they can’t develop to become
major, i.e. minor = near misses, major =
serious incident. • Current employees reporting
incidents and near misses:
The more near misses captured and resolved
should lead to a corresponding fall in the
• Total = 107
number of incidents we have, so the larger
the ratio between the two, the better.
Ops – 85 (+3 September)
The chart to the bottom left shows our ratio Non-Ops – 22 (+1 September)
to be fairly consistent year to date. Where the
number of near misses reported has dropped
is reflected in the increase of incidents.
The chart to the bottom right shows our
improvement overall since 2021.
Health and Safety at Work and Home
Falls Prevention
Falls are the single biggest cause of not just major workplace injuries, but also accidental
injury in the home.
Although falls can be defined as a “landing on the ground from a higher place” such as a ladder,
or roof, a fall can also cause injury after a slip, or trip from the same level to the ground. In fact,
slips, trips and falls on the same level are by far the most common cause of serious injury to UK Moove Gravesend Site
workers, accounting for almost one third of all employer reported non-fatal injuries to Meeting Room Photos
This type of injury can cause serious damage; from slipping on a wet floor and fracturing bones,
to tripping over poorly placed objects, potentially risking severe damage to bones and also to
the brain if the fall is particularly bad.
Falls are unexpected and shocking but can happen to anyone. They are most common and tend to be more serious
for people in later life. They result in nearly half a million hospital admissions each year and are the single biggest
cause of accidental injuries in the home. At Moove we ask our employees to take the principles of any safety
training they receive to use in the home to help protect their families.

Every year an estimated 684,000 individuals die from falls globally. That’s the
equivalent of the occupants of 15 double-decker buses every single day.
Health and Safety at Work and Home

In the picture to the left

there are seven hazards
that can contribute to a
fall – how many can YOU

Answers on the following

Health and Safety at Work and Home
Did you get them all??
Falls are not always due to
health, or conditions
outdoors. Sometimes the key
issue is a persons surrounding
environment indoors!
How many of the following
questions would you answer
YES to?
Do you leave things on the
stairs “to take up later”?
Do you “forget” to hold the
handrail going up and down
the stairs?
Do you have raised threshold
strips in doorways?
Do you have trailing cables
from electrical charging
devices or lamps?
Do you have poor lighting ,
but still leave items on the
We could ask more questions,
but we encourage everyone
to use their SPSA every day.
Help prevent falls, every day. Look for and remove hazards. Have conversations around falls with elderly friends, relatives and other loved ones. Make repairs where possible.
Source: RoSPA
World Mental Health Day
In recognition of World Mental Heath Day, we would like to remind all Moove employees about the Employee Assistance Program enhancement
announced by P&C in August. The Help@Hand App was launched which replaces the LifeWorks App. Some of the enhancements include:
• Unlimited mental health support
• Personal training sessions
• Nutritional sessions
• Integrated EAP (Employee Assistance Programme), including a 24/7 helpline
• Discounts and savings, provided by Benefitshub
Further details can be found on your welcome email, or by contacting your P&C Business Partner.
We would also take this opportunity to also remind everyone of our
Mental Health First Aiders based at Gravesend, but who are available for
all to contact.
Mental health first aiders are employees who have received training in
identifying mental health issues, how to listen and communicate with
people experiencing any issues, and understanding the most effective
ways of encouraging them to seek appropriate help. Frequently, a
10-minute chat is all that is needed to ease anxiety, for example.
We all have mental health, in the same way that we all have physical
health, but historically people have found it harder to speak about their
mental health.
We work hard to reduce any lingering stigma still related to mental health
by letting people know that it’s okay to ask for help, to ask for pointers in
the right directions and to encourage open, unbiased communication
about mental health without judgement.
The poster on the left gives contact details of our mental health first
aiders, please feel free to reach out for a confidential chat.
Energy Saving – Spot check for single flat screens

Did you know that a Benq flat panel screen uses 25 watts of energy?

When a single screen is left running: An average 15 hours overnight (17:30 – 08:30 next morning), equalling 75hr/week, plus 48hrs weekend totals
123 hours per week. In September during a spot check, 34 screens were found to have been left running over one weekend. Please throw a glance
at the table below for details.

In these days when we pay approx. 26p per kwh, small steps we take will be beneficial in cutting energy usage while at the same time reducing our
carbon footprint.

Floor Area Off On

Main Office 67 13

Operation Office 24 1
Ground Floor
Operation Control Room 2 3

Laboratory 6 0

Elbrus Hub 68 2

First Floor HR Office 6 14

IT, Technical, Planning etc. 59 1

Total - 232 34
Renewable Electricity Commitment Certificate

Moove has been securing renewable electricity certification from Smartest

Energy our supplier of electricity to site.

This certificate confirms that we have been receiving, and will continue to
receive, electricity for the next year which is generated from renewable
sources and has a zero-carbon footprint.

Moove initiated this certification approach to reduce the operational carbon

footprint resulting from electricity consumption in October 2021, since then it
has been ongoing.

While the sustainable journey will be long and involved, this is a significant
approach which should be considered, particularly as around 41% of the
energy is required to operate the site.

Sunday 29th October 2023

Clocks go back one hour


If you have any comments, questions or suggestions relating to any of the topics
in our newsletters, or a different topic you would like to hear more about, please
let us know!

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