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APROBADO POR RESOLUCIÓN Nº 4861-6 del 23 de junio de 2017

Secretaria de Educación de Caldas. Nit: 800125310-8 DANE
IENSEC N° 117380000347


Estudiante: _____________________________________________________________

Grupo: 8° ________

1. Look at the poster. Match the photos with the phrases.

2. Read the information about eating disorders, and complete the sentences with the correct eating disorder .

3. (22) Listen to three conversations. Match the conversations (1–3) with the pictures (a–c).

4. Write three sentences to express conditions. Follow the examples.

a. ______________________________________________________________________________________

b. ______________________________________________________________________________________

c. ______________________________________________________________________________________

5. This text describes how Claudia recovered from an eating disorder. Complete the text with the Past
simple form of the verbs.

6. Discuss the questions about Claudia’s story with a partner.





7. Complete the conditions with the correct result in the box.

8. Number the conversation in the correct order.

I. Look at the pictures relating to dishes from Australia, Japan and Colombia. Label
the ingredients with the words in the Word Bank.

9. Read this nutrition advice. Complete the text with words from the Word Bank.
10. (28) Listen to a teacher talking about nutrition. Match the nutrients A–E with the parts of the body from
the Word Bank

11. Complete the advice with words from the Five Food Groups
12. Unscramble the words in brackets to complete the nutritional recommendations

13. Match the photos with the food from the Word Bank.

14. Two students are talking about typical food from their countries. Complete the conversation with words
to describe the cooking methods from exercise.

15. Make a list of typical Colombian dishes. In pairs, choose one dish and describe it. Follow the example:

 What’s an empanada?
 It’s a kind of bread made with corn and

filled with beef or chicken.

16. (30) Lorie, the nutritionist, shares a video on her blog. It gives instructions on making an energy bar. Look
at the ingredients for the energy bar. Listen to Part 1 and note down the quantities.

17. (31) Listen to Part 2. Number the photos in the correct order.

19. Read the text and the nutritional value of tomatoes. Create a similar description of a food in an

i. 20. Read the statements and decide if the people have low or high self-esteem.

 Select a food
 Describe it ( name, colour, size,
shape, taste)
 Describe its nutrients –
vitamins, minerals, protein, etc.
 Explain some of the benefits.
22. Match the conditions with the results.  Write a concluding sentence to
say why people should eat this
food. Use In summary.
23. Classify these behaviours as positive (+) or negative (–). Then discuss ways to promote positive
behaviours about body image and self-esteem.

24. Read the definitions. Match each behaviour (a–d) with being mindful (M) or self-conscious (S)

25. Look at the example. Write two more sentence chains.

01 a.
03 05

02 04 06


01 03 05

02 04 06

26. Look at the photos. Match them with a phrase in the box.

eat healthily educate yourself exercise daily sleep well spend time in nature

27. Write a suggestion for each picture from exercise 26 about how people can live mindfully. Use need to,
should, and shouldn’t

28. THE POWER OF SELF-ESTEEM. Match statements 1–4 with positive responses A–D.

29. Read the list of people and things that infuence our self-esteem. Rate them 1–5 by how much they
influence your own self-esteem.

______ Family
______ Friends
______ Media (TV, Movies, Music)
______ School
______ Social Media

30. Look at the questionnaire about self-esteem. Complete the questions with the past form of the verb in
31. Write about a an event in the past that improved your self esteem.









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