6th May Vocab of Perfection 4.0

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A. It is often high in unhealthy fats, sugars, and sodium, contributing to weight gain,
obesity, and related health issues such as heart disease and diabetes.
B. The excessive consumption of fast food can lead to a lack of essential nutrients, as
these meals are generally low in vitamins, minerals, and fibre.
C. Hence, the regular intake of fast food has been linked to mental health concerns,
including depression and an increased risk of developing mood disorders.
D. Additionally, fast food is often associated with portion sizes that far exceed
recommended dietary guidelines, promoting overeating.
E. The convenience of fast food might also discourage individuals from cooking at home,
potentially leading to a decrease in overall diet quality.
F. Fast food has several disadvantages that can negatively impact one's health and

● Often: Frequently; on many occasions or in many instances.

● Unhealthy: Not conducive to good health; harmful.
● Contributing: Playing a part in bringing about a result or helping to cause something
to happen.
● Obesity: The condition of being excessively overweight or having a high amount of
body fat.
● Excessive: More than what is usual, proper, or necessary; going beyond what is
normal or appropriate.
● Consumption: The act of using up a resource or eating or drinking something.
● Essential: Absolutely necessary; extremely important.
● Intake: The amount of food, drink, or air taken into the body.
● Associated: Connected with something else; having a relationship with another thing
or person.
● Recommended: Advised or suggested as being good, suitable, or desirable.
● Exceed: To go beyond the bounds or limits of something.
● Convenience: The quality of being convenient or suitable for a particular purpose;
ease of use or access.
● Discourage: To cause someone to lose confidence or enthusiasm; to prevent or try to
prevent someone from doing something.

(A) Some of these areas, for example, Kerala and the Cauvery basin in Karnataka and
Tamil Nadu, are the areas that faced floods recently.
(B) Firstly, the rivers are getting more polluted, and their catchments, water-holding and
water-harvesting mechanisms are deteriorating.
(C) India is facing an unprecedented and worsening water crisis.
(D) When general elections are being conducted against this backdrop, one naturally
expects, though unfortunately in futility, that water scarcity, its management, and
challenges become one of the major election issues.
(E) Secondly, groundwater levels are depleting at an alarming rate.
(F) A large part of western and southern India is facing a drought at present.

● Basin: A natural depression or low-lying area on the Earth's surface, often containing
● Polluted: Contaminated or made impure by harmful substances or pollutants.
● Catchments: Areas where water is collected and drained, typically by rivers or
streams, often into a larger body of water such as a lake or ocean.
● Mechanisms: The processes or systems by which something operates or is brought
● Deteriorating: Becoming progressively worse or less favorable over time; declining in
quality or condition.
● Unprecedented: Never before known or experienced; without precedent or parallel.
● Worsening: Becoming worse or more severe.
● Crisis: A time of intense difficulty, trouble, or danger; a critical moment or turning
● Backdrop: The setting or background against which something takes place.
● Unfortunately: Regrettably; in an unfortunate or unlucky manner.
● Futility: The quality or state of being futile; lack of effectiveness or success.
● Scarcity: Insufficiency of supply or shortage; a limited quantity or availability of
something relative to its demand.
● Management: The process of planning, organizing, and controlling resources and
activities to achieve specific objectives or goals.
● Depleting: Gradually reducing the quantity or availability of something; using up or
exhausting a resource.
● Drought: A prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall, leading to a shortage of water.
● Basin: A natural depression or low-lying area on the Earth's surface, often containing
● Polluted: Contaminated or made impure by harmful substances or pollutants.
● Catchments: Areas where water is collected and drained, typically by rivers or
streams, often into a larger body of water such as a lake or ocean.
● Mechanisms: The processes or systems by which something operates or is brought
● Deteriorating: Becoming progressively worse or less favorable over time; declining in
quality or condition.
● Unprecedented: Never before known or experienced; without precedent or parallel.
● Worsening: Becoming worse or more severe.
● Crisis: A time of intense difficulty, trouble, or danger; a critical moment or turning
● Backdrop: The setting or background against which something takes place.
● Unfortunately: Regrettably; in an unfortunate or unlucky manner.
● Futility: The quality or state of being futile; lack of effectiveness or success.
● Scarcity: Insufficiency of supply or shortage; a limited quantity or availability of
something relative to its demand.
● Management: The process of planning, organizing, and controlling resources and
activities to achieve specific objectives or goals.
● Depleting: Gradually reducing the quantity or availability of something; using up or
exhausting a resource.
● Drought: A prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall, leading to a shortage of water.

A. All of this makes the unregulated use of sunscreens risky.

B. According to a non-profit organisation, most of the commercially available sunscreens
do not provide adequate protection against the sun's harmful UV radiation.
C. They may also contain chemicals with questionable safety records.
D. While most sunscreens block out at least some UVB radiations, many don't screen UVA
rays at all.
E. Many such products contain potentially harmful chemical chemicals that mimic
naturally occurring hormones, which can disturb the normal hormonal cycles of our bodies.

● Unregulated: Not governed or controlled by rules or regulations; lacking oversight or

● Risky: Involving the possibility of harm, loss, or danger; hazardous or uncertain.
● Commercially: In a manner related to commerce or business; with regard to buying,
selling, or trade.
● Adequate: Sufficient in quantity or quality; satisfactory; enough to meet a particular
need or requirement.
● Radiation: The emission or transmission of energy in the form of waves or particles,
such as electromagnetic radiation or nuclear radiation.
● Questionable: Open to doubt or dispute; uncertain; not reliable or trustworthy.
● Potentially: With the possibility of happening or becoming actual; capable of
developing into something.
● Mimic: To imitate or copy, especially in appearance, behavior, or function.
● Hormonal: Relating to or involving hormones, which are chemical substances
produced by glands in the body that regulate various physiological activities.

A. Germany, a powerful empire fought the First World War alongside the Austrian empire
and against the Allies (England, France and Russia.)
B. The defeat of Imperial Germany gave an opportunity to parliamentary parties to recast
German polity.
C. Little did they realise that the war would stretch on, eventually draining Europe of all its
D. However, the Allies, strengthened by the US entry in 1917, won, defeating Germany
and the Central Powers in November 1918.
E. Germany made initial gains by occupying France and Belgium.
F. All joined the war enthusiastically hoping to gain from a quick

● Fought: Engaged in a physical or verbal conflict, battle, or struggle.

● Alongside: By the side of; together with; in cooperation or association with someone
or something.
● Empire: A group of nations or peoples ruled over by an emperor, empress, or
sovereign government, especially an extensive territory comprising multiple territories
or regions.
● Allies: Countries or groups that have formed a partnership or coalition, typically for
mutual assistance or defense in times of war or conflict.
● Imperial: Relating to an empire or emperor; characteristic of or resembling an empire
in power, authority, or size.
● Parliamentary: Relating to a system of government in which the executive branch
derives its legitimacy from and is accountable to the legislature, typically through a
parliamentary system.
● Recast: To cast again or differently; to reformulate or reinterpret something, often in a
new light or perspective.
● Stretch: To extend or spread over an area or period of time; to lengthen or elongate.
● Draining: Depleting or exhausting the energy, resources, or vitality of someone or
something; causing to become weak or tired.
● Resources: Available assets, materials, or capabilities that can be used to achieve a
particular purpose or goal.
● Strengthened: Made stronger or more resilient; reinforced or enhanced in power,
effectiveness, or capability.
● Defeating: Overcoming or prevailing over an opponent or adversary; winning a victory
or triumphing in a conflict or competition.
● Gains: Positive outcomes or benefits achieved through effort, investment, or action;
increases or improvements in wealth, knowledge, or status.
● Occupying: Taking control or possession of a place, territory, or position, often by
military force or through settlement.
● Enthusiastically: With great excitement, eagerness, or passion; in a manner marked
by enthusiasm or fervor.
● Victory: The achievement of success or triumph, especially in a battle, competition, or

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