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In the Philippines, several government departments and agencies focus on environmental conservation

and sustainable development. Here are some key departments and agencies that you can explore for
potential funding opportunities for your mangrove research center:

1. **Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR)**: The DENR is the primary
government agency responsible for the conservation, management, and sustainable development of the
country's environment and natural resources. It oversees various programs and projects related to
biodiversity conservation, protected areas management, and sustainable land use.

2. **Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR)**: BFAR is tasked with the management and
conservation of the Philippines' fisheries and aquatic resources, including mangrove ecosystems. They
may provide funding for research projects, conservation initiatives, and sustainable aquaculture practices
related to mangroves.

3. **Department of Science and Technology (DOST)**: DOST supports research and development
initiatives in various scientific fields, including environmental science and technology. They offer grants
and funding opportunities for research projects, technology development, and capacity-building programs
related to mangrove conservation and sustainable management.

4. **Department of Agriculture (DA)**: While primarily focused on agriculture, the DA also supports
initiatives related to environmental conservation and sustainable development, particularly those related
to agroforestry, integrated farming systems, and community-based natural resource management.

5. **Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic, and Natural Resources Research and Development
(PCAARRD)**: PCAARRD is an agency under the DOST that coordinates and funds research and
development projects in agriculture, aquatic resources, and natural resources management. They may
provide funding for research projects related to mangrove ecology, restoration, and sustainable utilization.

6. **Local Government Units (LGUs)**: LGUs, such as provincial, municipal, and barangay
governments, also play a crucial role in environmental conservation and management. They may have
environmental funds, development grants, or community-based programs that support mangrove
conservation and ecotourism initiatives at the local level.

By exploring funding opportunities and partnerships with these government departments and agencies,
you can leverage their resources and support for your mangrove research center's activities and initiatives
focused on environmental conservation, education, and ecotourism.

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