Anh 9 - de Cuong KT Cuoi Ki 1 K9

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Trường THCS Trần Văn Ơn Họ và Tên HS: …………………………………….

Tổ Ngoại Ngữ- Nhóm Anh 9 Lớp: ……………………………………………………



Ngữ vựng Kỹ năng ĐỌC Ngữ pháp và Ngữ âm Kỹ năng
TOPICS from Unit 3,4,5 -WISH-CLAUSE Unit 1-2-3 Unit 4,5
Unit 1,2,3,4, 5
-Understanding warning, -PRESENT PERFECT
signs, notes -PASSIVE VOICE
-Reading for the general idea -ADVERBIALS of RESULT/
-Reading for the specific idea -IF CLAUSE
-Identifying the writer's

Học các dạng động từ, các thì đã

Ôn lại các nghĩa từ , Xem lại các bài đọc, bài tập và Ôn cách phát âm Xem lại các
cụm từ, giới từ chỉ thời chủ đề đã học trong Unit các từ vựng bài khoá
Xem lại các cách chuyển đổi câu
gian thuộc unit 1-> 5. 3,4,5 thuộc Unit 1-2-3 trong sách
theo các cấu trúc chuyên đề.
giáo khoa và
Ôn các hình thức từ
tài liệu học
(Danh từ, động từ, tính
từ, trạng từ, từ trái



Formular Examples
Present wish: I wish I (have) had a laptop now.
S1+wish(es) + S2+ V2/V-ed I wish I (have) would have a laptop soon.
If only + S2+ V2/V-ed I wish I (swim) could swim.
Future wish: : I wish I were rich.
S1+wish(es) + S2+ would/ could + V(bare) (sử dụng WERE khi có hiện diện của động từ “be” và sử dụng được
If only + S2+ would/ could + V(bare) cho tất cả các ngôi)


- Câu khẳng định S + have / has+ V3/ed + O
- Câu phủ định S + have / has + not + V3/ed + O
- Câu hỏi Have / Has + S + V3/ed + O ?
* Thì HTHT dùng để diễn tả:
- Một hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ nhưng không xác định rõ thời điểm.
E.g: Have you had breakfast yet? – No, I haven’t.
- Một hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ và kéo dài đến hiện tại / tuong lai
E.g: My friend Nam has lived in HCMC since 1998.
- Một hành động vừa mới xảy ra.
E.g: I have just finished my homework.
* Các trạng từ thường dùng với thì HTHT:Just , recently / lately, ever, never, before, yet, already, several times, since ,
for , so far, until now / up to now / during the last few days / weeks / months / years, all this week / month / year, ….
for + quãng thời gian: trong khoảng (for a year, for a long time, …)
since + mốc/điểm thời gian: từ khi (since 1992, since June, …)
I began to learn English in 2000.-->I have learnt/ learned English since 2000
She has never eaten this kind of food before→This is the first time she has eaten this kind of food
We haven’t been to Hanoi for 4 years. →The last time we went to HaNoi was 4 years ago
When did you live here?→How long ago did you live here? How long have you lived here?How long is it since you began living
She last went to the cinema 3 years ago →It’s been 3 years since she last went to the cinema


- Present simple: is/ are/ am+ V3 An apple is eaten by me every day.
- Past simple: was/ were+ V3 An apple was eaten by me yesterday.
- Present continuous: is/ are/ am+ being. V3 An apple is being eaten by me now.
- Past continuous: was/ were+ being + V3 An apple was being eaten by me at 7 am yesterday.
- Simple future: will/ shall + be+ V3 An apple will be eaten by me tomorrow.
- Near future: is/ are/ am+ going to be+ V3 An apple is going to be eaten by me.
- Present perfect: has/ have+ been+ V3 An apple has just been eaten by me.
- Modal: modal+ be+ V3 An apple should/ must/… be eaten every day.
- Used to : used to be+ V3 An apple used to be eaten by me.


* Time(chæ thôøi gian)
In: the afternoon, a cold night, 2009, December, the summer, the end, etc.
On: Monday, Monday afternoon, 31st December, 31st December 2008, the weekend, weekends
At: 7:00, noon, midnight, night, the end of
For: half an hour, two years
From …….. to ……./ between …….. and…..
* Places (chæ nôi choán)
At: the entrance to, the foot of the mountain, his house, a grocery store
In: the river
On: the river bank, a farm
The journey to the village, to the north of Ha Noi,
• Hoa worked hard, so she passed the exam.
Reason Result
• Because Hoa worked hard, she passed the exam.
Reason Result
+ Trong caâu coù because thì khoâng coù so
+ Caùc cuïm töø thay theá cho “so”: As a result, That’s why, Therefore
Ex: She worked hard. That’s why/ As a result, she passed the exam with high marks.
• S + V + so + adj/ adv + that + S + V
Ex:He was so ill that we had to send for a doctor.
She spoke so fast that I could hardly hear her.
• S + V + such +( a/an) +adj + noun + that + S + V
Ex:I saw such a funny cartoon that I couldn’t help laughing.

■ Like + N / Pronoun : diễn tả sự giống nhau Ex: (1) He ran like the wind.
■ The same as: diễn tả sự đồng nhất Ex: (1) Her dress isn’t the same as her sister’s.
■ Different from: diễn tả sự khác nhau, Ex: (1) He is very different from his brother.
■ As.. .as : diễn tả sự ngang bằng
S + V + as + Adj / Adv + as + N / Pro.
S + be not + as / so + Adj + as + N / Pro.
S + do / does not + V + as / so +Adv + as + N / Pro.
Ex: (1) She is as tall as her mother. (2) I can speak Korean as fluently as English
* Khi ñoäng töø giôùi thieäu ôû cac thì hieän taïi (S. Present, Present Perfect, Present progressive) hay tương lai:
o Khoâng luøi thì
o Khoâng thay ñoåi nhöõng töø hay cuïm töø chæ thôøi gian vaø khoâng gian.
Ex: Direct speech: Lan says, “I am a student.” →Reported speech: Lan says she is a student.

* Khi ñoäng töø giôùi thieäu ôû cac thì quaù khöù:

+ Commands:
o Ñoäng töø töôøng thuaät laø; told, asked, requested, warned, offered
o Caâu ñöôïc vieát laïi theo caáu truùc cuûa caùc ñoäng töø naøy: told/ asked someone (not) to do something
Ex: He said: “Open your book.” →: He told me to open my book.
She told, “Don’t take anything from here.” → She asked him not to take anything from there.
now →then here →there
yesterday →The day after Last week →The week before
→The previous day →The previous week
tomorrow →The day after Next month →The following month
→The following day →The month after
→The next day
ago →before this →that
these →those
▪ Ñoäng töø töôøng thuaät laø: said (that)/ said to someone (that)/ told (that)/ told someone (that).
▪ Động từ phaûi luøi thì theo quy tắc


Simple present →Simple past Present perfect →Past perfect
Simple past →Past perfect (had+ V3) Past perfect Past perfect
Simple future →would+ V(bare) must →had to
will+ V(bare)
Present continuous →Past continuous may →might
can →Could have to/ has to →had to

Ex: He said to her, “I will leave for Ha Noi tomorrow”

→ He told her he would leave for Ha Noi the day after.
+ Questions:
- Wh-questions: S+ asked/ required +O+S+V
- Yes-No questions: S+ asked +O +if/ whether +S+V (phaûi luøi thì)

Ex: She said, “Where are you going?” → She asked them where they were going.
He said: “Did you see him yesterday?” →He asked me if/ whether I had seen him the day before.
If clause Main clause
Present tenses :
• Simple present: S + V/Vs/V(es) S + will/ can/ may/ might/ should/ ought to/ must/ have to + V
• Present perfect: S + have/has + V3 /Ved (bare inf.)
• Present continuous: S + am/is/are +
Ex:If you want to get good grades, you must study hard.
He might miss the bus if he doesn’t come soon.


You want to watch the weather forecast, don’t you?
Affirmative base sentence (+) negative tag (+)
Nam wanted to go to the movies, did he?
Negative base sentence (-) affirmative tag (+)

*Notes: Let’s → shall we Don’t → will you I’m → aren’t I

After imperatives:
-invite people to do things: won’t you? (Ex: Do have some more tea, won’t you?)
-tell or ask people to do things: will/ would/ can/ could/ can’t you? (Ex: Send it to me, will you?)
After negative imperatives: will you? (Ex: Don’t forget, will you? )
No/ never/ nothing/ nobody/ hardly/ scarcely/ little/ rarely + non-negative tags
Ex: She is never angry, is she? / Nobody loves her, do they?
Nothing/ Everything/ Something/ → it (Ex: Nothing will influence his plan, will it?)
Nobody/ no one/ anyone/ anybody/ somebody/ everybody → they
(Ex: Anybody is fond of beauty, aren’t they? )
I am late, aren’t I?


Caùc ñoäng töø theo sau moät soá ñoäng töø phaûi söû duïng ôû hình thöùc gerund (V-ing) hay infinitive.
+ Gerund: Sau caùc ñoäng töø naøy, ñoäng töø theo sau phaûi söû duïng daïng gerund: enjoy, love, like, hate, finish, mind, feel
like, suggest, spend/ waste+ time/ money (on) doing something, deny, keep,practice, look forward to,
+To infinitive: Sau caùc ñoäng töø naøy, ñoäng tö øtheo sau phaûi söû duïng daïng “ñoäng töø nguyeân maãu coù to”: want, ask, tell,
refuse, invite, would like, would love, take someone time/ money to do something, continue
Ex: I want to go out now./ I refused to go to his birthday party.
+Bare infinitive: please, help, let, have someone do something
Ex: Please let me help you do the homework.
I had my father fix the bicycle for me.
+ Moät soá ñoäng töø coù theå ñöôïc theo sau caû gerund vaø to infinitive maø nghóa khoâng thay ñoåi: start, begin.
Ex: It started to rain/ raining.
I began to study/ studying English when I was five.
+ Moät soá ñoäng töø coù theå theo sau bôûi gerund vaø to infinitive ma nghóa raát khaùc: try, remember, forget, need
To try to do something: coá gaéng laøm gì/ try doing something: thöû laøm gì
Ex: Don’t try using any drugs. (ñöøng thöû duøng ma tuùy).
I tried to unlock the door, but failed. (Toâi coá gaéng môû cöûa nhöng thaát baïi.)
To remember to do something: nhôù laøm gì (daën doø)/ remember doing something: nhôù ñaõ laøm gì
Ex: Remember to go to bed early./ I remember locking the door.
To need to do something: caàn laøm gì/ need doing = need to be done (nghóa bò ñoäng)
Ex: I need to paint the door.
The door needs painting. = The door needs to be painted. (bị đõng)

1. I began studying English when I was at the age of seven.
→I have ____________________________________
2. Can they finish their assigments soon?
→They _______________________________________________
3. No one saw the lost little girl
→The lost little girl _ _____________________________________
4. This question was too difficult for me to answer.
→This question was so ____________________________________.
5. It’s a pity that I can’t speak French now.
→I wish ___________________________________________________
6. I feel nervous because I have not travelled by air before.
→ I have_________________________________________________
7. “You should go on a diet and stop smoking.”, the doctor said.
→ The doctor advised me __________________________________________
8. He spent 2 hours writing the essay.
→It took ___________________________________________________
9. “ Do you speak any other languages, Lan?” the examiner asked.
→ The examiner asked_________________________________________________
10. My son has the same height as you.
→ My son is ____________________________________________________


Tương tác interact + with interaction interactive
Phổ biến Popularize popularity popular / unpopular + with
Lợi ích benefit benefit Beneficial / unbenificial
Giao tiếp Communicate communication communicative
Phát minh Invent inventor (nhà phát minh) inventive
Sử dụng Use Use / User: người dùng Useful / useless
Phủ nhận Deny denial deniable / undeniable
Tiếp cận Access Access (have/get access to) accessible / inaccessible
Khám phá Explore=discover Explorer / exploration
Thương mại commercialize Commerce commercial
commercials = advertisements
Giới hạn Limit limitation Limited/ unlimited
Thông tin inform information Informative / uninformative
Quảng cáo Advertise Advertisement:mẫu quảng cáo
Advertising:việc quảng cáo
Advertiser: người làm quảng cáo
Đồng ý Agree /disagree Agreement: sự đồng tình Agreeable / unagreeable
Disagreement: sự không đồng tình
Quốc gia Nation: quốc gia national/ nationwide / native -
Nationality: quốc tịch international
Khó Difficulty difficult
Have difficulty in doing sth
Kiểm tra examine Examination: kỳ thi
Examiner: giám khảo
Examinee: thí sinh
Cải thiện improve improvement Improved/ improving
Có mặt Attend attendance: hiện diện attentive
attendant: người đi cùng
attention: sự chú ý
Trôi chảy fluency fluent
Danh tiếng repute reputation reputable
Thuyết phục persuade persuasion persuasive
khuyên advise advice
Kinh nghiệm experience experience experienced / inexperienced
kèm Tutor: gia sư tutorial
Tuition: sự dạy kèm
Biên tập edit Editor: biên tập viên editorial
Edition: biên tập / ấn bản
Trình độ qualify qualification well-qualified
Cần thiết need necessity Necessary / unnecessary
Thư giãn relax relaxation Relaxing/ relaxed
Phát triển develop development Developing / developed
Nguy hiểm endanger danger dangerous

1. That little girl can dance ________. (beauty)

2. Since her ________ the room has been full of laughter. (arrive)
3. Most modern buildings has underground ________ lots. (park)
4. I went to the ________ store to buy something. (grocer)
5. There is no water left in the ________ well. (near)
6. He is now studying in the USA as an ________ student. (change)
7. They have a good ________ of stamps. (collect)
8. Goods are ________ as long as they are returned in good condition. (change)
9. The party ________ twenty bottles from various parts of the house yesterday. (collect)
10. When did you start ________ antique glass? (collect)
11. We saw ___________________ girls there. (beauty)
12. The garden is ________________ with trees and flowers. (beauty)
13. The ___________________ anthem of Vietnam is sung. (nation)
14. There is an ________________ match between Vietnam and Lebanon on VTV3. (nation)
15. The language of ___________________ is Bahasa Malaysia. (instruct)
16. Ao Dai is the ___________________ dress of Vietnamese women. (tradition)
17. ___________________, Ao Dai is worn by women. (tradition)
18. To Huu is a famous___________________ (poetry). His ________________ are interesting.
19. Ao Dai is always ___________________ (fashion)
20. Jeans are ___________________ made from cotton. (complete)
21. The ___________________ from Genoa enjoyed wearing jeans. (work)
22. ___________________ of clothes always goes up. (sell)
23. At the ___________________ to the village, we saw the accident. (enter)
24. They had an ___________________ day by the river. (enjoy)
25. They are ___________________ -qualified teachers. (good)
26. We need further ___________________. (inform)
27. This book is very ________________. (inform)
28. Look at the ___________________. Rain Bi looks handsome. (advertise)
29. We felt ________________ in the show. (interest)
30. English is his ___________________. (nation)
31. It is cheap. It’s ___________________ (expensive)
32. ___________________ TV is available now. (interact)
33. The ________________ between this computer and the others is good. (interact)
34. The ___________________ of TV is always fast. (develop)
35. Libraries are helpful in ________________ children’s love for books. (develop)
36. The Internet has ___________________ developed nowadays. (increase)
37. The Internet is one of the most important ___________________ of our life. (invent)
38. Everyone has their ___________________ which are hardly recognized by themselves. (limit)
39. The website is not ___________________ for teenagers. It’s ________________ (use)
40. Their ___________________ is always good. (communicate)
41. She is a ________________ girl. (communicate)
42. Listen ___________________ please. (care)
43. Her appearance is ________________ today. She is very important to us. (need)
44. Watching Korean films on TV is a time-___________________ activity. (consume)
45. He is an ____________ doctor who just graduated from the medical school last year. (experience)


I. Choose the word with the different pronunciation of the underlined part. (0.5 pt)
1. A. depend B. ethnic C. region D. impress

II. Choose the word which has different position of stress from the others. (0.5 pt)
4. A. traditional B. fashionable C. convenient D. compulsory
III. Choose the word / phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space in each sentence. (2.5 pts)
5. Using these machines with care because they are unsafe for children.
A. expensive B. inconvenient C. dangerous D. alert
6. The parking lot is kept under video surveillance, _______ you needn’t worry about your car.
A. because B. since C. if D. so
7. There used to be a tree here, _________?
A. wasn’t it B. didn’t they C. weren’t there D. didn’t there
8. This laptop is expensive. I think you should choose another one which is more _________
A. cheap B. economical C. comfortable D. costly
9. Please stop _________ riskily on the street or you’ll be fined.
A. to ride B. riding C. ridden D. to riding
10. It was a beautiful day, my friends and I went __ a picnic to my home village.
A. out B. by C. in D. on
11. Why not _________ to my suggestion?__________.
A. advertising B. respond C. being told D. edit
12 By learning English, you can get access with the world’s development _______.
13. Tam: “Shall we have a walk along a river?” _ Lan: “ ____________________”
A. Yes, I feel like taking a walk. B. That would be better.
C. Yes, I don’t agree. D. Walking is good for my health.
14. – Her daughter: “Dad, May I introduce Mr. Pike, the English teacher?
– Dad: How do you do?
– Mr. Pike: _________________________?
A. I’m fine B. I’m a teacher C. How do you do? D. How is everything?

IV. Look at the signs. Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) for each sign. (0.5 pt)

15. The sign means:

A. Don’t leave this valuable place.

B. change your bag to a valuable one.
C. Pay attention to the surroundings.
D. Keep your possessions safe.
16. This road sign means:

A. You can drive your car as freely as you like to drive it.
B. You must drive your car like that.
C. You must be careful because of the slippery road ahead.
D. There is a car-racing competition nearby.

V. Read the following passage. Decide if the statements from 13 to 16 are True or False, and choose the
correct answers (A, B, C or D) for the questions 17 and 18. (1.5 pts)
Doing a study exchange is really an unforgettable experience for an exchange student, both for the learning
process and broadening of horizons. I lived in a double room in an undergraduate dormitory. My roommate and I
have very different lifestyles. School work here is really tough. Students there are very hard-working and
competitive. I was not accustomed to their learning lifestyles at first. The learning process is much tougher in the
USA. Quizzes, homework and exams are much tougher and more demanding. However, I have never heard of
students grumbling. Their hardworking and enthusiastic attitudes are something we should learn from them. For
example, they do not hesitate to raise questions and present their ideas in class. Doing a study exchange can be
an uphill walk: the first time to leave home, the first time to take care of myself, but a study exchange experience is
very valuable. I learned something from each mistake I made and each obstacle I encountered.
17. Studying abroad is a memorable experience.
18. She shared a double room with two other students.
19. Studying at school in the USA is very hard but very useful for the writer.
20. Studying in USA is a bit easy.
21. The main idea of this passage is ____________.
A. the comparison between studying abroad and studying in our country
B. studying abroad helps students more mature
C. studying abroad is too difficult for students to stand
D. foreign students like making questions in class
22. The most important thing the writer learned from his friends is ____________.
A. their positive point of view B. that school work is hard and competitive
C. to be accustomed to learning lifestyles D. how to present his idea in class

VI. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage. (1.5 pts)
Last summer, I had a chance to join my friend's family ____(23)__ a trip to his home village, about 30 km to the
north of Da Nang. The village lies near the foot of Hai Van Pass. We went there in our car. The car ran ___(24)____
an average speed, so we could enjoy the beautiful sights along the road. The green paddy fields stretched __(25)__
the eye could see. Some cows were grazing by the roadside and some storks were fluttering beyond. It did not (26)
______ long, just about half an hour. The village is on the other side of the river, so we had to (27) _______ the car
under a big banyan tree by the ferry landing. We cross the river by ferry.
Like almost every village in the country, Nam's home village looks quiet and peaceful with bamboos, banyan trees,
water wells. We enjoyed the beautiful sights and the fresh air, met friendly people and did interesting things. I hope
I __(28)___ able to go there again.
23. A. in B. with C. on D. for
24. A. with B. at C. on D. in
25. A. as far as B. as long as C. as well as D. as soon as
26. A. stay B. lose C. spend D. take
27. A. park B. lie C. stopped D. lay
28. A. will be B. would be C. could be D. had been

VII. Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence. (1.5 pts)

29. Schools in Britain need to do more to help children of ethnic _______________. (minor)
30. They left _______________________ when they were asked for identification. (hurry)
31. I think it isn’t _______________ to use this car because it wastes a lot of fuels. (economy)
32. At 6.30 that morning, the bus ________________ Ba and his family from their home. (collect)
33. Lan said that she was asked a lot of questions by the _________________. (exam)
34. Everyone wants to study at this school because of its _______________ (repute)

VIII. Rearrange the groups of words in a correct order to make complete sentences. (0.5 pt)
35. It’s difficult / and high / Moc Chau because / to reach / of its remote /elevation/
➔ It’s difficult ……………………………………………………………………………………..
36. pent less /I wish /and more time /outdoors /computer games/my friends/ time playing/ outdoors /
➔ I wish ……………………………………………………………………………………………

IX. Rewrite each of the following sentences in another way so that it means almost the same as the
sentence printed before it. (1.0 pt)

37. “Do you know how far the drug store is?” The foreigner asked me.
 The foreigner asked me ................................................................................................................
38. Work hard and you can pass the exam.
 Unless ..........................................................................................................................................
39. This is the first time Martin has cycled for 50 miles on scenic routes.
 Martin has .....................................................................................................................................
40. Football is the most popular sport all over the world.
 No other sports all over the world is ..............................................................................................

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