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Social Studies Project Brief

Your project brief is a detailed description of what you are proposing to do and how you plan on doing it.
The purpose of it is to effectively communicate the details of your project and illustrate the process you
will be using to achieve the goal of your project. You will submit a document containing the following
information about the project you have chosen to do.

1. Describe your project.

a. What is the goal of your project? What are you intending to achieve?
The goal of the project is to convince people that open source, community-based
programming could help be a solution to the crisis of companies that use unregulated
rules to wreak havoc on the minds, feelings, and identities of individuals.
2. What is the message of your project?
a. Educate? Motivate? Influence? Question? Analyze?
The message of my project will be to educate, Motivate, and influence people into
considering this a viable option for the future.
b. It should include a statement that says, “After seeing my project, people should be
_______motivated_____ (motivated, educated, influenced, etc.) to _________helping bring
open souce programming into the mainstream_________.”
3. Identify the details of your project.
a. How will you meet the goal identified above?
Through an information-rich presentation of my ideas and research
b. How will you make your message clear?
Through relevant statistics and facts
c. What sources of information are you going to use?
The internet is an excellent palace to look along with my own knowledge on the subject
d. What equipment / software / supplies will you need?
A computer, possible some paper for ideas but I have that
4. Describe the self-learning process.
a. How does your project link to globalization / nationalism / ideology (liberalism)?
This relates to social and political globalization because the use of social media companies
to negatively impact other countries and the connections between people are major
problems and I am offering up a possible solution.
b. What skills will you need to be able to do?
Research and express my ideas and findings
c. What do you need to know?
How Making open source and community-based software can be helpful in preventing the
negatives of large for-prophit tech companies
5. Create a timeline for your project
a. Date assigned: 19/09/22 Motivatevs. Due date: 23/19/22
6. Describe any difficulties / constraints / limitations you will encounter and provide possible
solutions. This is a topic I am very interested in at the current moment so keeping information
concise could be challenging.

You do not need to simply answer the questions, but can provide this information however you see fit.
Remember your learning is about practicing the process it takes to reach an end goal, and this project
brief will be worth 25% of your project grade. Also remember it is a great idea to print out your project
brief and have your instructor review it before you begin your project.

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