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Phone number: 707-496-4448

Dakota Goodman Email:

Personal Website:
Cause Comms Website:
University of Southern California
Master of Communication Management, Marketing Communications - 2024
University of Idaho
Water Resources M.S., Law, Management, Policy - 2021
University of California, Berkeley
B.S. Society and Environment - 2018
B.A. Environmental History - 2017
Interdisciplinary Minor in Human Rights with an emphasis in Psychology
Research & writing
Strong interpersonal skills
Report writing and presenting
Proactive and self-motivated
Interdisciplinary quantitative & qualitative research and reporting
Exceptional organizational skills
Consumer research
Communication skills
Brand research
Leadership, motivation and teamwork
Data analysis
Data-driven strategic planning
Emotional intelligence
Market research
Problem solving skills
Strategic communication
Adaptability & flexibility
User-generated storytelling & purpose-told storytelling for marketing
Critical, strategic and analytical thinking
campaign development
skills APA, MLA, Chicago style
Poetry and storytelling
Multi-level processing formatting
Cause marketing
Creativity & innovation Microsoft, Adobe, Wordpress,
Integrated marketing communication
Attention to detail Canva, Prezi, Piktochart, Weebly,
Project management
Time management Wix, Qualtrics & SPSS
Ember Yoga and Fitness, Buti Yoga Instructor – November 2021 - May 2022

Friends of the River, Program Associate – February 2021 - October 2021

Research and report development for the rebalancing urban rivers program, which concentrated on environmental justice
with a focus on urban rivers
Research Assistant, Graduate Research Assistant for Professor Barbara Cosens – September 2019 - May 2020
Water Resources Law and the Columbia River Treaty
United States House of Representatives Natural Resources Committee – Water, Oceans, Wildlife Subcommittee,
Western Water Policy Intern – May 2019 - July 2019
Co-authored the Wilderness Legislative Hearing Memorandum
Research Assistant, Graduate Research Assistant for Professor Dylan Hedden-Nicely – January 2019 - May 2020
Native American, Natural Resources and Water Resources Law
Research Assistant, Graduate Research Assistant for Professor Anastasia Telesetsky – January 2019 – December 2019
Environmental Law
UC Berkeley Freshwater Lab Research Assistant, Undergraduate Research Assistant for Professor Ted Grantham –
January 201 - May 2018
Co-author for the North Coast Region Report for the fourth annual California Climate Exchange Assessment
UC Berkeley Research Assistant, Undergraduate Research Assistant for Professor Kerwin Klein – September 2016 - May
Research Assistant for the History Department
Friends of the River, River Activist – January 2016 - June 2018
Founder of the Friends of the River at UC Berkeley campus chapter
O.A.R.S. and Dories, Trip Leader and River Guide – May 2015 - August 2020
Guided and led multiple-day river trips in the Idaho Wilderness
2021 Thesis: Protecting the Footprints of Rivers in the United States during the Anthropocene: A Personhood Proposal for
the Columbia River Watershed and a recognition of Genius Loci in Water Resources Management
Co-authored academic research published by FOR: Deliver the River
2018 Thesis: Water Watchers-Education Advocacy Adventure! Environmental Justice Promotion through Experiential
Outdoor Education on the River: Part 2 – HEAL (Human Rights, Environmental Education, Activism and Learning)
2017 Thesis: The Personification of Natural Waterscapes: A Brief History of Friends of the River (1970-1992)
2016 Thesis: Water Watchers-Education Advocacy Adventure! Environmental Justice Promotion through Experiential
Outdoor Education on the River


Fall 2021 nominee by UC Berkeley to the National Society of Leadership and Success (NSLS)
Presenter at the 2019 Science, Health and Engineering Policy and Diplomacy; Sustainable Development for the Americas
Conference at the University of Arizona
Presenter of “Our Watershed” at the 2019 Idaho River Rendezvous
2018 speaker for the River Management Symposium: Wild, Scenic and Beyond
2017 California River Awards awardee
Workshop leader at the 2016 Western Regional Power Shift Convergence
UC Berkeley academic honors: Fall 2016 - Spring 2018


Best in Show, CMGT Fall 2023 Integrated Marketing Communication Strategies
Marketing plan for Hoka
Team leader for all group work in the MCM program
Project management experience working with real clients (e.g., Taco Bell, Buti MVMNT & SoCalGas)
Focused marketing communications research on:
ESG/CSR, cause marketing and advertising, & cultural dimensions
Athleisure and fashion brands, health and wellness brands & other lifestyle brands
University of Idaho, Water Resources J.D. candidate, Natural Resources and Environmental Law Emphasis & Native
American Law Emphasis – Fall 2018 - Spring 2020
Pro Bono Work
Culp & Kelly, LLP – Fall 2020 - Spring 2020
Friends of the Clearwater – Spring 2019 - Fall 2020
Liaison for the Sierra Club, Idaho Chapter – Fall 2019
Leadership positions in law societies
Environmental Law Society – Fall 2018 - Spring 2020; Native American Law Society – Fall 2018 - Spring 2020;
Animal Legal Defense Fund – Fall 2019 - Spring 2020
UC Water Academy Class of 2017
Facilitator and Founder of Spring 2017 “DeCal” (A UC Berkeley student taught course): Water Activism and Water as a
Human Right
Co-planner of Communicating the Sciences Conference – Spring 2017
Co-planner of Earth Week – 2016 - 2017
Writer for the Student Environmental Resource Center Blog
Leadership positions in student organizations
President: FAST (Fashion and Student Trends); President / Founder: Friends of the River at UCB; Leadership roles
with Ballet Company at Berkeley, Student Environmental Resource Center and BARE Magazine; Contributor: Words
of the Watershed Magazine and Cal Literature and Art Magazine

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