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Higher National Diploma in English

Reading Skills in English II

First Year Second Semester

Title -1: Reading for Scanning and Skimming (09.03.2024)

Skimming and Scanning

Reading techniques are strategies of reading that you can use to improve your reading skills.
These techniques assist you in reading faster, comprehending what you read more thoroughly,
and remembering what you read more effectively. Skimming and scanning are two of the most
popular reading techniques.

What is skimming?

Skimming definition: Skimming is a reading technique in which a reader reads through the text
quickly to see what it is about.

Skimming means reading something quickly without going into great detail in order to get a sense
of what the work is all about. For example, a reader may use the skimming technique to quickly
preview a book or scan an article for the main points to determine whether it is worth reading.

To summarize, “The skimming technique is ideal for reading quickly and discovering specific
information in a section. It takes less time because not all of the words in paragraphs or sections
are read, but it still provides a broad sense and knowledge of the content.”

How to skim?

1. Read the first paragraph attentively to get an idea of what will be discussed in the text.

2. Read the first (and sometimes the second) sentence of each paragraph - they give the
main idea of the paragraph.

3. After you have read the first sentences, your eyes should drop down to the end of the
paragraph, looking for important pieces of information, such as dates and names.

4. Read the last paragraph attentively as it may contain the summary.

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What is scanning?
Scanning definition: Scanning is a reading technique in which a reader scans the page with their
eyes in order to find specific information.
To scan implies to search for something. Scanning is a selective reading approach performed by
the reader when he or she is looking for certain information or text contained in the section
without entirely reading the text. As a result, when you scan some material, you already know
what you’re searching for; all you have to do is spot and swoop it down.

Here’s an illustration of a scanning technique: When looking for a phone number in a directory,
a person scans the page for the name of the exact person they are looking for.

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How to scan?
1. Underline the important information while reading the text (dates, numbers, names
2. When you read the question, identify the key word and scan the text for it. This way
you’ll find the answer more quickly.

Difference between skimming and scanning

There are various differences between skimming and scanning, and let’s explore them in a tabular
format for better understanding.

Parameter Skimming Scanning

To find a general theme, topic or

Objective To find a specific information

Helps to find specific information in the

Purpose Gives an idea of what is a full text about

Reading the introduction, conclusion, Looking over the whole text to find specific
Technique involves
headings and subheadings information.

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Reader can read the maximum text in a Reader can find limited but specific
limited period information

Need to read the Yes ( if not all, then at least a major part of
whole text a text)

They are more concerned with the word’s

To decide whether or not to read the text
Usage form because they know what they are
looking for.

Nature of the
General Specific

Application Reading newspaper Searching for a word in dictionary

Method of reading Quick Selective

Familiarity Reader is not familiar with the text Reader is familiar with the text

Key differences between skimming and scanning

Here are the key differences between skimming and scanning:

 Skimming is a way of rapid reading, whereas scanning is a method of selective reading.

 While skimming is reading the most stuff in the least amount of time, scanning is a means of
quickly finding something.

 The skimming approach is utilized to understand what is contained in the study material. On the
contrary, when a reader scans, they look for specific information.

 Skimming is used to become acquainted with a text you have not yet read. In the case of scanning,
the reader already knows what they are looking for in the given text.

 Skimming is a form of reading in which the reader reads the text fast in order to get the subject
without paying particular attention to unnecessary detail. Scanning, on the other hand, refers to
a reading style in which the reader moves his eyes throughout the entire text in order to find
specific information.

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