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Candon National High School

Bagani Campo, Candon City, Ilocos Sur
Name:_________________________________ Score:______________
Section: _______________________________ Parent’s Signature:______________
Directions: Read and analyze each statement/question carefull8y. Write the letter of your answer on the space
provided before the number.
_________1. Which of the following words refer to an author’s expression of his/her own opinion on a particular
issue without examining and presenting enough evidence?
A. Bias
B. Issue
C. Literature
D. Propaganda
_________2. Which of the following statements is an example of unbiased statement?
A. Filipinos are the best singers in the world.
B. Asians have a diverse and rich cultural heritage.
C. High school dropouts will not be successful in life.
D. Students who are good in Science and Math are intelligent.
For numbers 3-4, read the text below and answer the given questions.
Dogs and cats are the commonly domesticated animals. However, dogs are a better choice for they
are fun to play with, and they can be trained as service dogs to help humans. Cats, on the contrary,
can only serve as a house pet.

_________3. Which of the following statements does NOT manifest bias?

A. Cats can only serve as house pets.
B. Dogs are a better choice for they are fun to play with.
C. Dogs and cats are the commonly domesticated animals.
D. Dogs can be trained as service dogs to help humans solve crimes.
_________4. Which statement in the text implies a preference for dogs over cats?
A. Cats can only serve as house pets.
B. Dogs are a better choice for they are fun to play with.
C. Dogs and cats are the commonly domesticated animals.
D. Dogs can be trained as service dogs to help humans solve crimes.
_________5. Which of the following statements does NOT express any bias?
A. Men and women enjoy equal protection of the law.
B. Men look for beautiful women to be their partners in life.
C. Ugly-looking women have hard time looking for their partner.
D. He was chosen as the president of the club for he has more money than the opponent.
__________6. Which of the following statements does NOT sh8ow negative view about online games?
A. It enhances the analytic and critical skills of players.
B. It distracts teenagers from their academic priorities.
C. It promotes messages about violence among teenagers.
D. It negatively affects their physical and psychological health.
__________7. Which of the following statements shows complete bias?
A. Hamsters and cats give loving cuddles.
B. Hamsters and cats are both friendly animals.
C. Hamsters are way smaller than any breed of cat.
D. Hamsters are more friendly animals than cats because of their size.
__________8. This coming election, Ana can already cast her vote, she is investigating the background of the right
candidate for her to vote. How will she know if the text she read is biased or fair about the candidates?
A. Check the sources of the information.
B. Look for emotionally charged words or phrase that may indicate a bias.
C. Compare information from different sources to identify potential biases.
D. Analyze language for emotional cues, evaluate the balance of arguments, scrutinize evidence usage,
and cross- reference information from diverse sources.
__________9. Which propaganda technique shows the product’s best features, tells half-truths, and omits its
potential problems?
A. Plain folks
B. Name Calling
C. Card Stacking
D. Glittering Generalities
_________10. Which of the following statements uses glittering generalities propaganda technique?
A. A seller of a handbag says to the customer, “You’ll look elegant with this bag on you!”
B. A family is shown in an advertisement happily or excitedly having noodles for their dinner.
C. A fan feels good about herself as she uses the shampoo patronized by her favorite endorser.
D. A beach resort has its poster with a picture of a beautiful view and a tagline that says, “Experience
real paradise!” designed to attract tourists.
__________11. “Amazing sugar-free cupcakes: healthy sweets that complete your day!”
Which word or phrase is use to persuade the audience to buy the product?
A. sugar-free cupcakes
B. amazing sugar-free cupcakes
C. healthy sweets that complete your day
D. amazing sugar-free cupcakes: healthy sweets that complete your 2day

For numbers 12-13, read the text below and answer the given questions.

A young lady is troubled by many dark spots on her face. She tried different beauty products, but her
problem still persists. She searched for remedies online and she came across an advertisement that
says “The face and body cream that you will surely love. Whitens the skins, removes pimples,
decreases eyebags and prevents scar formation in just seven days! It has oil-control formula that
leaves your face naturally radiant, smooth, and shine-free. It is hypo-allergenic and dermatologically
tested to be mild even on sensitive skin.” The product was put on sale, and she immediately availed
the buy one-take one promo. After using it for several days, in her dismay, her pimples worsened,
and she noticed dark spots on her face.

___________12. What propaganda technique is used in the situation?

A. Soft Soap
B. Name Calling
C. Card Stacking
D. Glittering Generalities
___________13. Which of the following statements made the lady decide to buy the product?
A. “The face and body cream that will worsen your skin problem”.
B. “It is hypo-allergenic and dermatologically tested to be mild even on sensitive skin”.
C. "It has oil-control formula that leaves your face naturally radiant, smooth, and shine-free”.
D. Whitens the skins, removes pimples, decreases eyebags and prevents scar formation in just seven
__________14. Dogs and cats are the commonly domesticated animals. However, dogs are a better choice for they are
fun to play with, and they can be trained as service dogs to help humans. Cats, on the contrary, can only
serve as a house pet. Which among the statements favors to dogs?

I. Dogs can be trained as service dogs.

II. Dogs and cats are the commonly domesticated animals.
III. Dogs always bark when there are strangers outside our house.
IV. Dogs are better choice because they are more fun to play with.
A. I and III8
B. I and IV
C. II and III
D. III and IV

__________15. Which of the propaganda techniques is manifested in the given statement below? “Maria has doubts
about buying products online, but since most of her friends are doing it, she dismisses her doubts and
went ahead to buy some products online.”
A. Bandwagon
B. Glittering Generalities
C. Plain folks
D. Soft Soap
__________16. Which among the statements is an example of the Propaganda Technique which is Glittering
I. Join the millions who have already chosen our product and become part of it.
II. Unlock the secrets to a healthier, happier lifestyle with our revolutionary wellness solution.
III. Our groundbreaking formula brings you the epitome of beauty, radiance, and timeless youth.
IV. A famous actress says, “I couldn’t believe for the incredible transformation after using this
A. I and II
B. I and IV
C. II and III
D. III and IV
___________17. In which scenario are negative labels such as "racist" and "spineless complicit pigs" used to create a
negative image, exemplifying the technique of name-calling?
"I love visiting you folks in the city because people are wholesome, hardworking, and family – centered.”
A. A salesman complimenting a customer.
B. An influential female group setting a hairstyle trend.
C. A campaign poster with emotionally charged language.
D. A picture showing a person holding a placard with derogatory words.
____________18. What kind of issue concerns inflation or the increase of price of basic commodities and services
affecting a large number of people?
A. Economic
B. Moral
C. Psychological
D. Social
____________19. What kind of issue is presented in the given situation?
The climate change that is being experienced by people today causes serious problems in health and
the community. People suffer from heat stroke and skin problems due to extreme heat and destruction
of properties and death of loved ones.
A. Economic
B. Environmental
C. Moral
D. Social
____________20. What kind of issue is discussed in the text?
A. Economic
B. Moral
C. Psycho-social
D. Social
___________ 21. What is the stand of deontologists on the issue of abortion?
A. Abortion is illegal.
B. Abortion is acceptable.
C. Pregnancy termination is a woman’s right.
D. Every country has the right to implement its law on abortion.
__________ 22.What does deontologist do?
A. He/She interprets technical terms in a court.
B. He/She protects the rights of every individual.
C. He/She uses rules to distinguish right from wrong.
D. He/She supervises abortionist in performing her/his work.

For numbers 23-25, read and analyze the given text below and answer the given questions.

Abortion has always been a contradictory concept in many societies, including some of the
developed societies. Deontological or the rights-based groups argue that it should be made illegal
under all circumstances since it does favor human life. Deontologists present several claims as to
why abortion ought to be made illegal. One of the claims is that life starts just after fertilization and
any attempt to terminate it should be resisted.

____________23.Which of the following shows a moral issue?

A. A politician squanders public funds.
B. The community is afflicted with a disease.
C. The father steals for his son’s medication and hospital bill.
D. The college graduate stays jobless due to lack of job opportunities.
_____________24. Which of the following reveals a social issue?
A. A job seeker finds it difficult to land a job.
B. A father resorts to stealing to support his family.
C. A community sees a surg2e in drug addiction cases.
D. A family experiences financial crisis due to the pandemic.
____________25. Which of the following situations presents an economic issue?
A. A school conducts symposium about bullying.
B. A group of learner’s cheats in an examination.
C. A community works together for a clean-up drive.
D. A group of workers stages a hunger strike on the street.

__________26. What literary work refers to a written works such as poetry, novels, history, biography, and essays that
reflects the background of a certain culture?
A. Fiction
B. Literature
C. Non-Fiction
D. Propaganda
___________27. “Long ago, the kingdom of Ayodhya of Sarayu, India was ruled by a wise king Dasharatha. ” What
element of fiction is emphasized from this statement?
A. Character
B. Plot
C. Setting
D. Theme
___________28. “Ravana abducted Sita and forced her to be his wife. Rama came to rescue Sita. He fought and
confronted Ravana and his evil brothers. Finally, Rama killed Ravana and freed Sita.” In this situation, the
struggle is directly set between the protagonist and the antagonist. What type of conflict is used by the
A. Man vs. man
B. Man vs. self
C. Man vs. society
D. Man vs. supernatural
___________29. “For I was once a pounder of this paddy, and it lives in my childhood sweetest memory”.
What point of view is used in the poem?
A. First Person
B. Second Person
C. Third Person
D. Third Person “Omniscient”
___________30. Literature reflects the culture of a certain place. In the story Ramayana of India, Rama shows his
undying love to Sita by risking his life just to protect her. Which of the following Filipino culture mirrors
this value?
A. A husband works hard to provide the needs of his family.
B. A husband remembers the wedding anniversary with his wife.
C. A Filipino family loves gathering especially during special occasions.
D. A husband remains loyal to his wife despite the trials that they met.
____________31. What cultural and moral values can be depicted in the story Ramayana?
A. The importance of duty and righteousness (dharma).
B. The significance of family loyalty and honor.
C. The consequences of unchecked desire and ego.
D. The value of forgiveness and compassion.
_____________32. What do the representations of good and evil in the Valmiki Ramayana signify about Rama's eventual
A. The triumph of righteousness (dharma) over unrighteousness (adharma).
B. The victory of humility and virtue over hubris and vice.
C. The success of selflessness and sacrifice over selfish desires.
D. The significance of non-violence (ahimsa) prevailing against aggression.
______________33. which of the following best represents the internal conflict faced by Lord Rama in the
A. Rama's conflict about neglecting his duty as a prince and prioritizing personal desires and emotions
over responsibility.
B. Rama's internal struggle with the concept of dharma (righteousness) and the consequences of his
C. Rama's lack of dilemma between loyalty to his wife, Sita, and complete disregard for societal
expectations and judgments.
D. Rama's embrace of his own ego and unquestioning acceptance of the expectations placed on him as
the future king, without internal conflict.
_____________34. What role does the mother's wisdom play in challenging the unkind ruler's cruel orders in the
Japanese folktale by Matsuo Basho?
A. In the folktale, the mother's wisdom has no impact on challenging the unkind ruler's orders.
B. The mother's wisdom only serves to make the situation worse in the face of the ruler's cruelty.
C. The mother's wisdom is primarily focused on personal survival and does not influence the ruler's
D. The mother's wisdom plays a crucial role in challenging the unkind ruler's cruel orders and eventually
leads to a positive resolution.
____________35. Which of the following sentences does NOT use appropriate transitional word?
A. Although it was raining, they continued their work.
B. Despite her good grades, Rebecca did not get accepted in that prestigious school.
C. Cleofe said she had not discussed the matter with Henry. Furthermore, she had not even
contacted her.
D. Jerry is very active and enjoys exercising; similarly, Tom sits on his couch all day playing video
games and watching action movies.
___________36. Which of the following transitional words is appropriate to use to complete the given sentence?
I can’t help you because I am not good in Geometry. ___________, I know someone who can.
A. Consequently
B. However
C. Moreover
D. Similarly
__________37. Which of the following transitional words is appropriate to use to complete the given sentence? Jeremy
is very active and enjoys exercising; _______, Chris sits on his couch all day playing video games.
A. For Example
B. In Addition
C. On the other hand
D. Similarly
__________38. Which of the following transitional words is appropriate to use to complete the given sentence?
I can’t help you with your homework because I am not very good in geometry. _______,I know
someone who can.
A. For Example
B. However
C. In addition
D. Subsequently
For numbers 39-41, examine the given sentences and identify which sentence uses correct cohesive device.
___________39. I. Despite the rain, Mary decided to go for a walk; moreover, she brought her umbrella just in case.
II. The concert was fantastic; however, the sound system was malfunctioning during the
III. In conclusion, the research findings support the hypothesis; nonetheless, further studies are
needed for a comprehensive understanding.
IV. John loves hiking; consequently, he often explores new trails and enjoys the beauty of nature.
A. Only I is correct.
B. Both I and II are correct.
C. Only II is correct.
D. I, II, III and IV are correct.
__________40. I. Despite the heavy traffic, she arrived at the airport on time; however, her flight was delayed.
II. The team worked hard to meet the deadline; moreover, they celebrated their success with a pizza
III. In addition, the new software provides advanced features; nevertheless, some users find it
challenging to navigate.
IV. Sarah enjoys playing both tennis and badminton; therefore, she often participates in local
A. Only I is correct.
B. Both I and II are correct.
C. Only II is correct.
D. I, II, III and IV are correct.
__________41. I. The experiment yielded unexpected results; nonetheless, the researchers were able to draw valuable
II. Hiking is a great way to stay active; nevertheless, it's important to wear appropriate footwear.
III. She had studied diligently for the exam; as a result, she felt confident when answering the questions.
IV. In addition to her academic achievements, Maria is also a talented musician; however, she rarely
performs in public.
A. Only I is correct.
B. Both I and II are correct.
C. I, II and III are correct.
D. I, II, III and IV are correct.
___________42. Which among the following best explains about a situation on Climate Change?
Imagine a community meeting organized by a local environmental group to discuss the impact of
climate change on the region. Residents, scientists, and policymakers gather to address the
increasing frequency of extreme weather events, such as heatwaves and floods, affecting the
community. The discussion also focuses on the long-term consequences for agriculture, wildlife,
and overall environmental sustainability. As various stakeholders express their concerns, they
explore potential solutions and adaptation strategies to mitigate the effects of climate change on
their community. The conversation aims to foster awareness, collaboration, and proactive
measures to address the challenges posed by climate change.
A. As a result of climate change, the community is experiencing more frequent extreme weather events.
Consequently, farmers are adapting by implementing sustainable practices to ensure long-term
B. Climate change is a significant problem, but2 on the other hand, farmers are trying to adopt
sustainable practices.
C. Climate change is affecting the region. To conclude, farmers need to adopt sustainable practices for
the environment.
D. The community is facing challenges due to climate change. In short, farmers must adopt sustainable
____________43. Which of the following is TRUE about parallel structure?
A. The sentence must always be grammatically correct.
B. The sentences are only formed with coordinating conjunctions.
C. It uses the same construction for sentence elements that are the same in function.
D. It uses the same construction for sentence elements that are different in function.
For numbers 44-45, complete the sentences by choosing the phrases or words that make it parallel.

____________44. During leisure time, I make sure to read books more than ________.
A. use gadgets.
B. used gadgets.
C. using gadgets.
D. will use gadgets.
___________45. When I was ten years old, my mother patiently taught me how to clean, cook, bake, and __________.
A. plant
B. planted
C. planting
D. have planted

For numbers 46-48, decide what sentence uses correct parallelism.

___________46. A. As young dreamer, moving into a new country is not only challenging but also excite.
B. As young dreamer, moving into a new country is not only challenging but also excited.
C. As young dreamer, moving into a new country is not only challenging but also exciting.
D. As young dreamer, moving into a new country is not only challenging but also more exciting.
___________47. A. You can pray at the cathedral, ride a boat in Burnham Park, eat at a fancy restaurant or visit the Mines
View Park
B. You can pray at the cathedral, ride a boat in Burnham Park, eat at a fancy restaurant or visited the
Mines View Park
C. You can pray at the cathedral, ride a boat in Burnham Park, eat at a fancy restaurant or visiting the
Mines View Park
D. You can pray at the cathedral, ride a boat in Burnham Park, eat at a fancy restaurant or will visit the
Mines View Park
__________48 A. To protect her delicate hands, she will not rake the yard, do the dishes, or scrub the bathtub.
B. To protect her delicate hands, she will not rake the yard, do the dishes, or refuses to scrub the
C. To protect her delicate hands, she will not rake the yard, do the dishes, or won’t scrub the bathtub.
D. To protect her delicate hands, she will not rake the yard, do the dishes, or wont scrubbed the bathtub.
_________49. Which of the following sentences can replace the grammatically incorrect sentence? “Nola enjoys
dancing more than to sing.”
A. Nola enjoys dancing more than singing.
B. Nola enjoyed dancing more than to sing.
C. Nola is enjoying dancing more than the singing.
D. Nola is enjoying more the dancing than of the singing.
_________50. What is the error in the given the sentence? Daniel Radcliffe, popularly known as “Harry Potter” is a multi-
talented celebrity in the Hollywood industry for almost twenty years. Acting, modelling, and being a
rapper are some of his talents.
A. acting
B. modelling
C. being a rapper
D. multi-talented celebrity in Hollywood

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