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Professional Communication and Ethic –I

Medium of communication

Verbal communication:
Though the term verbal communication often evokes the idea of spoken communication, but
written communication is also a part of verbal communication.
It is about language , both written and spoken(oral). In general, verbal communication refers to our
mere use of words. In this lecture we will be understanding more about verbal communication and
the types of verbal communication. The types include Oral and written.
Oral communication:
Communication which makes use of spoken words is called as oral communication. It is an
iseparable part of our daily lives. It Includes, face to face conversations, meetings, interview,
seminar, conferences, group discussion etc.

Advantages of Oral communication:

1) Time saving: It need not have a well planned structure, it can be unplanned and impromptu. It
requires no stationary,postage, typing or writing. One can communicate within minutes using oral
communication. For instance, if a superior calls his subordinate to give oral instructions, it will not take
him much time , as opposed to drafting written communiations.

2) Immediate feedback: sender receives the feedback immediately either verbally or non-
verbally.For instance, a salesman explaining about his product to potential custome will immediately
know whther the response is positive or negative.

3) Modification possible: If required sender can reword the message immediately.Clarify the

4) Beneficial to people who are illiterate: Oral communication is understood by the illiterate
people too,hence it has a wider reach. A politician seeking votes in remote villages would use oral
communication instead of pamphlets. This would ensure that his message is understood even by

5) More effective: Intonation voice modulation,body language, facial expression makes oral
communication more effective which is missing in the written communication.

6) Confidential: since there is no written record, the communication can be confidential.

7) Saves Money: NO money is wasted on pen, ink,paper and other stationery or on postage.

1) No legal value: It cannot be used as a legal document. It is not admissible in the court of law as
legal evidence. So, in case of disputes, oral communication has no legal value.Even tape recorded
messages are used sparingly in the court of law.

2) Low reference value: Unless oral messages are recorded, one cannot refer to it when required.
For eg: You cannot refer to a lecture delivered unless you have taken notes.

3) Lack of accountability: Important written communication always carry a signature, hence it is

easy to pinpoint accountability..However while speaking orally the speaker can easily disclaim having
said something, hence there is no acccountability.

4) Distortion possible: If the listener has not paid careful attention, he might misunderstand the
message.This would lead to distortion of the message.
5) Confidential message can be leaked

6) Unfit for lengthy messages: When the messages are lengthy with a lot of technical details or
statistical data,using oral communication may not be appropriate. In such cases there are chances of
missing out on points.

7) Might not go as planned: Unlike written communication, oral communication cannot be planned
completely, as it also depends on the response of the receiver. If the speaker is unable to manage the
situation, the communication would not go as planned.

Written communication:
Written communication is an integral part of every organization. Every organization receives and sends
innumerable letters, reports, notices, circulars on a regular basis.
The purpose of written communication is to create a permanent record to provide information.


Can be planned: It is always in a well-planned structured manner.Written communication can be

edited, revised to produce the message exactly as desired. Unnecessary words can be omitted.

Legal document: Signed documents serve as legal documents. Therefore in official

communication, oral messages are backed up by a written record. And hence it can be presented in
the court of law as evidence.

Reference value:It can be stored and retrieved whenever required.It can be referred to whenever
needed, at one's convenience.

Wide reach: It can easilly be duplicated through printing or photocopying. Hence it can reach
large audience at a time.

Accountability: Important messages arealways signed. So, it is easy to pinpoint

responsibilliy when required. It also becomes convenient to link the communication to the
right person and follow up when needed.

Suitable for long messages: Lengthy messages with minute technical detail can be
communicated correctly. In written communication it can be ensured that all important details
are included.

Precision: As the focus of the receiver would only be on the message. He wouldnot be
distracted by the manner in which it is conveyed.


No personal touch: As there is no non-verbal communication in a written communication. There

is no personal touch to the message.Feelings, expressions and emotions cannot be accurately
conveyed. IT may become very formal and conventional in the absence of paralingusitic non verbal

Delayed Feedback:It takes time for the message to reach the receiver .The receiver too
might take his time in responding to the message. Hence, a lot of time is wasted in the entire
process, resulting in delayed feedback.Immediate feedback is not received .
Unsuitable for illiterates: Only the literate can find written communication useful. Any form
of written communication would be meaningless for the illiterate population.

Storage problem: Written communication requires a lot of storage space due to the
extensive business corresp[ondence in organizations. The conventional correspondence
requires filing and storage.

Time consuming: Written communication involves a lengthy process of

drafting,editing,typing posting or printing messages. Delay in delivery, mechanical failure and
delay in the feedback make written communication a time consuming process.

Communication Skills- Meenakshi Raman & Sangeeta Sharma, Oxford University Press 2017.
Communication Skills- Shirley Mathew, Technical Publications & Nirali Prakashan 2017.

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