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Congregación Nuestra Señora de la Caridad del Buen Pastor

“Checa, un corazón que late al ritmo de Jesús buen pastor”

WRITE THE CORRECT 9.- George’s dog is small; …….. was a

PERSONAL PRONOUN present from his parents on his last
1.- My aunt is a friendly woman, …….. has birthday.
many friends and …..….. receives many 10.-Juliette rode her bicycle to
phone calls. school; …….. doesn’t like waiting for
2.- Tommy was very tired because ….……... the bus.
had got up very early this morning. 11.- Oscar searches in the web; ………
3.- Alice and Susan enjoyed the trip, is doing a project about Australia.
………... spent the weekend in Paris. 12.- Hugo needs some money; ……… is
4.- Richard and I opened the presents; going to buy a new mobile phone.
…….. celebrated our birthday yesterday. 13.- Fiona and her sister are Irish;
5.-Caroline always wears trousers; ………. ………… can speak Gaelic and English
likes jeans and t-shirts. fluently.
6.- Samuel has many CDs in his bedroom; 14.- Thomas always kisses his mom
…….. belong to his parents. before leaving for school; ……….gives
7.- Walter meets his girlfriend at the him the school box with his lunch.
pub; ………….. often go to the cinema 17.- Tina is listening to music; ………
together. sometimes dances with her favourite
8.- I like your flat; ………. is very big and songs.
elegant. How much did you pay for ……?


1.- Isabel is going on holiday; She/he is very happy.
2.- Martin and you are my best friends; You/we are
3.- Daniel has a little sister; They/she are in the park.
4.- Anthony doesn’t like cats; They/he hates them.
Congregación Nuestra Señora de la Caridad del Buen Pastor

“Checa, un corazón que late al ritmo de Jesús buen pastor”

1. Complete the text using am, is, are:

Hi! My name ____ Bea and I ____ American. I live in a big

city and my house ____ very big too.
I ___ the third of four children. I have 3 siblings: one brother
and two sisters.
My older sister ____ Serena, she ___ sixteen and studies at
Norton High School. She ____ tall and blonde. She ___ my
best friend.
My younger sister ____ six and studies at home because most
of the time she ___ very sick.
My brother ____ eleven and plays at the school basketball

2. Listen and complete the reading with the correct verb to be.

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