ch13 Editing Challenge

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Editing Challenge 13.

The following outline of a presentation, written by your office manager, has

problems with capitalization, grammar, punctuation, spelling, proofreading, number expression, and
other writing techniques you have studied. Your instructor may ask you to (a) print the message as
shown and edit it with handwritten proofreading marks (see Appendix B), (b) edit the message without
showing proofing marks, or (c) use the Track Changes feature in Microsoft Word to show your editing
comments. Print your revision with a 1.0-inch top margin. Identify this assignment before submitting. Do
not print these instructions.

Developing an Office Recycling Plan

I. Introduction

Paper makes up about 40 percent of the solid waste stream in our City. By recycling our office paper we
can help the Environment and save trees. Every ton of paper made from recycled fiber saves about 17
trees. It also saves about 25 gallons of Water, and reduces air pollution by an estimated 60 pounds.
Here in our office we use a lot of white Paper. When Paper is recycled it goes into such products as
tissue, paperboard, stationary, magazines, new office paper and other paper products. In interviewing 3
experts including Dr Walter Yang at the university of west virginia I learned how we can develop our
own office recycling plan that could be implemented within 60 days.

II. Body

Companies can easily integrate Paper recycling into their normal business operations. One of the first
steps is placing Recycling Bins next to employees desks. In addition the most successful programs
conduct Seminars to educate employee. They also hire an Office Recycling Coordinator to facilitate the
program. Some examples include the following:

 Bank of america initiated a program that grew from recycling 1,400 tons per year of computer
and white paper to nearly fifteen thousand tons within 20 years. This Program saved nearly 500
thousand dollars in trash hauling fees.

 Hewlett Packard was able to divert 91 million pounds of Solid Waste, including 43 million
pounds of Paper. H-P vice president william morris said that it saved more than 367,000 trees!

Our Vice President agrees with me that setting up a Office Recycling Program doesn't happen
over night. It usually involves finding motivated employees, and educating the Office Staff. It may also
require a Capitol investment in recycling bins.

A successful paper recycling plan will work best if we keep it very, very simple. First however we will
need top Managements support. We must also provide sufficient instructions on what to put in, and
what to keep out. We will need surveys, interviews and inspections to see how the Plan is working.
Because the recycling bins and trash cans must be clean and items sorted properly we will need
monitors checking to be sure every one is following instrutions.

III. Conclusion

Paper recycling is relatively easy to do, we just need to make a committment. We could start with 5 of
our 15 offices to work out the best procedures. If you all agree I will meet with the CEO within 1 week. If
Management supports the idea our goal should be to start a Program within 2 months. Our Companies
disposal costs can decrease dramatically and we can help the Environment as well. Let's do it!

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