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Present Councillor A. Brian Councillor P. Brown Councillor D. Cook Councillor K. Cook Councillor L. Gettings Councillor S. Jones Councillor S. Kimberley Councillor P. May Councillor S. Morley Councillor P. Pearson Councillor L. Rawson Councillor C. Taylor

One member of the public was in attendance and addressed the meeting regarding problems with under-age drinking and resulting litter at Flossmore Park. A further complaint about grass cutting/tree maintenance in the area was also made and Councillor May confirmed she had already passed such a complaint to Councillor Finnigan. Councillor Finnigan advised he would arrange an on-site meeting with the contractors responsible, not Leeds City Council. 55.0 Apologies for Absence 55.1 There were no apologies for absence. 56.0 Anti Social Behaviour/Policing Issues 56.1 It was agreed the amount of time spent discussing these matters would in future be limited to 15 minutes whenever possible. 56.2 The police confirmed they were aware of the situation at Flossmore Park and added that the nearby brownhills had become a meeting place for local young people, as well as young people from Drighlington and Beeston. It would be made a priority for the following 4 weeks. 56.3 The police had nothing to report concerning the Methodist Church and as no further incidents had been reported, would remove this item from the list of priorities. 56.4 P.C.S.O. Tom Doolan reported on recent events/incidents and confirmed there was nowhere for under-age drinkers to buy alcohol in the village. 56.5 Councillor Pearson advised that illegal parking by Griffin customers was still ongoing but further advised that as nothing had been done to resolve the matter, she would not raise the matter again. In response, however, Tom advised that 4 tickets had been issued. 57.0 Chairs Remarks 57.1 The latest contact list for Councillors was circulated/amended as necessary. 57.2 Councillor Gettings advised a resident had a planted 12 Christmas tree for disposal but it was agreed this was too small to be used as the annual village tree. 58.0 Minutes of Meeting held on 7 June 2011

58.1 The Minutes were agreed to be a true and accurate record. 59.0 Correspondence 59.1 Councillor Gettings listed the correspondence received and drew attention to the following: 59.2 Notification of a meeting with Nicky Greening, to be held on 19 July 2011 at the Childrens Centre, to discuss setting up a neighbourhood plan for the Moorlands and Spring Banks. 59.3 Various playground equipment literature. 59.4 A request for support for a proposal by Leiston Town Council under the Sustainable Communities Act to require applicants of major developments to attend a meeting of the local Town or Parish Council or a duly called town meeting to answer questions on the application for development. Support was agreed. 59.5 Receipt of P.C.S.O. Contract 1.04.2011 - 31 March 2012. 59.6 Details of a new local initiative by Crimestoppers, an independent charity, together with a request for a grant towards their work in West Yorkshire. Following discussion, it was agreed 100 would be sent and that details of Crimestoppers would be included in the next Newsletter. 59.7 Notification, taken from LCCs Future Works on the Highway, of temporary traffic lights as required for 8 weeks from 11.07.11 to 06.11.07 at St. Bernards Mill. 59.8 Email received from Councillor Finnigan re. funding of a bench in Gildersome Cemetery and following discussion it was agreed the Parish Council would contribute 250 to the purchase of a metal seat of the type already installed around the village. 59.9 Councillor May advised she had received an email from one of the residents at Branch End, stating that although residents were responsible for the grass, the area of land was the responsibility of Leeds City Council. However, as Councillor Finnigan believed the land to be privately owned, he agreed to check again.. 60.0 Diamond Jubilee 2012 60.1 See Item 64.2. 61.0 Areas of Concern 61.1 See Item 59.9. 61.2 Councillor Brown reported that a local resident had tidied and planted, at her own expense, the area adjacent to the stone bus stop at the top of Forest Bank and enquired about funding to cover the cost. She was, however, advised that the Parish Council had never made any payment for work independently carried out, but it was suggested that perhaps the Action Group might. 62.0 Gildersome Playground 62.1 Councillor Pearson reported on the meeting held on 23 June 2011 with Vicky Nunns of Parks & Countryside, which had been very constructive. Vicky felt she could get a better price for the equipment that was required and also help in securing the grant, which had been submitted and was now under consideration. 62.2 This was confirmed by Councillor Finnigan, who further advised that work would begin in the Autumn with completion for Christmas - depending upon the weather. 63.0 Grit Bin Provision 63.1 Following receipt of Leeds City Councils current list of grit bins/locations from Councillor Finnigan, it was agreed to check whether these bins were in fact sited in

the best possible places before any decision was made on new locations for any additional bins. 63.2 Discussion followed and it was agreed that 4 bins could be purchased but Councillors were reminded that Leeds City Council would charge around 35 to refill each bin. Following discussion it was agreed to order 4 grit bins and Councillor Finnigan suggested different coloured bins to the existing yellow ones, so that residents would be aware of the Parish Councils contribution. 63.3 Councillor Finnigan confirmed no-one could be sued following accidents after snow clearing. 64.0 Action Plan Update 64.1 Policing Issues See Item 56.0. 64.2 Future Events Diamond Jubilee - After discussion, it was agreed to keep any celebration on the actual Diamond Jubilee weekend to a minimum, as there would be many local events but it was suggested a combined scarecrow event could be planned for late June/early July with a Royal theme. Councillors were, however, asked to consider how the Jubilee could be marked and report back at the next meeting. Literary Festival, 8-15 October 2011 - Councillor Gettings advised that an event would again be held in Gildersome, although it was as yet undecided as to the author. 64.2 (b) Councillor Cook thanked everyone for their help and assistance with the Scarecrow Trail and advised that despite the very wet weather, around 800 had been made. Discussion followed and it was agreed to send a letter to the Conservative Club and make donations of 50 each to the two local primary schools, the Scouts and Kaleidoscope. A letter of thanks had already been sent to Mrs Joyce Davis of Birchfield School and her team of maypole dancers. It was further agreed that the amount of profit would be included in the next Newsletter and Councillor Cook confirmed that whatever money was raised went back into the village. It was suggested that a lightweight petrol strimmer be purchased and Councillor Kimberley agreed to look into the possible purchase of a barbecue. 64.3 Footpaths - Ongoing. 64.4 Publicity Board - Ongoing. 64.5 Sponsorship - Ongoing. 64.6 The Meeting Hall - Ongoing. 64.7 Bottle Bank Area - It was agreed to order a seat for this area. 65.0 Planning 65.1 Councillor Cook gave details of planning applications and decisions and advised that the application for the fish and chip restaurant on Gelderd Road had been turned down. 65.2 Councillor May reported on the meeting she and Councillor Jones had attended regarding the proposed development of land off Asquith Avenue/Dean Wood. The matter had been raised previously at a time when the new roundabout was still under construction but as this was now considered to be working well, it seemed that only a technical matter would halt the application. 66.0 Finance 66.1 The Parish Clerk advised that the balance on the Parish Councils current bank account currently stood at 18301.70 with 3 cheques to sign: Delta Printers/Scarecrow Programmes S. Leeman/Printer Paper, Punched Pockets 206.00 21.00

S. Leeman/June Pay 172.17 (nothing due regarding Tax/NI as there was an overpayment in tax year 2010/11.) 66.2 3 cheques were sent earlier in the month: C. Taylor/PA System, Microphone stands/lead 279.19 P. May/2 x hand held microphones 213.00 Beeches/planting Mill Lane 354.00 67.0 Application for Grants 67.1 There were no applications for Grants. 68.0 Date of Next Meeting

68.1 The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, 6 September 2011 at 7.00 p.m. in the Meeting Hall.

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