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Business phone call

Semana: 2

Nombre del estudiante:

Sussethe Lismely Flores Urbina 62111200
Gerson Obed Quintanilla 62141135
Josue Onan Muñoz Muñoz 617111372

Sede de estudio:

Miss. Astrid Sierra

V5747 ingles V

Fecha de entrega:
October 23, 2023

Role-play: Business Phone Call


Josue, owner of the Moda Elegante clothing store, calls Gerson, the owner of the clothing
company. And I am Sussethe, I am a marketing consultant and I have the desire to be
advising Josue in this collaboration and telling them key terms of activities that must be
carried out.

Josue: Hello, good afternoon. Are you talking to Mr. Gerson from the garment factory?

Gerson: Yes, that's right. This is Mr. Gerson. Would you mind telling me how I can help

Josue: Nice to meet you, Mr. Gerson. I'm Josue, owner of the Moda Elegante clothing
store. I am in the country on business and I must make you a proposal. I am interested in
establishing a collaboration with your company to supply our store with your clothing line.

Gerson: Hello, Joshua. Nice to meet you. We are always open to new partnerships. Could
you give me a little more information about your store and what type of clothing you are
looking for? And if you don't mind, provide me with more information for approval.

Josue: Of course. Moda Elegante is a women's clothing boutique located in the city center.
We specialize in high quality and exclusive design clothing. We are interested in carrying
your line of casual and formal clothing.

Sussethe: Hello everyone! I'm Sussethe and I'm advising Josue on marketing and design.
Mr. Gerson, I am pleased to greet you and if we achieve this business we must work as a
team with willpower and at the same time applying strategies. Is there any specific
marketing strategy that your company has in mind for this collaboration, gentlemen?

Gerson: Hello, Sussethe! I really appreciate your interest in marketing strategy. I think it
would be essential to make the most of social networks and organize launch events to
promote the new line. I also think that we must be very clear about the possibility of
meeting in person to give better details.

Josue: That sounds great, Mr. Gerson. Sussethe has been providing creative ideas in this
regard, and I am sure that together we can achieve an effective campaign and to achieve
this we must work as a team.

Sussethe: I agree, Josue. An impactful launch campaign can generate great interest in the
new clothing line. If you care, when we meet, I can bring many marketing ideas that I am
sure you will like and therefore approve.
Gerson: I'm glad to hear that. I believe that by working together we can achieve great
things. Josue, would you mind telling us the time that you can come to my office together
with Sussethe for full approval of the business. Would you like to schedule a meeting to
discuss more details?

Josue: Of course, Mr. Gerson. What do you think about next Wednesday at 10 in the
morning in your office?

Gerson: That schedule seems perfect to me, just remember you have to bring your ideas for
approval. I'll be waiting for you.

Sussethe: Excellent, Mr. Gerson. We are looking forward to this collaboration and believe
that together we can achieve a lot. And believe me, we are interested in this alliance and it
will be a successful business.

Josue: Thank you for this opportunity, Mr. Gerson. We are excited to work with your
company. See you on Wednesday.

Gerson: The pleasure is ours, Josue and Sussethe. See you next week. Remember we must
be responsible. See you soon!

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