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Meeting at the airport

Semana: 6

Nombre del estudiante:

Sussethe Lismely Flores Urbina 62111200
Gerson Obed Quintanilla 62141135
Josue Onan Muñoz Muñoz 617111372

Sede de estudio:

Miss. Astrid Sierra

V5747 ingles V

Fecha de entrega:
November 20, 2023

Role-play: Meeting at the airport


Step 1
Josue: Hello, good afternoon! Are you waiting for a flight?
Sussethe: Yes, I'm waiting for the flight to Buenos Aires. I'm Sussethe, and you?
Josue: Nice to meet you, I'm Josue and I'm also waiting for the flight to Buenos Aires.
Gerson: Delighted, Joshua! I'm Gerson. My girlfriend Sussethe and I love Buenos Aires,
what a coincidence! What takes you there?
Josue: I'm going to visit some friends and explore the city. And you?
Sussethe: I'm going for work, but I hope to have time to explore the city a bit. Have you
been to Buenos Aires before?
Josue: No, it's my first time. Any place you recommend I visit?
Gerson: Definitely, the La Boca neighborhood is very picturesque, you will love it! You
also can't miss the obelisk and the atmosphere in Palermo.
Sussethe: Definitely, the La Boca neighborhood is very picturesque, you will love it! You
also can't miss the obelisk and the atmosphere in Palermo.
Josue: Sounds great, I'll write it down! How much time will you be there?
Gerson: I'll be there for a week, my girlfriend if she would stay one more week.
Sussethe: If I will be in Buenos Aires for 15 days, I want to walk around and not neglect
the work visit.
Josue: Me too, maybe we can meet and share some travel experiences!
Sussethe: It looks like our flight is about to board. It was a pleasure meeting you, Joshua.
Have a great trip and enjoy Buenos Aires!
Josue: Likewise, young people. Good luck on your work trip and see you in Buenos Aires!
Gerson: We'll see each other there; we'll exchange numbers to reach an agreement there.
Step 2
Josue: Good afternoon, young people. I am in charge of verifying your documentation and
assisting with your luggage. Could you show me your tickets and passport please?
Sussethe: Sure! Here is my passport and flight tickets.
Gerson: there they both go, along with mine and my girlfriend's, please verify them.
Josue: Everything seems to be in order, Young People. Could you follow me to weigh and
label your luggage?
Gerson: right now, we follow him to proceed with the weight of our luggage, although we
had already weighed it
Josue: Please place your suitcase on the scale. Perfect, now I will label your luggage with
your name and flight information.
Josue: Your luggage is ready to be shipped. Is there anything else I can help you with
before your flight?
Gerson: No, I think everything is fine. Thanks for your help!
Sussethe: I thank you very much young man.
Josue: It has been a pleasure assisting you! I wish you an excellent flight.
Sussethe: Thank you! See you there!

Step 3
Sussethe: Hello! Excuse me, could you help me with something?
Gerson: if we need your help, please.
Josue: Of course! How can I help you?
Sussethe: We are looking for the management of a theater here in Buenos Aires. It's called
"Teatro Colón." Do you know how to get there from the airport?
Josue: Yes, of course. The Teatro Colón is a jewel of the city. To get there from here, you
can take a taxi that will take you directly. There are also buses that could serve you if you
prefer public transportation.
Gerson: Perfect, could you give me the exact address to tell the taxi driver?
Josue: Sure, the address is Cerrito 628, in the San Nicolás neighborhood. It is a truly
impressive place; you will surely enjoy the visit!
Gerson: Great! Thanks so much for the help. Do you know if there are any special
performances today?
Sussethe: Yes love, they have an opera performance tonight. It looks like we'll arrive just
in time to enjoy it!
Gerson: That sounds amazing! If my love had forgotten the truth!
Josue: Have a wonderful experience at the Teatro Colón.
Step 4
Sussethe: Hello, could you help me with some questions about tonight's performance?
Josue: Of course! I am here to help you. How can I guide you?
Sussethe: What time does the play end tonight?
Josue: The performance is scheduled to end around 10 p.m.
Gerson: How much does the play program cost?
Josue: The program costs 200 Argentine pesos.
Gerson: So, it would be 400 Argentine pesos, right, because I'm inviting my girlfriend.
How long is the intermission?
Josue: The intermission is approximately 20 minutes.
Sussethe: Would it be possible to move to a better seat if there are some vacancies?
Josue: Sure, let me check. Yes, there are some seats available further forward. I can take
you there if you want.
Sussethe: Where are the bathrooms?
Josue: The bathrooms are located on the right as you leave the main room. There is signage
to guide you.
Sussethe: Perfect! Thanks for your help.
Josue: No problem, I hope you enjoy the show!
Sussethe: Love, are you enjoying the show?
Gerson: My love, everything is very beautiful, it reminds me of the first days when we
secretly escaped together.
Sussethe: Yes, my love, these are different times, let's enjoy the work. Focus.

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