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Japanese Office Words and

This section covers the words and vocabulary related to Japanese office.

Do you know what are the different positions in a Japanese company? Japan is a
country where people are very particular about status in the company.

Whenever I watch a Japanese drama, I always like to see how each person is being
addressed and what role he/she is playing in a typical Japanese company.

Unless the person holds a high post and has one's own room, the normal setup of
an Japanese office is usually an open concept with no partitions, regardless of the
There is not much privacy as seen in other countries where personal cubicle is a

Well, besides various positions, the specific terms used in an Japanese office are
interesting too.

Let's begin the word list in the following.

Hiragana or
Kanji Romaji Meaning
1. 会社 かいしゃ kaisha Office / Company / Corporation / Firm
2. 会社員 かいしゃいん kaisha in Office Worker
かぶしきがいし kabu shiki Public Company / Joint-stock
3. 株式会社
ゃ gaisha Corporation
ゆうげんがいし yuugen
4. 有限会社 Limited Company
ゃ gaisha
5. 企業 きぎょう kigyou Enterprise / Company
Big Enterprise / Well-established
6. 大手企業 おおてきぎょう oote kigyou
ちゅうしょうき chuushou
7. 中小企業 Small to Medium Enterprise
ぎょう kigyou
8. 営業部 えいぎょうぶ eigyou bu Sales Department
9. 開発部 かいはつぶ kaihatsu bu Development Department
10. 人事部 じんじぶ jinji bu Human Resources Department
11. 総務部 そうむぶ soumu bu General Affairs Department
12. 事務所 じむしょ jimu sho Office
13. 事務員 じむいん jimu in Office Clerk
14. 従業員 juugyou in Employee / Worker

15. 社長 しゃちょう sha chou Company President
fuku sha
16. 副社長 ふくしゃちょう Vice President
17. 部長 ぶちょう bu chou Department Manager
18. 課長 かちょう ka chou Section Manager
19. 係長 かかりちょう kakari chou Group Leader / Unit Head
20. 専務 せんむ senmu Executive Director
Sou shihai
21. 総支配人 そうしはいにん General Manager
tori shimari
22. 取締役 とりしまりやく Company Director / Board Member
23. 上司 じょうし joushi Superior / Boss
24. 部下 ぶか buka Subordinate
25. 派遣会社 はけんがいしゃ haken gaisha Temporary Worker Agency
26. 派遣社員 はけんしゃいん haken shain Temporary Worker
27. 同僚 どうりょう dou ryou Colleague / Coworker
28. 判子 はんこ hanko Personal Seal
29. 印鑑 いんかん inkan Personal Seal
30. 企画書 きかくしょ kikaku sho Project Proposal
31. 新製品 しんせいひん shin seihin New Product
32. 書類 しょるい shorui Document
33. 受付 うけつけ uke tsuke Reception Area / Information Area
34. 面接 めんせつ mensetsu Interview
通勤ラッ つうきんラッシ
35. tsukin rasshu Commuter Rush
シュ ュ
36. 残業 ざんぎょう zan gyou Overtime Work
37. 出張 しゅっちょう shucchou Business Trip
ゆうきゅうきゅ yuukyuu
38. 有給休暇 Paid Leave
うか kyuuka
39. 給料 きゅうりょう kyuuryou Salary / Wage / Pay
40. ボーナス bo-nasu Bonus
41. 年金 ねんきん nenkin Annuity / Pension
42. 保険 ほけん hoken Insurance
43. 名刺 めいし meishi Business Card / Name Card
44. 欠勤 けっきん kekkin Absence from Work
kekkin Report of Absence / Notice of
45. 欠勤届 けっきんとどけ
todoke Absence
46. 辞表 じひょう jihyou Letter of Resignation
47. お客さん おきゃくさん okyaku san Guest / Customer / Visitor
Messrs (Addressing the other
48. 御中 おんちゅう onchuu
company at the beginning of letter)
Sincerely Yours (Used at the end of
49. 敬具 けいぐ keigu
50. 会議 かいぎ kaigi Meeting
51. 会議室 かいぎしつ kaigi shitsu Meeting Room
52. コンピューター konpyu-ta- Computer
53. パソコン pasokon Personal Computer
54. プリンター purinta- Printer
55. コピー機 コピーき kopi-ki Photocopier
56. ファクス fakusu Fax Machine / Facsimile
57. 電話 でんわ denwa Telephone

The above is the word list related to Japanese office. I hope that you find them
useful. I will add to the list after I have collected more words related to Japanese

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