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1026 外交事務翻譯

1. Before COVID-19, figuring out whether a sore throat, fever, and runny nose

were caused by a cold, flu, or strep wasn’t a top priority. During the pandemic,

however, at-home test kits became household products, and most people are by

now adept at squeezing out a few drops of solution onto a card, sticking a swab

up their nose, swirling the swab in the testing liquid, and waiting for a result.

There is a downside to more DIY testing, however. The results are essentially

invisible to public health authorities, so they don’t have a clear picture of how

many people are getting sick, and where. Such diagnostic testing may follow the

example of pregnancy testing, which for decades could only be done at a doctor’s

office with blood and urine samples and can now be done at home with an

inexpensive urine stick. We’re living in a revolution in diagnostics.

在 COVID-19 爆發前,判斷喉嚨痛、發燒和流鼻涕是由感冒、流感還是連鎖








2. Be in no doubt that Hamas’s murderous assault has blown up the status quo
between Israel and the Palestinians. The coming weeks will determine whether

war in Gaza sinks the Middle East deeper into chaos or whether, despite Hamas’s

atrocities, Israel can begin to create the foundations for regional stability—and,

one day, peace. Israeli officials—and President Joe Biden—have taken to

comparing Hamas to Islamic State, or ISIS. Israeli strategists must therefore start

thinking about how to create the conditions for life alongside the Palestinians,

however remote that seems today. All those elements may have a part: a short

period of martial law in Gaza, a search for Palestinian leaders acceptable to both

sides, and the good offices of Arab intermediaries. The only way to eradicate

Hamas is for Israel and its Arab allies to create stability—and, one day, peace










3. 去年南韓各項金融業務當中,自動提款機占比只有 14%左右。南韓民眾


使用手機匯中秋禮金的人,呈現逐年增加趨勢,2021 年和 2022 年的使用次

數,分別比前一年增加了 39%和 17%。隨著金融科技產業發展,預計未來使




In various financial transactions in South Korea last year, ATMs accounted for only

about 14%. South Korean people mostly use credit cards or mobile payments for

almost everything, except for red-and-white envelopes, so it seems like they

don't have many opportunities to withdraw cash, and the absence of ATMs

doesn't cause inconvenience. According to internet banking operators, the

number of people using mobile transfers for Mid-Autumn Festival gifts has been

increasing year by year, with a 39% increase in usage in 2021 and a 17% increase

in 2022 compared to the previous year. With the development of the financial

technology industry, it is expected that more people will use mobile transfers in

the future. For some vulnerable groups not familiar with digital finance, banks say

they will still maintain ATM locations in areas without physical bank branches.

The ATMs still in service are also gradually introducing facial recognition systems.

4. 由於以色列極右翼政府多年來不斷擴大約旦河西岸(West Bank)的屯
墾區,侵占巴勒斯坦人的家園,加薩走廊(Gaza Strip)的巴勒斯坦準政府及

軍事組織「哈瑪斯」(Hamas),也在當地時間 7 日凌晨襲擊以色列,雙方

衝突至今已造成逾 2400 人死亡。對此,美國哈佛大學 34 個學生團體隨後也


曼(Bill Ackman)等企業 CEO 卻揚言要向哈佛大學索取這些學生的名單,以


5 個哈佛學生團體迫於無奈撤回了批評以色列的聲明。

Due to Israel's far-right government's continuous expansion of settlements in the

West Bank and the occupation of Palestinian homes, the Palestinian semi-

government and military organization, Hamas, in the Gaza Strip, launched an

attack on Israel on the morning of the 7th. The conflict between the two sides has

resulted in over 2,400 casualties to date. In response, 34 student groups at

Harvard University in the United States issued a joint statement, holding the far-

right Israeli government responsible. Surprisingly, prominent business CEOs like Bill

Ackman of Wall Street threatened to obtain the names of these students from

Harvard University to potentially avoid hiring them in the future.

Now, amid the strong condemnation within the politically charged atmosphere of

American society, at least five Harvard student groups reluctantly withdrew their

criticism of Israel.

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