Causes and Effects Essay - Official

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“Global warming is considered to be one of the most alarming issues of our

society nowadays. In a short essay, discuss its causes and effects”.

I. introduction:

1. Give background information:

-“Something has been a major topic of concern in today’s era/in today’s


->Global warming has been ……today’s society.

2. Paraphrase the question:

-Use synonyms/ antonyms.

-Change the components inside the sentence.

-Change the word form.

3. Outline statement: (state what you are going to write in your essay).

-This issue /phenomenon/ problem/ trend is attributable to many/various

factors in life, and it certainly leads to a number of

significant/profound/great/ inevitable impacts/ influences/ consequences.

-there are some ways for you to start your outline statement:

The above phenomenon which is proven to be more and more severe

(serious) in this developed world is attributable to (xuất phát từ) many

factors in life and certainly leads to/ causes/ triggers/ results in (dẫn

đến) a lot of/ a number of inevitable/ unavoidable consequences. A

number of its root/ primary/ prominent causes and its effects will be

clearly/ specifically clarified/ illustrated/ demonstrated/ analyzed in the

following essay/ as follows.

(->In the following essay, I will specifically illustrate a number of root

causes and effects of the above phenomenon).

(clarify= illustrate= demonstrate= analyze).

“Global warming has been a major topic of concern in today’s era. This

natural phenomenon which is proven to be more and more severe

nowadays is attributable to various factors in life and certainly leads to

a lot of serious effects on our lives. A number of root causes and effects of

this issue will be specifically clarified/ illustrated as follows.

II. Body:

1. Body 1: causes

*Line 1: topic sentence

Some linking words: initially, to begin with, to embark with, to start

with, in the first place, first and foremost,…

-Initially/ first of all, reasons for the stated issue vary

-Initially, the above serious issue is rooted in numerous different

reasons/ causes.

*Line 2: cause 1:

-The main/ primary/ root cause of “…ST..” is…(that + clause)..

Ex: One of the main causes of global warming is from human’s


*Line 3: examples and details to explain for the 1st cause.

*Line 4: cause 2:

-Another root cause which should be mentioned here is (cause 2).

-The above phenomenon is also a clear result of “cause 2”.

-the stated issue/ problem is also rooted in “cause 2”

-Another contributing factor which should be mentioned here is


*Line 5: use examples and details to explain for the 2nd cause.

*Line 6: conclude and link to another paragraph.

Obviously (Clearly, apparently, undoubtedly, evidently), the

phenomenon is caused by various factors.

2. Body 2: EFFECTS

-Line 1: topic sentence.

+Virtually, numerous effects derive from the above phenomenon.

+Consequently/ As a consequence, there are a lot of/ a number of/

plenty of/ numerous negative effects that will arise.

+As a result/ virtually, there will undoubtedly/obviously be some

negative/ adverse impacts/ influences.

-Line 2: effect 1.

+The most obvious outcome is “effect 1”

+The first and foremost negative impact of the above problem is (that)

“effect 1”.

-Line 3: examples, details to explain for effect 1.

-Line 4: effect 2.

+Another consequence is that “effect 2”.

+ “effect 2” is another inevitable/ unavoidable result of the above


“Another evident/obvious/apparent consequence resulted in global

warming is that inhabitants will definitely suffer from numerous

natural disasters”.

-> -Line 5: examples and details to explain for 2nd effect.

-Line 6: Conclude the 2nd paragraph.

III. Conclusion:
Overall, to briefly recapitulate, eventually, finally, to conclude, in


-“The existing data provides a concrete foundation to conclude that

“something” is an outrageously serious issue.

-It is true that all the above factors trigger/ lead to/ cause the stated

problem/ phenomenon.

“in conclusion, all the of the above-mentioned causes and effects

already shed light on how serious this environmental issue is and all

should be taken into consideration to mitigate/prevent this issue from

being worse.

Take something into consideration= take something into account.

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