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BIO Web of Conferences 97, 00015 (2024)

ISCKU 2024

Biomimicry as a sustainable solution in Architecture: Analytical

Ebtihal Ali Hussein1∗ and Oday Abbas Abbood2
1,2Architectural Engineering department, University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq

Abstract. Nature has been the primary inspiration for architecture since its very beginnings, and there are
many facets and levels of this inspiration in architecture, starting from the stage of direct imitation of the
formal aspects and proportions, passing through the aspects of masses and construction, all the way to the
deep levels and principles upon which nature is based and achieving its sustainability. Therefore, the
architecture, in the current time and for future times, is directed towards simulating the deep aspects of
biological systems and taking advantage of their features, such as self-organization, adaptation, flexibility,
and efficiency, in a way that achieves the desired goal of architecture, which is its sustainability. This is also
through the emergence of the term (biomimetic), which the research focuses on for its ability to combine
biology and architecture. From a review of the literature that dealt with this term, the research problem
emerged as “the lack of clarity about biomimicry as a strategy aims at achieving aspects of
sustainability.”Hence, the research objective was defined by determining the possibility of benefiting from
the trend of biomimicry as a tool and strategy for achieving sustainability while studying its applications in
design and architecture. To achieve the research objective, a descriptive and analytical approach was
adopted, in addition to several procedural steps, the first related to the theoretical aspects of the topic and
building a theoretical framework for it. The second step was the practical study by analyzing a few approved
projects. The last (third) procedural step was to draw results and conclusions. The research reached several
conclusions that reflect the role of adopting the biomimetic approach in enhancing the efficiency and
effectiveness of architecture and its sustainability and emphasizing the achievement of architecture
responsive to environmental conditions by enhancing its natural systems to increase their efficiency and
suitability to the requirements of development. The research also concluded that this approach will
determine the path of contemporary and future architecture by approaching biological principles with
architectural principles.

1 Introduction
Buildings are functionally a shelter as a physical containment for a person within his environment. This relationship has
taken different paths and styles since architecture began as a response to its environment, passing through it being an
artistic expression that mimics nature, all the way to what the relationship of architecture is witnessing today to imitate
nature accurately. The presence of nature with the development of materials used in construction and design helped
building structures to be more dynamic and mimic the elements of nature. The process of imitating or imitating nature,
also known as biomimetic, involves finding creative solutions to design problems in architecture at several levels: some
of which are related to the processes of imitating the forms found in nature, and some of which are related to imitating its
functions and environmental systems in a way that confronts design challenges more sustainably and effectively. To be
frameworks for nature's working systems and thus a productive and inspiring tool for reimagining the built world.
By presenting biomimetic as a design strategy that achieves aspects of sustainability, which is what the research seeks
in order to form its own theoretical framework. For this purpose, the research used the descriptive analytical method,
which includes a set of steps. They start with clarifying the term biomimetic and its aspects that achieve sustainability
within levels, then these levels are investigated by following up on the latest specialized studies and analyzing them to
extract the vocabulary and indicators of the theoretical framework. Then examine those aspects on selected samples within
the application, and finally, results and conclusions are presented.

∗ Corresponding author:

© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License 4.0 (
BIO Web of Conferences 97, 00015 (2024)
ISCKU 2024

2 Theoretical Framework and Methodology

2.1 Reasons to Approaching between Architecture and Nature

Architecture has continually drawn inspiration from nature. Bio-pluralism, which involves incorporating natural elements
into design, has been present since the creation of man-made environments and continues to be relevant today. For
instance, the ancient Greeks and Romans incorporated natural motifs, such as columns inspired by trees, into their designs.
Similarly, the intricate patterns found in ancient and Byzantine Arabesque surfaces were influenced by the stylized forms
of lichen plants. [1]
Organic architecture uses geometric forms inspired by nature to reconnect man with his surroundings. Kendrick Bangs
Kellogg, an organic architect, believes, "Above all, organic architecture should constantly remind us not to take Mother
Nature for granted - to work with her and let her guide your life. prevent it, and mankind will be the loser. ” [2] This
aligns with another guiding principle, which is that the model should follow the flow and not work against the dynamic
forces of nature. [3]

2.2 Characteristics of Linking to Nature for Architecture

When discussing architecture's relationship with nature, there are numerous aspects to consider. Organic structures found
in living nature offer a multitude of benefits that can be applied in the field of architecture. Some of these advantages

2.2.1 Sustainability

In the late 20th and early 21st centuries, several architectural trends emerged with the goal of achieving sustainability by
adapting to the natural environment. One significant trend is the simulation of nature, which aligns with the concept of
sustainable development defined by the World Commission on Environment and Development in their report "Our
Common Future." This concept aims to meet the needs of the present without sacrificing the ability of future generations
to meet their own needs. This definition highlights two crucial elements.
First: ensuring the rights of the present generation without compromising the rights of future generations.
Second: protecting the natural resources and ecosystems for the benefit of both present and future generations. [4]
Perhaps "Sustainability”, as it relates to the environment, involves leaving the land in a good or improved condition after
development, in order to meet the needs of future generations. This requires responsible development practices that do
not deplete natural resources and cause environmental degradation. The most important sustainability goals are based on
ecology - the science that studies the relationship of organisms to the environment [5] and social and cultural influences.
To achieve sustainability, it requires a reduction in the use of resources and energy.[6]
Environmental researcher David W. Orr has divided sustainability into two categories: environmental and technological.
While both aim to achieve sustainability, they differ in their approaches. Environmental sustainability focuses on
preserving and protecting natural resources, such as ecosystems, minimizing waste, regulating climate, producing food,
and managing resources [7]. On the other hand, technological sustainability involves using technology to transform
resources into useful products while also incorporating scientific and design principles to align with human needs and the
visions of designers in creating sustainable designs for the future [8].

2.2.2 Efficiency Formal Efficiency

It is noted that nature's designs use the functional form and rely on the typical geometric design (design fractal ) where
beauty is hidden, and the design may extend without planning (Fig.1-A).[9]It also relies on network organization rather
than linear (Fig.1-B).[10] Do not use borders and sharp edges (Fig.1-C). A variety of non-orthogonal shapes and design
methods are used in construction to ensure maximum structural efficiency (Fig.1-C ) and(Fig.1-D ).[11]

Fig.1. A /The use of the octagonal style in the design of The Castel Del Monte, Source: , B /The use of
grid organization in the geodesic dome of Buckminster Fuller, Source:, C /The museum path inside the

BIO Web of Conferences 97, 00015 (2024)
ISCKU 2024

Guggenheim Museum, Source:, D /The suitability of the Guggenheim's shape for the museum path
inside it, and the smoothness of its shape and its lack of dependence on sharp edges, Source: Structural Efficiency

In nature, we can observe the use of ordered and hierarchical structural systems. These systems rely on diversity,
adaptability, flexibility, and dynamism. They are present at all levels, from the atom to the galaxy (see Fig.2).

Fig. 2. The use of the square as a repetitive unit, its use in structural construction and in the interior and architectural
design of the Benik Library Building at Yale University, source: Eco-efficiency

Natural systems respect ecological boundaries, adapting to time and space. Nature designs respond to the
variety of environmental factors that affect them (Fig.3-A).[12] It relies on natural sources, especially sunlight
(Fig.3-B).[12] It also remains in equilibrium with the surrounding bioclimate (Fig.3-B) (Fig.3-C).

Fig. 3. A /The response of moving panels on the facade to the sun , to provide comfort to users in the CH2 building,
Source: , B / The process of generating energy in the building and how to gain
and lose heat during the day in the CH2 building, Source: ,C /The process of
generating energy in the building and how to gain and lose heat at night in the CH2 building, Source:

BIO Web of Conferences 97, 00015 (2024)
ISCKU 2024 Material Efficiency

Natural systems rely on full recycling, where the waste of some species is food for others , which helps to achieve the
concept of zero waste ((Zero Waste). They also use the necessary materials and avoid overuse. Nature's designs rely on
reducing and minimizing rather than maximizing, by using fewer materials while optimizing function and creation.

3 Biomimicry
There are numerous concepts related to drawing inspiration from nature, and one example is biomimicry, as defined by
Vincent [13]. According to The Institute of Biomimicry, biomimicry is an innovative approach that aims to find
sustainable solutions to human challenges by imitating patterns and strategies that have been successful over time. This
involves creating new products, processes, and policies that are well-suited for long-term survival on Earth. The
underlying concept is that nature has already solved many of our problems, and animals, plants, and microbes have served
as the architects through billions of years of research and development. Failures in nature are preserved as fossils, and the
key to survival is all around us [14].
3.1 Simulation Levels

According to Zari, there are three levels of biomimicry: organism, behavior, and ecosystem, which can be studied through
existing biomimetic techniques. Each of these levels is further divided into five dimensions: appearance (Figure),
composition (Material), method (Construction), movement (Process), and purpose (Function) (Fig.4) [15]. The simulation
levels are categorized into organism, behavior, and ecosystem, and will be further elaborated on below.

1- Organism Level: This level involves simulating a specific organism, such as a plant or animal [16], and can
include simulating either a part or the entire organism [15].
2- Behavior Level: At this level, the focus is on simulating or translating an aspect of an organism's behavior [15],
such as how it behaves to survive or reproduce [16].
3- Ecosystem Level: This level involves simulating a particular ecosystem and its successful functioning [16], as
well as identifying the essential elements and principles necessary for its success [15].
3.2 Simulation Dimensions

Each level is divided into five different dimensions [15]:

• Form: This dimension is based on the morphogenetic imitation of a biological organ or system. While there
should be a clear visual similarity between the building envelope and the biological object or system that inspired
it, it is not necessary for the building to have a functional advantage that directly reflects this inspiration [17].
• Materials: In the simulation method, the building is made of the same materials as the thing that it mimics in
nature, or from which the ecosystem in which the building is located or the system that it mimics, is made.
• Construction: The building must be in the same composition or style as the organism or organ, or it must be built
in the same way in which the organism is built in its environment, or how it meets with the rest of the organisms
in the ecosystem.
• Function: This dimension focuses on mimicking the biological mechanism of the organism or system. This
means that the building's interface should prioritize function over form, although it may also share a similar
shape. This is achieved by incorporating the principles of the biological function into the technology used in the
building, or through a process of abstraction and extraction [17].
• Process: While an important aspect of nature simulation, this dimension is not typically found at the level of
individual buildings. Instead, it is more commonly seen in the linkages between buildings at the urban level [17].

Fig. 4. Framework for biomimetic applications, Source: Researcher

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ISCKU 2024

4 Theoretical Framework for the Biomimetic in Architecture

To establish a comprehensive understanding of simulating living natural systems and their sustainability, this study aims
to build an information base and theoretical framework. To achieve this, the study will examine several specialized
studies, including the following:
4.1 (Van der Ryn, 1986) "Van der Ryn, Sim "Sustainable communities: New design synthesis for
cities, 1986

The study referred to ecological design, which means meeting human needs and preserving the natural environment,
including site planning, energy design, gardens, construction...etc. The study clarified the purpose of ecological design,
which is to combine nature and technology, using ecology as a basic basis in design. Strategies for energy conservation,
regeneration and renewal can be applied at different levels of scale to produce a revolution in the forms of buildings,
natural spaces, communities, cities, and the application of technology. Therefore, the study indicated that ecological
design represents a concept about creating unified design solutions and a link between nature, culture, and technology to
integrate and unify human needs. Society in balance with nature. Pointing to the basic processes in ecological design,
which are represented by designing the place and the project with the basic nature of the design. The use of geometry is
not only to organize space and indicate social interactions, but also to create balance with natural spaces.

4.2 ( Jencks , 1997) Jencks, Charles, “The Architecture of the Jumping Universe” , Editions, 1997
The study indicates that there are many attempts to link architecture with nature, starting from the ecological orientation
towards curved and continuous organic forms, and this was reflected in the changes that occurred in the works of the
architect (Rogers). The study indicated that architecture is moving from high techniques to organic techniques, as it is
The basics of organic architecture are its compatibility with the surrounding natural environment and its imitation not
only of the mass formation closest to nature, but also of the flexibility created by the natural environment by enhancing
it with technology and energy economy, and this is what is called the concept. (techno_organic)
4.3 (Yeang, 1999) "The Green Skyscraper: The Basis for Designing Sustainable Intensive Buildings"

The study indicated that the use of passive systems to create a more comfortable indoor environment through bioclimatic
design and how it deals with passive energy design, natural climatic forces, and local conditions to achieve comfort for
building users by: (reducing the high temperature, entering solar radiation through the envelope Exterior, creating natural
ventilation to achieve comfort through techniques used by designing facades, solar control, hanging gardens, using wind
and natural ventilation, and other techniques for passive cooling purposes (such as fountains, or investing in the ground...
4.4 (Norman Foster, 2000) "Analog and Digital Ecology"

The study indicates reliance on natural energy sources, through modern intellectual trends based on the principles of
ecology, using passive systems in architecture that consume less energy and produce less pollutants, and thus reflect the
basic principles on which traditional architecture relied on the economic, climatic, and most importantly, social levels.
Cultural, pointing out that architecture must create its own energy, and this is done by achieving integration between
technologies, materials, and construction processes in building designs to reduce energy use and achieve a sustainable
built environment. The study adopts a technological orientation to achieve sustainability, as most buildings appeared
responsive to functional factors. The local climate and culture are within the site’s parameters, increasing natural lighting
and ventilation and making the most of other natural energies to achieve a sustainable building. So that architecture
becomes integrated at the urban level through compatibility with the context and surrounding environment at the
ecological level through the adoption of passive systems, and at the technological level to achieve a design with high
performance and energy efficiency.
4.5 (Magnoli Gian , 2001) "Design a DNA for responsive architecture."

The study indicates that the ecological ecosystem is characterized by permanence and continuity, as the structural systems
that it consists of continue to function even if an element stops or is destroyed, unlike traditional linear systems that are
not characterized by continuity and permanence, as the system collapses if an element in it collapses. Therefore, the study
showed that structural architecture that mimics the organic structural system is more efficient and sustainable. The study
pointed to examples of modular generation forms and open structure forms that resemble organic structural systems and
are characterized by flexibility and adaptation to the changing needs of users and their effectiveness within the influences
of the climatic environment. Organic forms are distinguished by their ability to respond to the environment similar To
respond to the natural form at the design level as a whole, in the ability to grow and flow like the ability of organic form,
and at the building level, the building envelopes, especially the roofs, took curved and flowing shapes similar to the covers
of living crustaceans, and with kinetic performance to respond to the effects of temperature and solar radiation and create
appropriate ventilation to create an environmental balance. Internal: The study referred to social wealth as the most crucial
wealth that human existence can explore, as it refers to the connections and behavior that constitute the quality and

BIO Web of Conferences 97, 00015 (2024)
ISCKU 2024

quantity of a society’s social interactions. Social wealth is the actual structure of society, while the built environment
represents the natural structure that society can develop.
4.6. (Giles, Harry, 2003) " Structural Hierarchy "

The study revealed that natural forms share a similar structural system, with a focus on distributing forces and
withstanding loads. However, there are variations in their external appearance. This is because natural structures possess
a structural sequence and a gradient characteristic, which are commonly found in nature. These features have proven to
be effective in adapting to and enduring environmental conditions and loads over time. As a result, natural forms exhibit
different shapes and structures based on the specific functions of each organism. The structures are designed to support
and connect with the surrounding materials. These principles can be applied in architecture, utilizing flexible membranes,
suspended systems, crustaceans, pre-voltage systems, and other mechanisms that mimic the behavior of natural
structures. Table 1 shows Summary of the theoretical framework of the aspects and dimensions of biomimicry in

Table1. The theoretical framework of the biomimetic in Architecture

No. Key Vocabulary Secondary Vocabulary Possible values

It is the process of creating a new type of

architecture by combining biological specialization
Definition of the biomimetic with architecture through technology and advanced
strategy materials, where the design process conveys the
ideas of living nature and translates them as
systematic steps of the design process

Harmony and harmony with the surroundings

Energy efficiency

Sustainability aspects achieved Energy efficiency Energy saving efficiency

through the biomimetic strategy Energy generation efficiency
Efficiency of performance and operation
Achieving environmental efficiency
Direct metaphor
Analyze the selection natural system
Indirect metaphor
Inconsistency with the site
Analyze the site and environmental impacts Harmony and coherence with
3 Analysis level the site
Level of openness
Level of Privacy
Analyze the functions of the building
Responding to the idea of
living architecture
Level of the organism's form

Form and morphology level Material Level

Structure Level
Cover Level
Regulation and transfer of
Derivation level of the chosen
4 natural system (model
generation) Water storage
Behavior Energy storage
Air transport
Regulating light exchange
Gas exchange
Absorption of pollutants
Material (recycled to convert
the energy)

BIO Web of Conferences 97, 00015 (2024)
ISCKU 2024

Structure and architecture of

the system

Geometric arrangement of the


Local materials within the site

or place
Relationships between
buildings themselves within
the site

Adopting the simulation of living nature models in

the composition of the structure
Adopting the simulation of the creation systems of
living nature
Deriving and generating structures from biological
Adoption of formal metaphor from living organisms
Adoption of formal simulations
Direct formal imitation
5 Mechanisms for biomimicry Adoption of Adaptive Formal Living Systems
Formal harmony between the built environment and
External Terminations
Internal Terminations
Outer shell
Materials included in architectural elements

Materials included in the structural structure

Topographic site simulation

Integration of shape with constructor function
6 Biomimetic features
Power bearing efficiency and load distribution

5 Practical Study
This paragraph represents the third procedural step related to the analysis of contemporary applied projects, as the study
intended to select two projects. These projects were selected depending on their uniqueness and contextual diversity.

(Form 1: analysis of the researcher according to the theoretical framework) / Source: ArchDaily | Broadcasting
Architecture Worldwide

First Project / Housing tower/ B+U's Housing Tower Rethinks Window DNA , Lima, Peru, 2013

Project outline
and photos

BIO Web of Conferences 97, 00015 (2024)
ISCKU 2024

The conceptual framework of design originated from the ability of

architecture to exist between nature and technology, inspired by natural
patterns, movements, and colors with the goal of creating an interactive and
intelligent object construction.
Sustainability Adapting to the surrounding environment
aspects achieved Efficient performance and operation
through the
biomimetic strategy Energy efficiency
Natural system: natural patterns, rethinking and designing DNA and
applying it to the pattern of multi-story housing.
Site analysis: embodying the beauty of the project through contradiction,
imbalance and distortion with the site instead of homogeneity and softness.

Environmental effects: Vents operate as separators between indoor and

outdoor, responding to environmental forces such as sun and wind. And
Analysis level exploiting potential active exchanges between natural and built

Analysis of the functions of the building: The exterior of the building is a

direct result of the interior spaces and their relationship to specific points in
the city The clear edge of the building is in a state of constant change instead
of marginality and inertia The dining space with large folding glass walls
can be opened to create an outdoor living experience with a rooftop
penthouse with a large swimming pool and a shared garden for residents.
The shape of the organism is inspired by the adaptation of
the outer shell or skin to the surrounding conditions.
The material that makes it is advanced silicon compounds
that blend the properties of materials at the molecular
level and is capable of self-moving and nature simulating
Level of shape Structure and its parts: The exterior of the building is a
Approach to and direct result of the interior spaces and their relationship to
morphology specific points in the city, with linear additions along the
BIOMIMETIC window frames that create a smooth edge of the building,
where they are not a single sharp and traditional state,
rather a state of constant change.
The cover has been transformed into a thin film with gaps
that mimics the pores of the shell and skin of living
Functions: Temperature regulation and transmission –
The level of Behavior Air transfer – light exchange regulation – Gas exchange
derivation of the – Pollutant absorption.
chosen natural Material: Advanced silicon composite materials mixed the
system properties of materials at the molecular level, which
helped reduce gas emissions in buildings and instead
became closer to the performance of adaptable organisms.
The structure and format of the system is a site-cast
concrete panel system that contrasts the modified physical
properties of the concrete shell, with the openings of the
LED transparent articulated fiberglass composite to give
the tower a glow at night.
Geometric arrangement of the system
Local materials within the site or place: Approval of
physically modified materials
The relationships between the buildings themselves
within the site: the project embodied contradiction,
imbalance, and distortion within the site instead of
homogeneity and softness. The moving foci helps to
redefine the built environment due to the effect of the
adaptive living building.
Adoption of adaptive morphological living systems mechanisms
Mechanisms for
Outer shell
Materials included in the structural structure
Biomimetic features Dynamism
Integration of form with the original function

BIO Web of Conferences 97, 00015 (2024)
ISCKU 2024

(Form 2: analysis of the researcher due ot the theoretical framework) / Source: Page not found « (
Second Project / Habitat Building in China Multi-Storey 2020

Project planning
and photos

Sustainability aspects Harmony and coherence with the surroundings

achieved through the Energy generation efficiency
biomimetic strategy Achieving environmental efficiency
Taking inspiration from natural systems, represented by the
mechanism of action, the shape of the skin and its pores, the outer
layer of the plant and its stomata, and simulating the breathing process
of a living organism. The approach is inspired by nature to live in a
city whose urban landscape and ecosystem appear constantly vibrant
and evolving. This project is an example of biomimetic architecture
due to the valves that express high-tech ideas and basic cellular
functions to create future living structures, that function like natural
Site Analysis and Environmental Impacts: Adopting the ecosystem as
a design system and redefining the concept of outdoor spaces.
Function analysis: The building responds to the thought of living
architecture at the level of movement, breathing and water handling,
while the windows were built on the basis of opening and closing
according to the quantities of CO2 gas, not complex and without
huge mechanisms, also, they are an integral part of SMA wires in
flexible transparent plastic.
Organism shape: alive human skin and stomata of
the outer plant shell.
Material: An inert material system was used for
construction and protection. As for the skin, it is a
living membrane that achieves a connection
between the inside and the outside. It contains
many stomata and cellular openings that
Approach of participate in the gaseous exchange in a process
BIOMIMETIC similar to the process of transpiration in plants.
And the use of graphene oxide material, which
Level of from
responds to small changes in humidity and
and morphology
temperature in the artificial stomatal layer.
The structure and its parts: The structure
represents a shift towards making it alive and
functioning like natural beings, the building has
elements that open, close, breathe, and adapt
according to their environment.
The level of derivation The cover: Transforming it into a living thin film
of the chosen natural to allow exchanges and interactions with the
system surrounding space.
Functions, processes and behaviors: temperature
regulation and transfer – water storage and
recycling – energy storage – conversion of
energy into electricity – air transfer – light entry.
Material: The outer shell of the building converts
the waste produced into biogas energy, which can
be released for various uses in the environment. In
addition to recycling rainwater and absorbed
moisture and using it in different forms.
Structure and system structure: The structure is
coated with living material, with an emphasis on
Ecosystems the complementarity of water storage and
electrical systems that is supplied with. Along
with the inability to replace the outer shell and
keep maintenance works only.
The used materials represent a change to the
concepts of traditional construction and the

BIO Web of Conferences 97, 00015 (2024)
ISCKU 2024

surface and structure. They are considered as

living future materials as they respond to the local
environmental specificity, where the gaps
represented by openings are a smart flexible metal
that expands and responds to external changing
environmental conditions.
Relationships within the site : The design of the
building is an exploration of the relationship
between advanced technology and biochemistry in
architectural facades, which can respond to the
demand for sustainable living in dense urban
areas. as well as the fact that the building is
responsive to local conditions due to the openness
and closure of the structures in the façade.
Adoption of mechanisms of adaptive morphological living systems
Exterior Finishes
Mechanisms for
Interior Finishes
Exterior cover (shell)
Materials included in the structural structure
Biomimetic simulation Integration of form with original function
features Dynamism

6 Application Results
Complementing what was mentioned in the practical study, this paragraph applies the theoretical framework to the
selected projects. Table 2 shows the reflection of the application in the selected projects.
Table 2. Application of the theoretical framework of biomimetics in Architecture to the selected projects.

No. Key Vocabulary Secondary Vocabulary Possible values 1 2

Definition of the Harmony and harmony with
biomimetic strategy the surroundings
Sustainability aspects Energy use efficiency
achieved through the Energy efficiency Energy saving efficiency
.1 biomimetic strategy. Energy generation efficiency
Efficiency of performance
and operation
Achieving environmental
Direct metaphor
The selected natural system
Indirect metaphor
Analyze the site and Inconsistency with the site
environmental impacts Harmony and coherence with the site
.2 Analysis level
Level of openness
Analyze the functions of the Level of Privacy
building Responding to the idea of living
Level of the organism's form
Material Level
Form and morphology level
Structure Level
Cover Level
Regulation and transfer of temperature
Water storage
Energy storage
Air transport
Derivation level of the
Regulating light exchange
.3 chosen natural system
(model generation) Gas exchange
Absorption of pollutants
Material (recycled to convert the
Structure and architecture of the
Geometric arrangement of the system
Local materials within the site or place
Relationships between buildings
themselves within the site

BIO Web of Conferences 97, 00015 (2024)
ISCKU 2024

Adopting the simulation of living nature models in the composition of

the structure
Adopting the simulation of systems that create living nature
Deriving and generating structures from biological facility
Adoption of formal metaphor from living organisms
Adoption of formal simulations
Direct formal imitation
Mechanisms for
.4 Adoption of Adaptive Formal Living Systems Mechanisms
Formal harmony between the built environment and nature
External Terminations
Internal Terminations
Outer shell
Materials included in architectural elements
Materials included in the structural structure
Topographic site simulation
Integration of the shape with the created function
.5 Biomimetic features
Power bearing efficiency and load distribution

7 Results
The application of the theoretical framework to the selected samples has yielded several significant findings:
Biological simulation in architecture has demonstrated its potential in achieving sustainability, leading to improved
efficiency, adaptation, and continuity. By emulating natural processes and systems, architects can design buildings that
are environmentally friendly and energy efficient. Effective integration of natural systems and technology is crucial.
Rather than considering technology as separate from nature, it should be viewed as a tool to enhance natural systems for
architecture. This integration can make architectural designs more efficient and compatible with development
requirements. Biomimicry architecture represents a synthesis of principles and ideas from various approaches to
sustainable environmental design. By drawing inspiration from nature, architects can create built environments that are
not only aesthetically pleasing but also promote sustainability and environmental harmony. Contemporary and future
architecture should prioritize incorporating biological principles into design. By embracing biomimicry and
understanding adaptation strategies found in nature, architects can create buildings that effectively respond to
environmental changes and optimize resource use. Morphological adaptation, which involves changes in shape or size, is
the most common form of adaptation observed. It is often followed by physiological adaptation that is influenced by the
properties of the materials used in construction. These two forms of adaptation can occur individually or together, with
the properties of the material influencing the external form. Application of principles and classifications may vary in each
construction project. The decision on which principles to apply depends on the specific inspiring element and the chosen
simulation methods, levels and dimensions. However, all architectural models need to take into account the principles of
the surrounding environment and take into account site conditions and climatic changes. Mimicry of physical or
mechanical nature is more effective for achieving adaptation, while biomimicry is more suitable for imitating the behavior
of an organism or simulating the properties of materials.
Biological simulation is not limited to a single level or dimension. Combining multiple levels and dimensions in one
model can lead to more efficient adaptation of buildings to their surrounding climate and environment. Sustainable
organic forms are designed to withstand various natural conditions, including heavy rains, hurricanes, floods, fires,
earthquakes, and soil compaction. Biomimicry of organic forms prioritizes integration with the surrounding context and
topography of the site. Designers focus on utilizing solar energy, water, and wind as sources of energy to conserve energy
and achieve thermal gain, insulation, ventilation, and water circulation. By incorporating natural configurations, systems,
and technology, designers can identify and adapt these concepts to the natural environment. Advanced technology can
support and enhance natural systems, creating a cohesive design that connects nature, culture, and technology. Nature
provides a wealth of systems, elements and resources that can be utilized in architecture. The integration of these
structures, materials and systems allows for a balanced and harmonious design. Bioclimatic design plays an essential role
in achieving sustainability by relying on passive systems to create a comfortable indoor environment for building users.
Natural forms and their structural systems have proven their efficiency over time in withstanding environmental
conditions and resisting loads. While the external appearance may differ, the distribution of forces in the structural system
and resistance to loads are similar. The harmony exhibited by natural organic structures, resulting from the integration of
form with structural function, can be used in architectural forms and structures. Overall, these results demonstrate the
potential of biomimicry and the importance of incorporating natural principles into architectural design to achieve
sustainability, efficiency, and adaptability in the built environment.

BIO Web of Conferences 97, 00015 (2024)
ISCKU 2024

8 Conclusion
The application of the theoretical framework to the selected samples showed the following results:
1. This study explored the potential of biomimicry as a strategy for achieving sustainability in
architectural design.
2. The research concluded that the principles of environmental sustainability are inherently present in
natural organisms and ecosystems. As such, biomimicry provides an effective methodology for
developing sustainable architectural solutions by emulating these successful natural models.
3. Adopting a biomimetic approach can enhance efficiency, continuity, adaptation and integration with
the surrounding environment in building design.
4. The study also revealed different methods, levels and dimensions that can be implemented when
translating biological measurements into architectural contexts. This includes directly mimicking
entire organisms or specific features, adopting natural building techniques or material properties, and
replicating ecosystem relationships.
5. The combined application of multiple simulation strategies allows the creation of a more responsive
and optimized sustainable architecture. Overall, biomimicry represents an innovative design trend that
integrates biological and architectural knowledge.
6. As architects increase their understanding of the adaptive natural world, they can create built
environments that enhance the environment, conserve resources, withstand climate challenges, and
meet human needs.
7. Ultimately, fostering collaboration between architects, biologists, engineers and other professionals
will be key to fully unleashing the potential of sustainable, nature-inspired architecture.

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