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Name: Camila Andry Mubara

NIM: 23018075
Class: K-1
Week: 15

Before Listening After Listening (evaluation)

Date/ What did I listen? Why did I listen to this?
No What do I have to achieve from this Am I satisfied with what I have What difficulties did I
Time (Title & source) What information did I get?
listening material? understood? face?
(before Listening)

Health & Dieting | I have to improve my listening skill and Yes I am because I can listened to I knew kinds of diet, some new I didn’t find any difficulties.
English Conversation This video looks interesting because it it very well as the characters speak vocabularies and this video can be
16th Nov is a cartoon. not too fast. useful in expanding and improving
2023 my conversation skill.

Food Groups And

Nutrition This is an additional project given (on Definitely, the video was fun to I knew kinds of nutrients, the The video was simple, and the e-learning site) watch and informative. benefits and what foods that contain understandable so I didn’t
16th Nov
2 G17m- it, and I knew that balancing diet is find any difficulties.
Q?si=pPc9CdTgB89fbx so important for us.

This is an additional project Surely, the listening audio was The story follows the three bears
fun to hear and helped me to who live together in a wood and the I didn’t find any difficulties.
improve my listening skills. day they decide to make porridge
for breakfast and go out while it
cools. While they're away, a girl
16th Nov Goldilocks and the
3 named Goldilocks enters their home
2023 three bears (storynory)
and eats from the porridge pots of
the three bears, testing their
temperature to find which one is just
right for her. She then goes upstairs
and sleeps on each of their beds in
turn, getting more and more
comfortable each time. However,
her adventure comes to an end when
the bears arrive and catch her
sleeping in the bed of the smallest
bear. Goldilocks is startled by the
bears and runs off, but they
eventually find her at her
grandmother's house.
BUSINESS CALL. To improve my English and learn more Definitely, the video was simple to I knew how to speaks on the phone I didn’t find any difficulties.
LEAVING A MESSAGE how to do business class and it was understand. formally and knew some usefull
ON THE PHONE. related to the lessons that I’ve learned. expressions.
25th Nov

Taking telephone This is an additional project given (on Definitely, the video was fun to I learned to speak on phone more I didn’t find any difficulties.
messages - 53 - the e-learning site) watch and informative. polite, how to ask for leave a
English at Work helps message and some new
25th Nov you note it down vocabularies and phrases.

This is an additional project Surely, the listening audio was fun This is a Chinese story that tells
to hear and helped me to improve how four animals, a monkey, an
my listening skills. otter, a jackal and a rabbit, got
together to do charity practice on a I didn’t find any difficulties.
night of a full moon. They came
25th Nov The Chinese year of the across an old man who was hungry
2023 rabbit (Storynory) and lived alone, so each animal tried
to help the old man with what they
could find. The rabbit decided to
sacrifice himself by jumping into
the fire to show his generosity, and
was rewarded with the position of
making medicines on the moon with
the goddess Chang-e.
Memories | Talking To improve my English and it was Definitely, the video was simple to I knew how to talk about memories I didn’t find any difficulties.
About the Past related to the lessons that I’ve learned. understand and it was interesting using the past tense, and 'used to'. I because it has a unique topic. learned some new vocabularies and
1st Dec
7 WRICL0?si=X_VTKFak phrases as well.

ESL Conversation This is an additional project given (on Surely, the video was fun to hear I learned some new vocabularies I didn’t find any difficulties.
About the Past the e-learning site) and helped me to improve my and phrases when telling some past
1st Dec listening skills. events.
2023 ioEId0?si=xZy1jI7wrX

This is an additional project Surely, the listening audio was fun Jake is a child who has caught a I didn’t find any difficulties.
to hear and helped me to improve stomach bug. He spends the next
my listening skills. few days at home, bored and
watching the birds in his garden. He
eventually strikes up a conversation
with a crow who lands on his
1st Dec Birdy and The windowsill. The crow turns out to be
2023 boy(Storynory) extremely wise and teaches Jake
some life lessons. In the end, Jake's
mother comes in with some
delicious food, but the crow only
says "CAWWWW!"

At the Airport To improve my English and it was Definitely, the video was simple to I Learnt words and phrases that I didn’t find any difficulties.
Conversation related to the lessons that I’ve learned. understand. could use at the airport and while
10th Dec traveling by plane in this video.
2023 rPWw?si=asHia4myNq

At the Airport This is an additional project given (on Surely, the video was fun to hear I could improving my conversation I didn’t find any difficulties.
10th Dec the e-learning site) and helped me to improve my skill, some new vocabularies,
2023 rqHB8?si=DhT2kex6b- listening skills. phrases that are related to airport
Z8mYro and airport rules.
This is an additional project Surely, the listening audio was fun In the story, a faithful old dog I didn’t find any difficulties.
to hear and helped me to improve named Sultan's master decides to
my listening skills. get rid of him because he has grown
old and useless. Sultan's friend the
wolf suggests a plan to help him
avoid being shot. The next day,
Sultan's master and wife go to make
hay, and the wolf carries off their
child while Sultan guards it. Sultan
returns the child, and his master sees
this as an act of bravery, so he
promises Sultan will always be fed
and not harmed.
10th Dec
12 Old sultan(Storynory)
Later, the wolf asks Sultan to wink
when he steals one of his master's
sheep. But Sultan refuses to be
unfaithful. The wolf then sends a
wild boar to challenge Sultan to a
duel. Sultan's only ally is a three-
legged cat. The wolf and the wild
boar see the cat's tail and mistake it
for a saber, so they become
frightened and flee. Sultan and the
cat make friends with the wolf and
become allies, who help each other
out whenever they need it.

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