Bhs Inggris 2021

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Mata Pelajaran : English language
Kelas : VI (class six) NAMA : ………………………
Hari / Tanggal : wednesday/08-12-2021
Waktu : 09.30-11.00 NO. PESERTA : ………………………

!…Choose the correct answer by crossing a,b,c or d

Read the text for number 1-10
.Hello my friends!I’m Kafil
.My full name is Kafil Al Fanus
.I am from somper ngolbek west Gadu
I was born on 02 may 2010
.I study at elementary school of Al Anwar
.I playing chess,playing badminton and swimming
My father’s name is Afif al Famah. He is a religious teacher and my mother is too,her name is
.Faizatul islamiyah
.I have two brother,they are Haikal Hazaim and Ahmad Milkin Zail Filhaq
1. The teller of tehe text is…
a. Kafil b. Ghafril c. Afil d. Kholil
2. Kafil’s full name is…
a. Kafil b. Kafil al Fanus c. Ghafril d. Haikal
3. Kafil was born on…
a. 01 may 2011b. 02 may 2010 c. 02 may 2019d. 04 may 2021
4. Kafil al Fanus studies at…
a. SD Cahaya b. MI Annur c. MI Islam d. MI Al Anwar
5. Kafil likes playing chess,…..and swimming.
a. Badmintonb. boxing c. fencing d. running
6. We say “badmintion” in Indonesia is…
a. Tinju b. berenang c. tenis d. bulu tangkis
7. Kafil likes playing chess. The underline word means…
a. Memanah b. memancing c. catur d. tenis
8. Her father is a…
a. Religious teacher b. teacher c. farmer d. tailor
9. We say Guru in English is…
a. Farmer b. road sweeper c. headmaster d. teacher
10. How many brother does Kafil have…
a. One b. two c. three d. four
Season In Indonesia
Indonesia has two season
They are rainy season and dry season
The rainy season is from November to April
It rains almost everyday
The weather is cold and wet
You need to bring a raincoat or an umbrella
The dry season is from May to October
The sun shine brightly everyday
The weather is hot and dry
You need to put on a cap and hat
Read the text for number 11-20
11. Indonesia has…season.
a. One b. two c.three d. four
12. We say ‘musim hujan’ in English is…
a. Dry seasonb. autumn c. winter d. rainy season
13. The weather is cold and wet. The underline word means…
a. Musim b. cuaca c. suhu d. curah
14. What do we need to bring on rainy season…
a. Hat b. cap c. raincoat d. jacket
15. ‘Berangin’ in English is…
a. Windy b stormy c. snowy d. foggy
16. What do we need to bring on dry season…
a.raincoat b. cap c. t-shirt d. shirt
17. we say ‘musim’ in English is…
a. weather b. season c. temperature d. sunny
18. Rainy season is from…to…
a. April/November b. October/November c. November/April d. june/july
19. Dry season is from… to…
a. May/October b. October/May c. May/June d. June/ May
20. The sun shine brightly everyday. The underline word means…
a. setiap pagi b. setiap sore c. setiap malam d. setiap minggu
21. people who control on the road is…
a. traffic police b. garbage man c. street singer d. postman
22. people who lives by asking people for money is…
a. beggar b. police c. doctor d. teacher
23. people who walks in the road is…
a. postman b. pedestrian c. beggar d.street vendor
24. people who sweep the street is…
a. pedestrian b. road sweeper c. garbage man d. street vendor
25. people who collect and deliver letters is…
a. postman b. beggar c. street singer d. street vendor
26. ‘sawah’ in English is…
a. ricefield b. river c. river bank d. lake
27. we say ‘scarecrow’ in Indonesia is…
a. orang orangan b. gubuk c. binatang d. pohon pohonan
28. we need spoonful of sugar. The underline word means…
a. sekotak b. sesendok c. seikat d. sepotong
29. my brother needs a box of milk. The underline word means…
a. sesendok b. sekotak c. seikat d. sepotong
30. we say ‘segulung tisu’ in English is…
a. a can of coke b. a bar of soap c. a roll of tissue d. a spoonful of
Answer The Question Below!
31. mention kind of sport as you know!
32. mention kinds of animals!
33. mention kind of profession!
Translate into Indonesiaan language
34. A bar of soap.
35. A slice of bread.
36. A bag of detergent.
37. A cow eats grass.
38. Alin likes playing badminton.
39. Uun,Zainab and Tika reads a book.
40. Nawawi,Fahri and Tamam speaks English in the classroom.

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