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History-Social Sciences Education Lesson Plan

Illinois State University

Name: Ms. McLean Date: 4/10/24

Class: US History - Sophomores Lesson Duration: 49 Minutes

Lesson Title Introduction to Just War Theory & Application w/ Ukraine

Unit 80s and 90s Foreign Policy Unit. We just finished looking at the end of the Cold War and are
going to look at events that have taken place around the world to show more foreign policy.
Throughout each of these case studies we apply Just War Theory to each one. To look at if the
US got involved would it be justifiable. The student will analyze each case study and based
on how many of the principles of Just War Theory the students will construct a claim stating
whether or not the United States should get involved.

Lesson Rationale This lesson serves as our introduction lesson for Just War Theory. Yesterday we wrapped up
the Cold War and focused on the idea whether Gorbachev wanted to end the Cold War with
the United States or if he had to. So today we are shifting gears to other foreign policy events
in the 80s and 90s. Our baseline for this next section of the unit is Just War Theory, each case
study we are going to be applying to Just War Theory. So today I want to lay the groundwork
for what each principle of the Just War theory so the student have a good understanding, so
when they are analyzing the case study they understand what they are looking for.

IL State Learning ● SS.H.5.9-12. Analyze the factors and historical context that influenced the
Standards perspectives of people during different historical eras.
● SS.H.12.9-12. Analyze the geographic and cultural forces that have resulted in
conflict and cooperation.

Big Idea/Essential ● How does Just War theory help us analyze conflicts?
Compelling Question
Central Historical
Question (SHEG)
● Students will by the end of class understand the ● Just War Theory Notes
Framework of Just War Theory as a way to ● Just War Theory Note Sheet
analyze if a country should intervene in a conflict.

● Students will apply their knowledge of Just War ● Case Study with Ukraine Reading
Theory to justify whether the US should get ● Case Study Worksheet w/ Ukraine
involved in the ongoing conflict between Ukraine
and Russia

Background of Students ● 28 Students - All Sophomores
○ Males: 15
○ Females: 13

Culturally Responsive Students are from a vast upbring and always have very different viewpoints when
Teaching and Leading analyzing and discussing things. Students are from a very well developed town.
(CRTL) - Students as Students in this class often take more academic risks as they are interested in learning
Co-Creators new things and often take pride in their grades and want to learn. Most of the students
genuinely want to do well.

Supporting IEPs, 504, ELL & 3rd Period

other learning needs ● IEP - 1 Student
○ Extra space for answers when asked & extended time for assessments

Additional Considerations for All of these students are very capable to learn and to engage with the lesson, however
Lesson this class is a louder class. Many of the students seem to have close friends in the class
and also have more energy in the room. These students often need initiative to get
going however, sometimes need redirection when off task. There are certain groups of
students that get to work right away and there are some that need direct conversations
to focus. One group needs one-on-one guidance and even check ins on progress in
order to complete their work, it helps if you tell them they will be called on. One group
likes to rush through in order to hang out or be off task, it helps to give them additional
things to do after they are done. Phones can sometimes be an issue but can often be
resolved when told that students need to be present and being on their phones inhibits
the students from doing that.
Key Terms & Definitions ● What is Just War Theory?
● Principles of Just War Theory
● Just: Behaving according to what is morally right or fair

Connection to the Previous ● Students have been focusing on an overview of the Cold War as well as the
Lesson/Prior Knowledge wrap up of the Cold War. From the Cold War we saw the US and its overall
relations, now we are going to look at Case Studies of other conflicts to decide
of the US should get involved or not.
● We have discussed the idea of arming rebels and the cost associated with the
US getting involved, now with these lessons we are going to look at the steps
that one may follow if they were to intervene in a conflict.

Potential Student ● Student not being able to see the notes or not following along; allow students
Misunderstandings and to look at the notes that have been posted on Classroom
Challenges ● Students finish the worksheet and reading early, have students on the back of
the sheet generate a list of costs challenge them to think of 10
What is the teacher doing? ● Welcome students!
● Instructing students to with their pod brainstorm what we recall from our
activity last Thursday (I know it was a long time ago), we talked about scenarios
and the students were the US and they were tasked with deciding if the US
should get involved, I want students to think about why they say the US should
or should not get involved.
○ I will show maybe two of these on the board to get them thinking
● Teacher and students will compile a list of why they decided the US should or
should not intervene
What are the students ● Come in and be ready to learn
doing? ● Think about why the US should or should not intervene
○ The Cost Associated
● Share out to add to our overall class list

Materials, Handouts, slides, ●

Activity/Instruction #1 Notes (10 Minutes)
What is the teacher doing? ● Transition: So we have a list on the board of when we would engage in war let's
see if some of the same ideas are present when looking at Just War Theory
● Go through frame work of Just War Theory
● Share things beyond the notes that are outlined in the presenter notes to fill the
time between writing and to add more context that does not need to written down
● Go through the slides allowing pauses for students to take notes
○ To Check for Understanding: Check my barometer students to know
when to move on to the next slide
○ Areas of Support: If a certain pods are talking loudly stand by certain
groups and use the laser pointer to move slides, also stand near groups if
need more support to fill out the note sheet
● Help answer questions and give clarification when needed

What are the students ● Take notes that help them remember each principle
doing? ● Be engaged!
● Ask any questions that they may have

Materials, Handouts, ●
Slides, etc.
Activity/Instruction #2 Apply to Ukraine (10-15 Minutes)
What is the teacher doing? ● Transition: We touched on the principles of Just War Theory, now let's apply a it
to case study that is occurring currently, let's look at Ukraine and see if we can
apply the principles to this case study
● Pass out worksheet and explain directions
● While the students are working, bounce around the room to check for
understanding or provide areas of support.
○ To Check For Understanding: I will be going around the room checking
in with pods of students or individual students to either answer question
or to have them share out what they are learning and ask if they have
any questions
○ Areas of Support: There are a few pods that have a lot of energy and
sometimes need redirection to focus on the task at hand. I will make
sure to redirect them to allow them to focus. There is one pod that helps
to set benchmarks for them such as having the reading done by a certain
time etc. However most groups work hard if they know their work is
being collected
● Challenge students when they are done to identify if they would suggest the US
to go into War in Ukraine, why or why not? What areas were met or not met?

What are the students ● Reading through the case study on Ukraine and look at the Just War Theory
doing? framework to see if the US should enter the War in Ukraine based on Just War

Materials, Handouts, ●
Slides, etc.
Activity/Instruction #3 Discuss the Framework Applying it to Ukraine as a Group (10 Minutes)
What is the teacher doing? ● Re-grab the students attention to work through the idea of Just War Theory
applying it to Ukraine
● Towards the end of class, direct the students in sharing out their findings for
each principle should the US go to war with Russia over Ukraine
○ Areas of Support: Focus attention on certain pod that often do not
complete work fully by walking over and making sure they have
answered the questions; they like to share so often I let them if they have
something written down
○ To Check for Understanding: I will call on some students (who
hopefully raise their hand) to share out what they see, or I can look to a
few pods to share out their thoughts
● Ask students to think of the cost of war? Or maybe why we have not done this

What are the students ● Share out with their pods what they decided for each of the principles?
doing? ● Share out what they think the US should do and why they should do it?
○ Brainstorm what would some costs be?
○ Why wouldn’t the US intervene

Materials, Handouts, ●
Slides, etc.
Lesson Closure (4 Minutes)
Concluding ● Exit Slip: Write a claim - What is the most important principle to tell you if
Activity/Instruction the US should or should not intervene between Russia and Ukraine
○ Claim Starter: The US (should or should not) intervene between
Russia and Ukraine because
● Great Job Today!! Tomorrow, I will not be here but you are going to apply
this theory to Chile

Formative ● Formative: Claim writing sheet on if the US should intervene between

Russia and Ukraine
● Their participation in the discussion and my check-ins while working can
help me gauge their understandings of the material and if they need any

Connection to Summative ● The students summative for this mini unit is a culminating assessment, on
that assessment students will be given a case study and will have to apply it
to the just war theory framework in order to decide whether the US should or
should not intervene. This day sets up the framework for completing this task
as well as provides the students with an example.

Connection to the Next Day, ● Tomorrow: Students will continue to look at case studies, tomorrows is Chile
Unit and Course seeing if the US involvement followed the Just War Theory Framework
● Unit: Students just wrapped up learning about the Cold War and now we are
going into Foreign Policy beyond that. And use Just War theory as the
framework to guide the case studies. This introduction day allows for that
overall set up to happen.
● Course: Students through the unit have been asked to compare or contrast
thing using a barometer or framework, Just War Theory allows them to again
to use their compare and contrasting skills as a barometer

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