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Interviewing a Famous Actor

(Task 5)

(Tarea Académica 5 – TA1)

From Monday, April 22 to Sunday, April 28

Explanation of the task:

Miss. Marjorie Morvelí

• Situation: Imagine you (and your partner) are interviewing a famous
actor/actress on a famous TV program. Your partner plays the role of the
actor/actress. You want to know everything he/she remembers about
school days. Ask as many questions as you can about his/her favorite
subjects, sports, hobbies, teachers, and classmates, including questions
about their personalities. Also, ask a question about something the famous
actor/actress did not like doing in that time. Your partner answers the
questions. When you finish, you switch the roles.

• Content:
• Past simple in affirmative and negative forms (verb to be, regular and irregular verbs,
there was, there were)
• Past simple in yes/no questions sand information questions (Was..,Were…, Did…,
what, who, where, when, how)
• Adjectives to describe people and things
• Adjectives to describe personality
A evaluar:
• Content:
• Past simple in affirmative and negative forms (verb to be, regular and irregular verbs,
there was, there were)
• Past simple in yes/no questions sand information questions (Was..,Were…, Did…,
what, who, where, when, how)
• Adjectives to describe people and things
• Adjectives to describe personality
• Pronunciation, intonation.
• No leer.
• Buen audio
• Cámara encendida
• Number of participants: 2-3
• Format: link youtube
• Lasts: 3 minutes (aprox)

Example for two students
A: Hi. My full name is ______.
B: Hi. My full name is ______.
A y B: Task 5

A: Hi, __________. Welcome to ___________.

B: Hi. __________. Thanks for the invitation.
A: Tell me, how were your school days?
B: I was good at _________, but I wasn’t good at _________. There was a _______, but there wasn’t a
______. I had _______ days at school. (Have – had)
A: What were you like at school?
B: I was ______, ______, and ______.
A: Who was your favorite teacher?
B: ____________.
A: That’s nice. What didn’t you like doing at school?
B: I didn’t like ________ing____.
A: Thanks for the interview.
B: You’re welcome.
Example for three students
A: Hi. My full name is ______.
B: Hi. My full name is ______.
C: Hi. My full name is ______.

A, B y C: Task 5

A,B: Hi, __________. Welcome to ___________.

C: Hi. __________. Thanks for the invitation.
A: Tell me, how were your school days?
C: I was good at _________, but I wasn’t good at _________. There was a _______, but there wasn’t a ______. I had _______
days at school.
B: What were you like?
C: I was ______, ________, and _________.
A: Who was your favorite teacher?
C: ____________.
B: That’s nice. What didn’t you like doing at school?
C: I didn’t like ____________.
A,B: Thanks for the interview.
C: You’re welcome.

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