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IMMA neeuoeemiscincner mn =k Technology: Transforming the Face of Education Once there was a town called Boring. The people of Boring never smiled; they did not know how to. All the children ever did was study. They studied in school all day. On returning home they got busy with homework and with revision for class tests in school. One day, an aged lady came to Boring. She was Ekta’s grandma. It was her first time in Boring. She had silvery hair and a smile that stretched from ear to ear. Even her eyes smiled. Grandma noticed that that the conditions of the parents were worse than their kids. They always pushed their kids to get more marks so that they could get ahead of others. There was a shop in Boring called Marks Bazaar. The shop sold a special type of pen with which one could write secret messages. The parents would buy these pens for their children who would then scribble answers on their thighs, ankles and elbows during exams. Grandma was shocked to see all these. She decided to do something and planned to use her secret weapon called ‘Smile’. One day grandma tickled Ekta and she started giggling. It was Ekta’s first experience of giggling; but she felt really relaxed after that. Her grandma taught her the art of tickling and within a few days, this giggling disease spread over the whole town. Since then, wherever children have laughed and played with each other, those villages, towns and cities have never seen any misfortune. Just as a little tickling changed the outlook of people of Boring to live a happy life, the technological advancement has developed a different approach of looking at the teaching-learning process. When learning becomes a fun filled activity, enjoyed by the learners, education becomes a fulfilling process. True education aims at making people knowledgeable. Appropriate use of technology for planning, assessment, professional development, and communication can contribute immeasurably to teacher effectiveness and student academic success. To a learners life, technology has a host of benefits to offer. These are briefly discussed below: ‘+ Get Everyone on Board- Teamwork can bring a dramatic change. Technology binds the teachers, administrators, parents, community members, board members, staff, and students ) ‘+ Learn from others- The most blessed innovation of technology is the Internet. It has enabled the curious learners to learn from the success of others. Through this, we can know the culture, economy and social settings of the different countries of the world ‘+ Assessment Tools- In the schools, the administrators use technological tools to evaluate the students’ current level of achievements and to identify specific learning problems ‘+ Research-Based Instruction- Different research programs are conducted by the school authorities to come up with new strategies to support the learners to achieve high academic success ‘+ Get the Boosting- The school website is another factor that boots up the students towards achieving good grader. These websites publish the names of best student performer every year. This acts to influence other students too In a country like India, where a good section of population dwells below poverty line, technological advancement has waved its magic wand. Now even the students from the distant parts of the country can reap the fruit of higher education through the distant learning process.

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