Final Quiz SP

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Institut Agama Islam Tazkia

Final Quiz
Short Semester 2020/2021

SUBJECT / CODE : Mathematics for Economics

LECTURER : Diva Azka Karimah, M.E
DAY / DATE : Thursday/ 09 Agustus 2021

Chapter 1. Graphs of Linear Equations

1. Find the coordinates of the points where the line :
a. x – 2y = 2 (8 point)
b. y = x+2 (8 point)
Intersects the axes. Hence sketch its graph.

Chapter 2. Linear Equation (Supply & Demand Analysis)

2. The demand and supply functions of a good are given by
P = -5Qd + 80
P = 2Qs + 10

Where P, Qd and Qs denote the price, quantity demanded and quantity supplied
a. Determine the equilibrium price and quantity. (10 point)
b. Determine the effect on market equilibrium if the goverment decides to
impose a fixed tax of $4 on each good (10 point)
c. Graph the curve before and after tax (10 point)

Chapter 3. Matrix

3. If A = B= C= D=

Find :
a. 6A (4 point)
b. C-A (4 point)
c. BT (4 point)
d. | D | (4 point)
e. D-1 (4 point)

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Chapter 4. Mathematics of Finance
4. a) 112% of 56 = ..... (3 point)
b) A firm’s annual sales rise from 30.000 to 90.000 from one year to the next.
Express the rise as a percentage of the original. (4 point)
c) Find the new quantities when : the population of a town, currently at 113.566,
rises by 5%. (4 point)

5. Compound Interest
c) Find the value, in 8 years’ time, of Rp 125.000 invested at 15% interest
compounded annually (5 point)
d) Find the value, in 10 years’ time, of Rp 250.000 invested at 15% interest
compounded annually (5 point)
e) Find the value, in 7 years’ time, of Rp 100.000 invested at 8% interest
compounded annually (5 point)

Chapter 5. Using Matrix to Solve Linear Equation

6. The equilibrium prices P1 and P2 for two goods satisfy the equations
P1 + 2P2 = 27
P1 – P2 = 3
Express this system in matrix form and hence find the values of P1 and P2.
(10 point)

7. The equilibrium prices P1 and P2 for two goods satisfy the equations
3P1 + 4P2 = -1
5P1 – P2 = 6
Express this system in matrix form and hence find the values of P1 and P2.
(10 point)

a) Find the value of 2Q2 + 6Q – 56, when Q = 10 (5 point)
b) Find the value of 2t2 + 5t, when t = 4 (5 point)
c) Find the value of (2y – 10) – (y +5), when y = 4 (5 point)

NB :
1. Total point : 127 (Best!)
2. Maksimum poin : 100, Minimum poin : 75

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