A Importancia Dos 1%

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4 - A importancia do 1%

1 – Primeiros passos / Welcome Package

Today I want to talk to you about marginal gains and how this strategy can get you to fluency in English and to
demonstrate what marginal gains means, I want to talk to you about biking or cycling. We also say so many of
you who watch my YouTube channel know that I love riding my bike if I can go to a coffee shop or go to my
friend's house on my bike instead of taking the bus. Or instead of driving, I always opt to do that. And so I love
this story about the British Cycling team. In 2003, the British Cycling team hired David Brailsford as their new
manager. Now before 2003, the British Cycling team had won only one gold medal at the Olympics and no
rider from the United Kingdom had ever won the Tour de France. They've Brailsford, when he was hired,
implemented a strategy of marginal gains which means small improvements in many different areas. So for
example, he. And 1% change in this. Not that big percent more aerodynamic to ride. Increase their risk of
getting sick to make athletes have the best pillows. These are tiny changes but to get it would actually make a
large difference. And he was 7 gold medals at the Summer Olympics and in in 2012 and that very first time
won the Tour de France and six out of seven years of Britain. The right. All improvements together add up and
make a big difference. So what does this mean for you in your English? A lot of people think about English as
big single event. You're not fluent English or you are from English. And this happens in many things in our lives.
For example, losing 50 lbs or running a marathon, writing a book, starting a successful business. It's easy to see
any of these events. As a one time big wow, I can't believe that event happened and that person was able to
do that. But in reality, these events are some of all these small improvements, small improvements overtime to
arrive at this final goal. And so when we're talking, it's not going to happen overnight and there's no secret pill,
there's no secret strategy. It's been improvements over time during this could focus on improving 1% every day.
You will notice the difference after the four months. Even if you don't notice the difference every day. For
example, let's say that you start this course and you know 100 verbs in English verbs during this class. During
this course, and if you learn one phrasal verb on the first day, now you know verbs. If you learn one of the next
day, you know, umm, verbs. And by the end of the course, if you continue studying and focusing on improving
1% each, your vocabulary will have increased 300 percent, 400%. So appreciate this when she. Teaching the
between find out, discover, and figure out or when Jack is to you how is like veggies to English, or the
difference between in, on and at. When we're talking about time in English in March on Monday 3:00, all the
little pieces of information are that small little. This is of information. But together, when you can assimilate
them English, the result is huge. Someday you will be having a conversation and not even realizing that while
you're speaking English fluently, it's just because you was simulated. All these small marginal gains, these small
improvements, these small advantages into your own speech, and that's how you arrive at fluency. It's not a
magic solution. It's hard work and dedication. Cortana, let this graph again be motivation to you that if you
make a 1% improvement every day over 365 days, you arrive at something like 37 times better than you
originally were. But if you make, or if you get 1% worse every single day, you arrive at close to 0, close to
nothing. So focus on making that 1% change every day during this course, whether it's studying words in line
at the grocery store or waking up 20 minutes early to watch a module that Jackie has released for you each
week. Get it done and let that motivate you to make these marginal gains. I'm really excited to be on this
journey with you together.AA

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