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By: Lizzy Sauceda and Andrea Moreno

Attention Getter

Raise your hand if you've ever ridden a bike. Well, I see a lot of you have raised your hand, now raise
your hand for those of you who have ever fallen off a bike. Now, let's think for a moment about the
following event. There´s a boy playing with his friends on the bike. Out of nowhere it occurs to him to
accelerate a little, and after he does that, he loses control, and he falls. His friends approach him, some
laughing and others worried, and help him up. With tears in his eyes, he gets up, dusts himself off,
thanks his friends for helping him, and gets up to continue playing. Falling is an extremely painful and
embarrassing experience, even more so when others look at you, however at the end of the day the
important thing is that that child gets on his bike again and tries it one more time. but not all of us are
like that child who gets up and tries again. If you are like me, you would never ride a bike again for fear
of falling.

Stage 1- Cause

I would like to start off by saying that we all make mistakes, it's normal. On few occasions we have all
the information on the factors and elements involved in a situation, in such circumstances the only thing
we can do is decide based on the information provided. Sometimes our decision can be right and we can
be successful, but sometimes this is not the case, and we can make a mistake in our judgement. It is
what is called "trial - error", and it is a normal process in learning. The fear of failure is natural in us, and
it can be thanks mostly to being a very perfectionist person, having a lack of self-confidence, excessively
seeking external approval or low tolerance for frustration. In the end, fear is a primitive emotion that
has guaranteed our survival, and it is natural to feel it, but when we fear failing and making mistakes,
and we don't do things because of that is when the problem appears.

Stage 2: Problems.

Fear of failure may lead people to avoid taking action as a result of being anxious of not achieving their
goals or not meeting their expectations. Subsequently, many people with a fear of failure may avoid
taking on new challenges or opportunities because they fear they won't be good or competent enough
to face them. This has resulted in the uprising of many implications in people who lack self-confidence,
an issue that can lead to sabotaging their own lives.

Stage 3: Recommendations.

1. The first step is to be aware of your fear of failure and to accept that it is a natural emotion. Do not
judge yourself for feeling fear, since it is something common to all human beings.

2. You can Set realistic goals and Break your goals down into smaller, achievable goals. This allows you to
fulfill them in a much easier manner. You’re also able to celebrate your achievements, given that it will
give you confidence to move forward.

3. I want to Leave you with this: don’t let/allow the fear of failure stop you from achieving your goals in
life. "The biggest mistake you can make in life is to continually fear that you will make one."- Elbert
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