Portfolio - Putra Pangestu

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Putra Pangestu

Product & Graphic Designer


About me
My name is Putra Pangestu, and I am a 3rd year student with a strong interest and passion for product
design especially UI/UX design and Graphic Designer. Throughout my journey as a designer, I have had the
opportunity to work on various projects and gain valuable experience in creating engaging and user-friendly
digital experiences. My design approach is centered on putting the user first, and I believe in creating
designs that are both aesthetically pleasing and functional. I am excited to showcase my work and share my
design journey with you.

Thank you for taking the time to view my portfolio!

Education My Skills
Contact 2020 - present Adobe Photoshop Fushion 360 Design Thingking Adaptability User Experience
Universitas Prasetiya Mulya

Majoring in Product Design Engineering Adobe Illustrator Solidworks User Research

BSD City, Tangerang, Banten Creativity Protoryping
2017 - 2020
putrapanges05@gmail.com Microsoft Office Figma User Testing Wireframing Emphaty User Interface
SMA Unggulan CT Arsa Foundation Medan

Majoring in Sains
+62 851 5724 2461
Putra Pangestu

Interest Books Cat Music
Product Design
Social &

01 02 03 04
Furniture Lightning Public Furniture Culture Innovation

UI/UX Designer

05 06
Mobile App Website Redesign

Graphic Designer

07 08 09
Social Media Event Visual Brand
01. Furniture

Woven rattan wall shelf named Kasep, inspired by the Sundanese
language, meaning handsome or good-looking.

The name Kasef represents beauty, elegance, and a touch of

masculinity on the wall. It is also an abbreviation for "kawung self,"
serving as a functional wall shelf for small items. The design draws
inspiration from the simplicity of geometric shapes, particularly the
renowned "kawung" motif in Indonesian batik. Kasef aims to blend
traditional Indonesian aesthetics with a modern twist in any room.
Design Process

Discover Define Develop Deliver

Inspiration, Conceptualization, Identifying Purpose and Concept Refinement, Technical Photo, Portfolio, Moodboard
Sketching, Material Selection, Function, Defining Design and Design and Engineering, Material
Cultural Integration, Market Aesthetics, Describing Features Selection, Sourcing, Prototyping,
Research and Feedback and Specifications, Establishing Testing, Manufacturing, and
Cultural Context, Crafting a Production
Brand Story
Distinct feature allows for customization,
where the panels can be rearranged to
create various beautiful kawung patterns
inspired by Indonesian batik. This
flexibility not only serves as a functional
storage solution but also adds a
decorative element, enhancing the
aesthetic appeal of any room. With Kasef,
you can easily switch between different
kawung patterns, adapting to different
moods or changing room aesthetics.
02. Lightning

The lotus-shaped lamp called Araw, named after the Javanese
word for lotus flower, brings beauty to indoor spaces. It functions as
both a source of illumination and a decoration. With adjustable
petals, Araw provides different levels of lighting and warmth. It is
suitable for living rooms and bedrooms, adapting to various
scenarios. By opening the petals upwards, it offers bright
illumination for gatherings, while closed petals create a calm and
dimly lit ambiance.
Dimension & Scenario

D 30 cm
Close Petals Partial
1.6 m

D 25 cm

Open Petals
03. Public Furniture

So-U Chair
Introducing the So-U chair, a remarkable seating solution specifically

crafted for the XYZ communal space. Designed to evoke a harmonious

blend of nature and togetherness, this public chair creates a

captivating ambiance in any gathering area. The circular shape of the

So-U chair serves a dual purpose: not only does it facilitate seamless

communication among individuals, but it also fosters a deeper sense of

intimacy and connection.

04. Social & Culture Innovation

Temantik is a modern portable lighter that offers a solution to the
challenges posed by traditional wooden matches. Inspired by the
cultural practice of keeping matches in bottles at local food stalls
(warteg), Temantik aims to streamline the use of lighters while
enhancing their quality and aesthetic appeal. The design of this
contemporary lighter is driven by the objectives of efficiency,
improved functionality, and visual appeal.
Ui/ Ux

05. Mobile App

Minds is a groundbreaking app designed to address the mental health
issues faced by young people. It features mood tracking to help users
understand their emotional fluctuations, while the social aspect allows
them to connect with peers and create a supportive community.

Minds also provides educational resources on mental health,

empowering users to manage their well-being. By combining these
features, Minds aims to revolutionize how young people approach and
prioritize their mental health.
Design Process
User Interview
The Minds team determines the interview goals and creates a relevant list of questions regarding the app's features. Seek potential or active
users as respondents. The team actively listens to user feedback and experiences related to using Minds, documenting the responses. From the
interviews, the team analyzes key findings, identifies common patterns or challenges faced by users, and explores opportunities to enhance the
user experience through changes or feature improvements. This process serves as a foundation to optimize Minds to be more effective and
relevant in assisting users with their mental health issues.

Affinity Map User Persona

Needs & Goals
After the interview session, the Mengelola kesehatan mentalnya dengan baik untuk
Pain points

The user persona activity involves

meningkatkan kualitas hidup dan kesejahteraan Beban kuliah yang tinggi

descriptive affinity map activity

Menyuarakan pentingnya kesadaran akan kesehatan Tekanan akademik yang dapat
mental di kalangan mahasiswa dan masyarakat mempengaruhi kesehatan mental
umu Keterbatasan waktu untuk mengelola stres

involves organizing and

Mencari dukungan dan informasi yang akurat
mengenai kesehatan mental untuk dirinya sendiri dan
komunitas di sekitarny
Berkontribusi dalam upaya untuk mengurangi stigma
dan merawat kesehatan mental karena
rutinitas kuliah yang padat
Merasa diabaikan dan tidak nyaman ketika creating a detailed fictional
representation of a target user
terkait kesehatan mental dan mendorong perubahan menyuarakan isu kesehatan mental di

categorizing the collected

sosial positif dalam pandangan masyarakat terhadap lingkungannya yang belum sepenuhnya
isu ini. menyadari pentingnya masalah ini.

insights and feedback from users

Anna Larisa
22 based on research and interview data
Hobies & Interest Personality
to better understand their needs,
Indonesia, Jakarta

into meaningful clusters to Mahasiswi

Mahasiswa aktif di kampus
Bersosial Medi

goals, and behaviors.

Gemar ikut berkampany Ramah

identify patterns and key

Anna adalah seorang mahasiswi berusia 22 tahun yang tinggal Mempelajari trend dan teknologi terbar Kreatif
di ibukota. Ia aktif berkuliah di salah satu universitas ternama
di kota tersebut dan sedang menjalani program studi yang Mencari bacaan sebagai informasi tambaha
cukup demanding. Rani memiliki minat yang kuat dalam isu Mengikuti grup atau aktifitas komunitas Peduli

kesehatan mental dan ingin menyuarakannya. online Up To Date
User Journey Map
Anna Larisa Scenario Expectation
Current State 22 Anna Larisa ingin menjaga dan merawat kesehatan Tidak mengganggu aktifitas
mentalnya tetapi tidak memiliki waktu dan sarana Sarana yang nyaman dan fleksibel

The user journey map activity is a valuable tool for understanding the entire user
untuk mewujudkannya.



experience with a product or service. It involves mapping out the various touchpoints,

interactions, and emotions that a user goes through from the initial awareness stage to


Kenapa susah mencari
sarana yang dapat

post-purchase or post-interaction stage.

Saya membutuhkan membantu saya? Saya perlu mengisi

sarana untuk membantu profil kesehatan mental
menjaga dan merawat saya dengan benar
kesehatan metal saya.
Apakah kualitas
aplikasi kesehatan

mental ini baik?

By visually representing this journey, the user journey map helps identify pain points,
Touch Point

Membuat daftar masalah kesehatan

mental yang dialam
Bertanya kepada teman terdeka
Mengikuti akun media sosial terkait
Mencoba beberapa aplikasi
kesehatan menta
Mendaftar dan membuat akun pada
aplikasi kesehatan menta
challenges, and opportunities for improvement. It allows stakeholders to gain insights
into the user's perspective, their goals, motivations, and the context in which they
kesehatan menta

Mengidentifikasi jenis dukungan Menilai kualitas dan kegunaan Mengisi profil kesehatan mental
kesehatan mental yang dibutuhkan Membaca ulasan aplikasi kesehatan aplikasi kesehatan mental yang pada aplikas
mental dari pengguna lai diundu
Menggunakan fitur-fitur yang
Mencari aplikasi kesehatan mental Mempertimbangkan fitur-fitur disediakan oleh aplikasi kesehatan
yang relevan aplikasi kesehatan mental mental

Mengetahui terlebih dahulu kondisi

mental serta faktor penyebabny
Menyediakan sarana kesehatan
mental yang mudah ditemukan
Menawarkan uji coba aplikasi
kesehatan mental secara grati
Menyediakan informasi kesehatan
mental yang akurat dan terpercay engage with the product or service. This holistic view helps identify areas where the user

(reachable Memberikan fitur yang mudah Memberikan fitur pemberitahuan

Menyelesaikan masalah mental

experience can be enhanced, leading to better customer satisfaction and loyalty.

sedini mungkin tanpa harus Menyesuaikan aplikasi agar relevan digunakan dan responsi dan pengingat untuk pengguna
meminta saran orang lain dengan target use rutin menggunakan aplikasi
Menyediakan ulasan dan testimoni
Menyediakan video dan konten pengguna yang terpercaya Menyediakan fitur perekaman data
edukatif yang mudah dipahami oleh kesehatan mental pengguna untuk
pengguna memantau perkembangan
pengguna secara rutin

Wire Frame
Track Your Mood!

The wireframing process in designing Minds involves creating visual representations of

Today | 24 March

Welcome to

the app's interface and features using low-fidelity sketches or digital tools. The goal is
24 March 2023 +
to outline the structure and layout of different screens, as well as the placement of key
Mood Feeling People elements such as buttons, menus, and content blocks. This activity helps the design team
and stakeholders to visualize and iterate on the app's user interface before moving on to

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sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore
magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam,
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consectetur adipisicing elit, sed
do ei

high-fidelity designs and development.


The prototyping process in designing Minds using Figma involves creating interactive and clickable mockups of the app's interface and
features. Figma, as a collaborative design tool, allows designers to seamlessly design, prototype, and gather feedback within a single

Track Your Mood!

Log In / Sign Up Hi, Anna!
Today | 24 March

March 2023
a week a month

How’s Your Day?

+62 Phone

18 19 20 21 22 23 24

or 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
March 2023 March
Trending Article See more
Hi, Anna! Mon

Track Your Mood!
Continue with Google Today | 24 March

7 8 9 10 11 12 13
March 2023

Welcome to

a week a month
Continue with Apple How are you feeling today?
minds Enjoy Your Meditation
Meditation is a practice that involves
Enjoy Your Meditation
Meditation is a practice that involves How was your mood?
14 15 16 17 18 19 20

focusing or clearing your mind using a

combination of mental and physical
focusing or clearing your mind using a
combination of mental and physical
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
techniques... techniques...

Choose your emotion

28 29 30 31 1 2 3
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
What Consultant Said Happiness
Taking care of yourself physically, emotionally, excitement, wonder, pride, peace, relief, rejoicing,
and mentally is essential for maintaining good compassion/joy, amusement, naches, fiero
mental health. Make sure you're getting enough
sleep, eating a healthy diet, and engaging in 24 March 2023 March
regular exercise. Additionally, make time for
activities that you enjoy and that help you relax Sadness
and unwind. sorrow, hoplessness, helplessness, disappointment,
grief, despair, misery, resignation, distraughtness

terror, panic, desperation, anxiety, nervousness,
What Consultant Said horror, dread,trepidation
24 March 2023
Taking care of yourself physically, emotionally,
and mentally is essential for maintaining good
mental health. Make sure you're getting enough
Track your mood sleep, eating a healthy diet, and engaging in loathing, revulsion, repugnance, distaste, dislike,
regular exercise. Additionally, make time for abhorrence,aversion
activities that you enjoy and that help you relax
and unwind.
Recognize and learn about your Anger
mood so that you are mentally more fury, vengefulness, bitterness, argumentativeness, Mood Emotion Trigger
stable exasperation, frustation, annoyance
Today I’m feeling lonely...

Style Guide
The style guide in Minds serves as a comprehensive reference that establishes guidelines for visual design, branding, and user interface elements
throughout the application. It ensures consistency and cohesiveness in the overall look and feel of Minds.

Colour Logo

#F1F0EB #1FC0B2 #073A4B

minds minds

Shadow Typography

Small Medium Large

Active Passive
06. Website Redesign

STEM Prasetiya Mulya

The project aims to redesign the STEM Faculty website at Prasetiya
Mulya University to provide a modern, functional, and appealing user
experience. By making significant changes to the design and structure
of the website, the project seeks to enhance user experience, visibility,
and reputation of the STEM Faculty.

The main objective of the project is to ensure that the website delivers
relevant and up-to-date information to its visitors. By adjusting the
structure and organizing the content, information regarding academic
programs, faculty and staff, academic and non-academic activities, as
well as facilities and research projects can be presented in a more
organized and easily accessible manner.
Problem Statement

The existing campus website is currently unable to fully meet the needs and expectations of parents in an effective manner. As a result, users experience

subpar usability and a lack of engagement with the platform. The website does not adequately address parental preferences, the navigation bar is

not easily understood, and crucial features or sections relevant to parents are not appropriately highlighted.


Enhancing User Experience: Enhance the overall user experience by creating a user-friendly interface, intuitive navigation, and visually appealing

design. Ensure that parents can easily find the information they need, such as academic registration, campus policies, contact details, and info sessions.

User Workflow
User workflow in this website redesign is important to understand the needs of parents and design a user-friendly interface. This will enhance user

experience and parental engagement with the platform.

Campus Life
Membaca Info Klik Judul Prodi di
Informasi Prodi
Registrasi Info

Home Scroll Landing Page

Universitas dan Landing Page
Home Scroll Landing Page
Mencari Informasi Home Scroll Landing Page Klik Campus Life

Mengenai Info Session

Halaman Prodi Terbuka

Halaman Konfirmasi Mengisi Data

Mengisi Data Membuka Halaman Join Now Join Now / See All See All Info Session
Registrasi Terbuka Registrasi
Scroling Halaman Halaman Campus Life
Registrasi Registrasi Info Session? Klik Judul Prodi
Campus Life Terbuka

Membuka Halaman Join Now Join Now / See All See All Info Session
Halaman Konfirmasi Selesai
Registrasi Info Session?
Registrasi Terbuka
Memilih Info Session Selesai
yang Tersedia

Memilih Info Session

yang Tersedia
Wire Frame
Style Guide
Several style guides used are the visual brand of STEM Prasetiya Mulya that have been customized. The use of these style guides ensures consistency in
visuals and the brand recognition of STEM Prasetiya Mulya across various design elements.

Layout Colour Typography

Bold Regular
Headline 1
Exo , 65, 0.54

#000000 #1B1B1B #E20C15 #FFFFFF 0123456789 Hea dline 2

Exo , 40, 0.54
#cc00cc Bold Regular Subtitle
PDE #ff6600


Exo , 24, 0.54

Lato , 16, 0.25
#330066 #D6CDE2 Prodi Lain

Logo & Icon

Before / After
In this redesign, we focus on achieving a
cleaner and more organized appearance. A
cleaner layout will provide users with a more
enjoyable and easily understandable
experience. Additionally, we strive to create
variation and order in the arrangement of
content layouts. By doing so, users can
navigate and find the information they are
looking for more effortlessly.
We aim to incorporate visual elements that
can enhance the image and brand of the
study programs. Through the use of visually
appealing designs consistent with the
program's identity, we aim to create a strong
and professional impression for users.

We have made efforts to eliminate confusion

in the use of Dropbox. By simplifying the
interface and providing clear instructions,
users can easily utilize Dropbox without

07. Social Media

Detik.com (Insertlive)
As an intern graphic designer at Detik.com, particularly in Insert.live,
my task is to create compelling and relevant visual content. I'm involved
in graphic design, including creating event posters, stories, infographics
and feeds. I collaborate with the design team and effectively manage
my time. My goal is to grow and develop as a creative and talented
graphic designer.

Disclamer: What I show is the result of my exploration in Insert

(not posted in the media)


STEM Prasetiya Mulya

Me as a graphic designer and social media team, I was actively involved in various tasks to
enhance the visual appeal and engagement on Instagram. I assisted in designing captivating
visuals for the Instagram feed, ensuring a cohesive and eye-catching aesthetic that resonated
with the target audience.

Additionally, I supported the team by creating designs for posters, e-flyers, cards, and cover
reels, maintaining a consistent brand identity across different platforms. Moreover, I actively
participated in weekly team meetings, contributing ideas and collaborating with colleagues to
strategize and optimize social media content.


Cover Reels
During my volunteer work at Riduree, I assisted in Instagram layout design, product promotion, and

participated in SDG campaigns, contributing to the organization's mission of creating positive

08. Event

Eufontara 2022
Eufotara 2022 is an annual concert organized by the student activity
club, orkestra, Prasetiya Mulya. As a member of the team, my
responsibilities encompassed assisting with the design elements of the
concert. I actively contributed to the creation of captivating
promotional materials such as posters, banners, and social media
graphics, aiming to effectively communicate the essence of the event
and attract a wide audience.

Instagram Stories
Creative Proposal
09. Visual Element

Top Notch Catter

Top Notch Cater is a healthy catering business that emerged during

the Wirausaha Merdeka program. We prioritize providing nutritious

meals without compromising on affordability. Our mission is to offer a

diverse range of healthy food options that cater to different dietary

needs and preferences. By leveraging the knowledge and support

gained from the incubation program, we strive to deliver high-quality,

delicious meals that promote well-being and contribute to a healthier

Logo Element

Color Typography
#000000 #1B1B1B #E20C15 #FFFFFF
Mock Up
other projects

Link Portfolio Putra

Putra Pangestu


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