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UNIT 2: Conversation

A: Hey, have you noticed how C seems a bit down lately?

B: Yeah, I think he's experiencing culture shock. He's from China, right? Moving to a
new country can be really tough.

A: What exactly is culture shock?

A: Well, culture shock is when someone feels disoriented and uncomfortable because
they're suddenly in a completely different culture. Like, everything from language to
social norms can be different, and it can be overwhelming.

B: Ah, I see. What do you think might be causing it for C?

A: There could be a few things. For starters, language barrier can be a big one.
Imagine not being able to understand what people are saying or struggling to express
yourself. That alone can make you feel isolated.

B: That makes sense. What else?

A: Well, cultural differences play a huge role too. Things we take for granted, like
how we greet each other or even eat our meals, can be totally different for him. And
then there's the academic side of things. The way classes are taught here might be
completely different from what he's used to.
B: I can see how that would be tough. How do you think it's affecting him?

A: It's probably really stressful for him. I mean, he might be feeling homesick,
struggling to make friends, and his grades might be slipping because he's having
trouble adjusting to the new way of learning.

B: Poor guy. Is there anything we can do to help him?

A: Definitely. Just being there for him, listening when he needs to talk, and maybe
helping him get involved in some activities on campus could make a big difference.
Oh, and encouraging him to reach out to other international students who might be
going through the same thing.

B: That's a good idea. Thanks, A. I'll make sure to check in on him.

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