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This post was published to kyaimojo at 21:59:23 01/12/2017


1 ........................, may I have your attention, please?
A Anyone
B Everybody
C Students
D a and c are correct

2 Attention please! Are we ................ready to learn English?

A Are
B am
C Is
D All

3 Molly : Do you understand of what she said?

George : Yes, she ......that we should speak English in our English class.
A Say
B Saying
C says
D Said

4 Teacher : What do you think if we use English in our English class?

Students : ......................................
A I agree with him
B I have no idea
C That is a good idea
D I don’t think so

5 Teacher : Dayu, please look at me! Would you stop doing that please? Are you ............ to
A all
B ready
C happy
D feel

6 Teacher : Edo, ................English easy or difficult ?

A am
B is
C are
D may
7 Teacher : You can wash your hand at the back yard of the school
Studens : Mom what is wash in Bahasa?
Teacher : Oh, it is ............... in Indonesian.
A bersih
B mencuci
C membersihkan
D mengepel

8 Mr. Adnan says: “It is not easy to read a story to your friends loudly and correctly. But, I’m happy
that many of you can do it well. Adi for example he still makes some mistakes, but he can write
quickly, read the story loudly, he also can remember many words.
According to Mr. Adnan, Adi can do lots of things except
A read story
B able to remember many words
C Write very fast
D can speak English fluently

9 Irsad : Can you understand of what our teacher ask you to do?
What is the meaning of ask in the statement above?
A meminta
B Menanyakan
C mengharapkan
D a dan b benar

1 Gita : Will You attend the OSIS meeting tomorrow?

Rahmat : I probably a bit late but I promise to come to the ocasion.
In the statement above Rahmat ........come to the OSIS meeting.
A will not come
B cannot come
C will come
D won’t come

1 Usman : can you play the guitar

Joni : Sorry, ................. . I need to learn how to play it.
A Yes, I can
B Yes, I think so
C May be
D I can’t
1Arman : can you come to my party?
John : ......... It’s fun.
A Sorry
B It’s up to you
C No I can
D Certainly

1Teacher : Can you clean the whiteboard please?

Student : ...........(13 )
A Sorry
B Yes, thank
C Yes, Ma’am
D No thanks

1Maura : Will you join us to the library?

Maya : Ok, but wait a minute.
How do you say wait a minute in bahasa ?
A Tunggu sebentar
B ya nanti
C Boleh sebentar
D tunggu semenit

1Student : knock.. knock ...knock .. Excuse me, Sir.

Teacher : Oh, somebody is knocking the door. Would you come in, please!
Student : ...................(14)
A Please
B Thank you
C Sorry
D You are welcome

1Ahmad : Would you Please accompany me to see the principal

George : Sorry, I’m a bit shy to see him.
What is the meaning of to see the principal in the sentence above
A untuk meminta kepala sekolah
B Untuk melihat kepala sekolah
C Untuk berjumpa dengan kepala sekolah
D Untuk bertemu ketua kelas

1 What is the synonym of Principal

A teachers
B A teacher
C The chairman of the class
D the headmaster

1 Lina : “May I use your pen?”

Dayu : “Sure. ..............................”Don’t use the red one. There’s no ink in it.”
A take the green one
B buy me a pen
C is this your pen
D that is mine

1 William : Iforgot to bring a pair of scissors. May I use yours.

Umar : Yes, certainly, You can use mine
William : Great, thank you. You are ..............
A very good
B very well
C very kind
D very rich

2Me Merry : Do you see myjacket?

John : Is it .................?
Merry : No, It’s Edo’s jacket. Our ackets are similar but the sizes are different.
A mine
B yours
C theirs
D ours

2 Lina : you don’t have to buy anything for my birthday?

Condro : It’s not a big deal, I can buy it.
What is a big deal in bahasa?
A Itu bukan hal yang menarik
B Itu bukan masalah anda
C Itu bukan masalah besar
D tak ada yang benar

2 Udin : “It’s very cold. Can I wear your jacket?

Edo : “Sure. I have two jackets.” “Don’t forget to wash before you return it to me, ok?”
In the dialogue above Edo remind Udin to wash the jacket before he returns it
What is meant by remind in the sentence above?
A Melarang
B Merintah
C menanggapi
D Mengingatkan

2 Siti : “Let’s wrap the gift for Lina. Can we do it on your table?”
Beni : “Please do, but don’t make a mess.”
The expression “ but don’t make a mess.” Is a kind of
A Prohibition
B respond
C invitation
D Instruction

2 Udin : “Is this seat taken? Can I sit here?”

Edo : “No, the chair’s leg is loose. Don’t sit on it.” “Please take the seat near the window.”
the statement “please take the seat near the window.” Is a kind of.................?
A Prohibition
B Respond
C invitation
D Instruction

2 William : Umar Would you like to bring me the ribbon?

Umar : Certainly. ..............
A this is friend
B that it the ribon
C here I am
D here you are

2 Cucu : Don’t tell Lina that we will give her a special gift
James : ok, no worries.
What is the meaning of special gift in the sentence above?.
A hadiah
B kado
C kejutan
D hadiah istimewa

2 What is the menaing of be there?

A harus hadir disana
B harus mengikuti rapat
C jangan terlambat
D Harus tepat waktu

2 what is Invitation card in bahasa?

A surat undangan
B surat Permintaan
C kartu selamat
D kartu undangan

2 Udin : Hallo, good morning. This is Udin, I just received an invitation card for your birthday.
Milla : you are coming aren’t you? Be there and don’t be late
Udin : Yes, I am. Thanks for ................ me.
A invite
B Invites
C Inviting
D Invited

3 Udin : How about you Richard ? Would you like to come to Milla’s birthday?
Richard : I’m afraid I can’t because I’ll have a badminton competition on that day. Anyway, let’s buy a
birthday gift for her. I hope she doesn’t mind for my not coming.
Udin : all right, ...........................(30)
A Of course
B certainly
C Let’s go then
D don’t worry

3 In the conversation number (30) above who celebrates birthday ?

a. Udin b. Richard c. Milla d. Milla’s friend


3 What is the meaning of anyway in the text above?

a. walaupun b. ya begitulah c. ya bagaimana d. Namun

3 To : Beni You are invited!

3 Please come to my 14thbirthday party. Which will be held on
Saturday, November 8th 2013. 3-5 P.m
At : Mentari Residence Jl. Serma Muchtar no. 97
RS.V.P, please contact 0769879 (john)
Love, Lina
Based on the invitation card above Who is invited to the party?
A Lina
B Beni
C Jl. Serma Muchtar
D John

3 Who celebrate the birthday?

A Lina
B Beni
C Jl. Serma Muchtar
D John

3 When will the party begin?

A It’s 3p.m. to 5 p.m
B It’s 07698 79
C It’s Jl Serma Muchtar
D It’s November the 8th

3 Acording to the invitation card above How old is Lina ?

A It’s 3-5 p.m
B It’s Jl Serma Muchtar
C It’s 14th years
D It’s November the 8th

3 Acording to the invitation card above Where will the party be held?
A It’s 3-5 p.m
B It’s 07698 79
C It’s Jl Serma Muchtar
D It’s November the 8th

3 Happy mother’s day

8 My dear sweet mother
I hope your special day is blessed with sunshine and smiles laughter,
Love and happiness
I love you,
your daughter, Irma and Wulan .

What is the meaning of happy mother’s day

A Selamat hari guru
B selamat hari ibu
C selamat hari bapak
D selamat hari ulang tahun

3 What kind of card that is normally written for expressing this special occasion
A greeting card
B invitation card
C congratulation card
D SIM card

0 I would like to tell a story of my uncle. My uncle is a zoo keeper. He feeds the animals everyday.
He prepares foods and drinks for the animals every morning. He clean the animal’s cage every
day. His friends help him to wash the animals. There are also doctors who take care of sick
animals and the technicians regularly repair the animals cages. My uncle looks very hapy as a
zoo keeper. He loves his job.

What is the Indonesian for zoo keeper?

A Kepla kebun binatang
B dokter kebun binatang
C penjaga kebun binatang
D teknisi di kebun binatang

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