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A classic of fine writing- Review of the Old Man and the Sea

By Lauro Marques

The Old Man and the Sea is a novellai by Ernest Hemmingway. It was published in 1952 and first
appeared in Newsweek Magazine. Two years later, he won the Nobel Prize.

Hemingway's distinctive style is clear, direct, short, and objective. It has influenced a lot of writers
around the world, and still is influencing until now. This story is considered his masterpiece. For
its realistic aspect, it looks like a great newspaper story, very well-narrated, focused at the
protagonist, his actions, feelings, thoughts, etc. On the other hand, it has something of a fable.

Set at the coast of Havana, this is the story of an old fisherman, named Santiago. He lives alone,
except for one young boy, Manolin, who admires him, and wants to learn how to fish with him. But
Manolin’s parents force the boy to leave him because of his bad luck. He has gone 84 days
without catching a fish. So, on the 85th day, the old man takes his small boat and goes fishing far
away from the coast, all alone. He dreams to catch the great marlin.

The story is so well-told that is like we are inside the skiff, at the sea, with the old man. And when
he finally catches the fish (after having fought with it for three days, using all his forces, in pain
and hunger), when he finally wins the battle, the fish is too big to put into the boat. He has to put it
alongside the boat, where the sharks will eat it, letting only the tail and the head when he lands
on the beach.

I believe that there is much of Hemingway own personality hidden in the characterization of the
protagonist. There's clearly a parallel between the craft of writing and the craft of fishing.

The old man also talks sometimes in a very poetical language. He shows great respect for the
nature, the sea, which he always thought it was feminine (as something that gives or refuses
“great favors”), and for the great marlin that he is hunting.

It’s as well a tale about getting old, the desire of surmounting, courage, the feeling of loss and
honor in face of defeat.
A novella is longer than a short story and smaller than a novel, which is generally more complex and deals
with a lot of characters and events.

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