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check cortisol level tested

get omega ratio checked

check pressure

breahting throughout to sotmach

Take 20 deep breaths (use box breathing).

Mock your worries

remember: nothing is ever as important as it seems to you

in this moment, while you’re focusing on it.

idenidfy self sutianing omestasis loops that ur going thought right now

avoiding becoming emotionally identified with it, and letting it cloud your judgment.

reflect your dfay what happene dand how it cuc be iumproved

when want to break and friction - breka out of homeostasis by doing some psyical acitivty
- move more and move move and just do it- moving seem to activat ethe On respoisne of
body thats why all the greta people moved - start moving more and have ur body acitvated
more and more througnout the day through spreading activaiton

don rationlaize behaviour and cope ask if this actually helped you get to your goals
dont cope

A noble indulgence is a particularly compelling narrative used to rationalize

a primitive drive or self-serving behavior under the guise of a much nobler

A noble indulgence lets you both have the cake and eat it. You can indulge
in hedonism while rationalizing it as cool and important. YOLO

Most yogurts, granola bars, lite sodas, cereal, and juices are
falsely advertised as healthy while containing mostly sugar,
allowing consumers to feel healthy while being slobs.

dont drink fruit juces ocntianeing sugar too it is fake evenif it raw fruit with no fiber
it is sugar - stop coping and ask really if this is good for your long temr goals?

sodoum in water

cant conmtorl mind iwth body contorl body with ody - breath work and stuff

take short breaks work in 90 min chunks and rest nsdr preferabel every 15 mins - habit

dont try to cram too much

Be brutally honest. You may act wrongly, but you should
never try to deceive yourself by rationalizing the situation.
When you make mistakes, admit it to yourself immediately

Which is the more homeostasis-friendly alternative? Don’t do it. It’s a trap!

Is this emotional response appropriate to the situation?

Is this activity I’m about to undertake going to help me Break

me out of Homeostasis, or will it cause me to dwell deeper?

The better way is to spend a few months or years at each

major area separately [health, finance, relationships—in that order].

The more senses and emotions involved, the better you

learn. Pictures are better than words, associations are better
than complicated information, and the more emotion involved
the higher the chances of memory formation.

Visualize before execution. Before doing a thing, see yourself

doing it in your mind’s eye. This prepares you, mentally, for the
actual execution.

Have good posture and don’t sit still for too long. Straighten
up, mate! At least flex your abs or something, because
otherwise your body’s parasympathetic nervous system will
activate by default, and you’ll become sluggish.

active recalling

The prefrontal cortex can be activated through goal-setting, novelty,

variation, and meditation or mental rehearsal

Goal-setting, planning and concentration:

Setting goals
Planning ahead
Engaging in deliberate practice
Working on today’s top priority

passion is acquired through discpline and hardwork not have it

set goals to activate pfc

mental reharsal for sales and litearlly evertyhging

editing example ad stuff: go out there and learn deliberately with pfc - for any skill
dont apply the same mistake you have done for it - go out and learn delibertely with pfc
eat and sleep thats it repetedly - never stop with habituatuion

master higher order thinking - get hait of question everything in diffrent ways and stuff
- get habit of it - reflect intorcept

pleasre understand you will forget everything unless you put in concious effort - you
will forget to not take action with it an daply too pls recall adn repeat

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