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Group 3 - Method of Business Research

Research Project MBR - IBA

No. Title Diep Ngoc
Author Su, Duy Journal Name
Quy Nguyen-
1 A Comprehensive examination of conHan Wen, Sanjukta British Food Journal
Phuoc, Tien Hanh
2 Food Delivery Apps in Asia: An explShweta Pandey,
Duong, My Than Dee
British Food Journal
Tran Dinh, Tuan
Trong Luu, Lester
3 How does quality of mobile food delJohnson International Journal of

Barbara Francioni,
Ilaria Curina,
Sabrina M. Hegner,
4 Predictors of continuance intention Marco Cioppi International Journal of
Adnan Muhammad
Shah, Xiangbin
Yan, Abdul
5 Adoption of mobile food ordering a Qayyum British Food Journal
6 Customers' dining choice using mea Adnan Muhammad Sh Asia Pacific Journal of Ma
Won Seok Lee,
Myungkeun Song,
Joonho Moon,
7 Application of the technology acce Ruohan Tang British Food Journal
Anwar Allah
Pitchay, Yuvaraj
Ganesan, Nurul
Syifa Zulkifli,
8 Determinants of customers' intentioAhmad Khaliq British Food Journal
Juliana Costa
Liboredo, Cláudia
Antônia Alcântara
Amaral, Natália
9 Food delivery before and during th Caldeira Carvalho Nutrition and Food Scien
10 Factors affecting online food deliveAhmed Tausif SaadBritish Food Journal
Shrawan Kumar
Trivedi, Amrinder
11 Twitter sentiment analysis of app Singh Global Knowledge, Memo
12 When do we eat? Food ordering plaMeenakshi N. Journal of Business Strat
Arvind Shroff,
Bhavin J. Shah,
13 Online food delivery research: a sysHasmukh Gajjar International Journal of
14 How the consumer’s attitude and beh Vikas Gupta, ShelleInternational Journal of C
15 Technology at the Dining Table: Linking perceived valueRBGN
16 Online food delivery: A systematic synthesis of litera International Journal of Hospitality Management
17 An analysis of a third-party food Shiang-Lih Chen McC British Food Journal
18 Consumer Adoption of Online FoodSaqib Ali, Nadeem Journal of Open Innovation
19 Factors Influencing the Behavioral Lee, Eun-Yong; Lee,Social Behavior and Personality: an international journa
20 Why do people use food delivery apArghya Ray, Amande Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services
21 Factors Affecting Customer SatisfaAnak Agung Ngurah,Journal of Open Innovation
22 Digital Food Delivery Apps RevolutN. Thamaraiselvan, International Journal of Recent Technology and Enginee
23 The value proposition of food deliv Puneet Kaur, AmandInternational Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Ma
24 The use of food delivery apps durinLuis D'Avoglio, ZaneFood Research International
25 The role of food apps servitization Sook Fern Yeo, CheInternational Journal of Production Economics
26 Food delivery apps in India: whereiN. Meenakshi, AnamStrategic Direction
27 Consumer experiences, attitude and Vincent Cheow Ser Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services
28 Loyalty toward online food delivery Dwi
s Suhartanto, MohJournal of Foodservice B
29 Impact of Flow on Mobile ShoppingYi-Mu Chena, TsuenJournal of Retailing and Consumer Services
30 A Study on Impact of Online Food dDr. Mitali Gupta International Journal of Research and Analytical Revie
31 Food Delivery Services and CustomNataranjan ChandraJournal of Foodservice Business Research
32 Review of Online Food Delivery PlatCharlene Li, Mirand Sustainablity
33 Impact on bullwhip effect in food in Reena Jain, Mona VOpsearch
34 Determinants of Behavioural Inten Maizatul Akmar Mohd Global Business and Management Research: An Interna
35 Modeling consumers’ trust in mobileDiep Ngoc Su,NguyJournal of Hospitality Marketing and Management
36 Loyalty toward online food delivery Dwi
s Suhartanto, MohJournal of Foodservice Business Research
37 Using Mobile Food Delivery Applic Md Al Amin, Md ShaJournal of Food Product Marketing
38 Predicting satisfaction and intentio Katerina Annaraud &Journal of Foodservice Business Research
39 Consumers’ usage of food delivery Debarun ChakrabortJournal of Hospitality Marketing & Management
40 Using online food delivery applicat Debajyoti Pal, Sure Journal of Foodservice Business Research
41 Give your hunger a new option: Unde Aleem Raza,Muhamm International Journal of Consumer Studies
42 An integrated model to decipher onMohammad Osman Journal Ga of Foodservice Business Research
43 Antecedents and Consequences ofSmitha C Girija and D South Asian Journal of Management
44 User Familiarity and Satisfaction WJu-Choel Choi Sage Journals
45 What factors determining customerYuyang zhao and F International Journal of Hospitality Management
46 Why do people purchase from foodTandon Anushree, KJournal of Retailing & Co
47 Give your hunger a new option: Unde Raza Aleem, Asif International Journal of Consumer Studies
48 Customer Satisfaction towards MobGoh Mei Ling, Ho S Journal of Management & Marketing Review (JMMR)\
49 Differences in perceptions about f Meehee Cho, Mark International Journal of Hospitality Management
50 The Relationship Between Food DeAzizul, Jamaludin; AINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC & TE
51 The changing Market for food DelivCarsten Hirschberg,Telecommunications
Topic: Analysing the Impacts and Implications of Rapidly Developing Food D

Research Question Key Research Objectives Methodology

to comprehensively examineSEM-PLS
t Methods
This study explores and compa
Qualitative Research

Functional quality has a sign to examine mobile food delive

PLS-SEM Approach

Perceived healthiness leads tidentify the main antecedentsStructural Equation Modeling

Ease of use (EU) significantl develop a model to examine Structural

h Equation Modeling
MR (valence) positively inf explore the critical antece Literature Review, Qualitative

Delivery time and menus of on

determinants of usefulness, eStructural Equation Modeling

Performance expectancy hasfactors

a that influence customPLS Approach and Quantitati

How have food delivery habitunderstand consumer behavior Online Survey

Which factors have been the empirically
m evaluate the fact Exploratory approach and Stati

How do companies analyse the help companies with social mDescriptive Analytical Method
How to differentiate between to understand the sales funne
Qualitative analysis or prima

What are the issues faced byThis paper captures numerous Literature Review, Bibliometric and Thematic Content Analysis
What are the various risk anddiscovers the reasons behindExploratory facetor analysis,
What is the role of perceived Examining the influence of coPLS-SEM technique
Journal of Hospitality Management Developing a conceptual framework
shows the frequently reported antecedents, media-tors, m
Three aspects influencing cus text mining technique and con
en Innovation To examine the effect of factPartial least square (PLS) an
or and Personality: an international journaExamining the relationships Structural equation modeling
tailing and Consumer Services Developing a psychometricallmixed-method research
en Innovation To determine factors influen Structural equation modeling
Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) Content Analysis
Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Ma Extending the TCV to the FDA mixed-method research, SEM,
ch International investigates the use and co Five-point Likert scale, SEM
Journal of Production Economics investigated the relationship non-probability purposive s
To understand the evolution,Secondary research
tailing and Consumer Services To examine the structural re PLS Path Modelling
the OFD loyalty model testedIti assesses the direct influe Variance based PLS, SmartP
tailing and Consumer Services To explore whether flow playSEM-PLS Methods
Journal of Research and Analytical Revie what is the impact of food d Text-Mining and Content Anal
odservice Business Research To examine the consumer beh Grey Analysis, Questionnaires
To highlight the opportunitiesNarrative Synthesis
E-supply chain generated byMixed method research
ess and Management Research: An Interna To study if there any relatio IBM SPSS Software
spitality Marketing and Management Emperically testing personaliPLS-SEM
odservice Business Research the direct influence of food variance-based partial least s
od Product Marketing identify the factors influenc purposive sampling method
odservice Business Research to investigate customer intenPLS-SEM
spitality Marketing & Management CMB and structural equation
odservice Business Research Exploring the determinants oPLS-SEM
Journal of Consumer Studies investigating the trust trans SEM
odservice Business Research explore consumers’ use of onPLS-3
ournal of Management examining various factors th AMOS-SEM (Structural Equation Modeling)
to examine the relationships PLS-SEM
Journal of Hospitality Management This study proposes a comprOnline Survey
Why do people purchase from to examine associations betwSEM
Journal of Consumer Studies the purpose is to fill this g SEM
nagement & Marketing Review (JMMR)\ The objective of this study (PLS-SEM)
Journal of Hospitality Management This study was designed to sp Mixed-method research
NAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC & TE This research was designed Quantitativet research
How is the lnadscape of FDAsgeneral data collection

mplications of Rapidly Developing Food Delivery Apps on Domestic Consumer Behaviour

Theoretical Lens Region Sample Size Key Findings

TPB and TAM USA 150 the perceived innovativeness
India and Philippines 63 The study showcases that while situational trigg

Gronroos' Service quality perspectiv Vietnam 494 the study concludes that cons

Italy 360 findings identify a positive

Uses and Gratification (U&G) TheoryChina 968 customer satisfaction with M

Stimulus-Organism-Response (SOR)China and Indonesia 1,207 SyQ positively influences cus

Technology Acceptance Model (TAMKorea 484 customers felt that food deli

Unified Theory of Acceptance and U Malaysia 256 constructs, i.e. social influe

TAM Brazil 971 almost half of the participan

TAM Bangladesh 177 delivery time, service quality

Lexicon-based sentiment classificati India No set sample three major app-based food de
TAM India No set sample sales funnel of a food orderi

Bibliometric and Thematic Content Analysis 43 thematic content analysis syn

TAM India 337 decrease in risk perception o
Conceptual model of continuous intention 380 Both service recovery and per
- Structural equation modelling
Review and analysis USA 1000 comments The most important dimension
Theory of technology readiness (TR)Asia 439 Innovativeness significantly
Extended TAM - User generated information, f
U and G Theory India, Finland, South A 520 The results suggest customer
extended theory of planned behavio Indonesia 253 Hedonic motivation had the mos
- India Considering the present grow
Theory of Consumption Values (TCVSouth Asia 423 Epistemic value (“visibility”
UTAUT2 Brazil 950 it was observed that most of
? Malaysia 250 IPMA revealed that both impo
- India - -
Contingency Framework and Extended Model of IT Conti 224 With a better perception of p
Research Model 3.1. Perceived Value,
Indonesia 405 It shows the importance of fo
TAM Taiwan 342 The current research empirica
TAM 1 India The changing urban way of lif
Consumer Perception and GroundedSouth-East Asia 169 Consumer perceptionhelps in
3 pillars of sustainablity New Zealand 60 To improve economic sustainab
Bullwhip effect theory India The ease and facilities ofered by FDAs has incr
UTAUT2 Pahang 389 Findings revealed that inform
TAM, M-SERQUAL China 494 interface quality, interaction
Equity theory Bandung, Indonesia 405 The food quality influence on
UTAUT, ECM, TTF and TAM 2 Dhaka, Bangladesh 15 The dining attitudes positiv
e-SELFQUAL U.S 352 The study determined that foo
theory of consumption values India 440 results indicated a significa
UGT India 315 outcome quality (information d
TTT Pakistan 836 trust in OFDAs positively inf
Bangladesh 246 The relationship between beh
ctural Equation Modeling) India 199 The outcome of the analysis
TAM South-korea 296 the findings demonstrate tha
UTAUT ECM China 532 The results of this study con
theory of consumption values USA 355 Visibility acted as an antece
TTT Pakistan 836 trust in OFDAs positively inf
- Malaysia 200 The findings show that website quality and conv
China 311 findings provide empirical su
Malaysia 276 price has the highest relati


Direction for Future Research Ivs Dvs

Future studies may collect data in multiple countries and conduct a cross-cultural comparison.
ases that while situational triggers can enhance the adoption of the FDA across both countries, local nuances need to be understood while

compare the influence of service quFunctional qualiPerceived value of MFDs

future studies can realize a longitudinal analysis to investigate customers' perceptions in different time periods

Future investigations should be guidEase of use Satisfaction of customers

Future studies may use longitudinalMR Valence Customer Cognitive MOA Engagement

examine various determinants of usDelivery time a Usefulness of online food delivery apps

should consider customers from man

Performance exAttitude towards food delivery apps

Longitudinal research is needed in the future to refine the results and to understand customer behavior after a health crisis
model testing for marginal benefits for more concrete conclusion

In further research, location wise social media data may be fetched for location specific implications.
Future Researches may include a set sample size for the validity and reliability aspect

Future researchers can explore structuring revenue-sharing contracts that provide restaurants access to specific data (clickstre
future studies might select a sample which is a representative of broader consumer groups to provide more wide-ranging result
Beneficial for the food delivery bu convenience, descontinuous intention of consumers
VAM could be used in future researc - -
Future research might consider gathService quality, Consumer perception of technology
The growing importance of online reoptimism, innovaAdoption intention of consumers
Fututre researchers of the importancUser generated Perceived
i usefulness
Future studies should include userscustomer experie Consumer intention to use FDA
For future studies, the researchers hedonic motivaticonsumer satisfaction and loyalty towards OFDS
The most unexplored aspect of FDAConsumer demoIntention to use FDA
Paves the way for future researcherEpistemic valuesPurchase intention
The effect of facilitating conditio Habit, performanintention to use FDA
Future studies should aim to enableperceived usefulRepurchase intention
- - -
The model used in this research shouconvenience motiConsumer intentions to use FDA
To develop a robust model, a futurefood quality andCustomer satisfaction of OFD
According to previous research, flow can be divided into numerous dimensions, of which only two were used for measurement
Use other methods so that comparasions can be made
Increasing data set, using Topsis Analysis
Future work in this area could consider not only how much food is wasted owing to online FD, but also what practical steps or in
cilities ofered by FDAs has increased the value of supply chain and simultaneously reduced the bullwhip efect by providing a platform for in
Structure Equation Model (SEM-AMOS Behavioural Intechsutomer intention to use OFDAs
the investigation of post-purchase ainformation, inteCustomer trust
Replicate the study in other regionsfood and e-serviloyalty
Future studies may undertake a longi Subjective Normcontinuance behavior and behavioral intention
Perform the research in another co satisfaction, fo customer intentions to use OFD services
more robust cross-cultural study a functional, soci consumption values and usage intention
include users from multiple countri Interaction, En Customer loyalty and satisfaction
future studies could consider more cTrust Dispositio Trust in OFDAs
Future studies could include OFDS attitude
pr toward iPerceived Usefulness
future research should consider facttechnology, mone Repeat purchase behaviour and customer engagement
future study should analyze the critiFAM PU, PEU, SAT
future research is recommended to Satisfaction,
p perc continuance intention
future studies should include users Attitude, visibilit purchase intentions
future research should be inclined tTrust in OFDAs, rcontinous purchase intentions
w that website quality and convenience have sign website quality and convenience
future study should take sampling frame randomly so that the results can be generalised to a broader population
future study should include users frPrice customer perceived value
d to be understood while designing specific campaigns in each country.

after a health crisis

o specific data (clickstream) and analytical insights

more wide-ranging results
used for measurement in this study. Therefore, future studies could include more dimensions of flow, such as control, intrinsic interest, cur

what practical steps or interventions could be taken to reduce this waste.

roviding a platform for information sharing at faster rate
control, intrinsic interest, curiosity, interactivity, or telepresence. Two determinants, PU and PEOU, are included in the TAM. TAM2 includes
in the TAM. TAM2 includes more determinants for users’ attitudes, namely performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, an
ectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions (Venkatesh, 2000). Moreover, because mobile shopping is related to payment, security
elated to payment, security risk (Chan and Chong, 2013) should be considered in this model. Future studies could include more determinan
uld include more determinants in the TAM.

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