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U.T. – IV
Time : 1 hrs SUBJECT SCIENCE M.M : 20
Q1) MCQ (5 Marks)

1) Thermometer is used to measure –

(a) Temperature (b)Mass (c) Time

2) 1000 ML is equal to –
(a) 1000 litres (b)1 litre (c) 1 kg

3) All luminous objects except –

(a)Lighted torch (b)Table (c) Lighted lamp

4) This force slows down the moving object –

(a)Magnetic (b)Friction (c)Electronic

5) It is the star nearest to Earth—

(a)Pole star (b)Sun (c)Sirius

Q2) Fill in the blanks (5 Marks)

1) ______________ is measured in the gram and kg

2) _________ can ___________ moving objects.
3) The natural satellite of earth is ____________.
4) The symbol of milliliter is ___________.

Q3) Define (6 Marks)

1) Cubic
2) Force
3) Orbit

Q4) Answer the following (Any one) (2 Marks)

(a) Name any three instruments to measure length.

(b) Name any two instruments which make a pleasant sound.

Q5) Draw a Diagram of Solar System (2 Marks)

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