Ut Test I

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Class : VI Unit Test -I Subject: SCIENCE

M M. : 20 Time: 45 minutes
Q1. Multiple Choice Questions : (3x1=3)
i) The disease caused by the deficiency of iron is
a) anemia b) chicken pox c) malaria
ii) Night blindness is caused by the deficiency of
a) vitamin A b) vitamin B1 c) vitamin D
iii) Iodine is used to test the presence of …………….in food.
a) proteins b) carbohydrates c) fats
Q2. Fill in the Blanks with appropriate words : (3x1=3)
a) Proteins build ………….. material.
b) Vitamin C causes ……………….. when found deficient.
c) Balanced diet is one containing all ……………….. .
Q3. List out the deficiency diseases and symptoms of the following vitamins (2x1=2)
and minerals in body .
a) Vitamin D b) Iodine
Q4. Short Answer Questions :- (3x2=6)
a) Name two sources of proteins provided by animals.
b) Write the two functions of water in our body.
c) What are deficiency diseases
Q5. Long Answer Questions: - (2x3=6)
a) How can you test presence of proteins in a given food item?
Write test for detecting the presence of starch.
b) List any three types of nutrients and write the functions of each.



Class : VI Unit Test -I Subject: SCIENCE
M M. : 20 Time: 45 minutes
Q1. Multiple Choice Questions : (3x1=3)
i) The disease caused by the deficiency of iron is
a) anemia b) chicken pox c) malaria
ii) Night blindness is caused by the deficiency of
a) vitamin A b) vitamin B1 c) vitamin D
iii) Iodine is used to test the presence of …………….in food.
a) proteins b) carbohydrates c) fats
Q2. Fill in the Blanks with appropriate words : (3x1=3)
a) Proteins build ………….. material.
b) Vitamin C causes ……………….. when found deficient.
c) Balanced diet is one containing all ……………….. .
Q3. List out the deficiency diseases and symptoms of the following vitamins (2x1=2)
and minerals in body .
a) Vitamin D b) Iodine
Q4. Short Answer Questions :- (3x2=6)
a) Name two sources of proteins provided by animals.
b) Write the two functions of water in our body.
c) What are deficiency diseases
Q5. Long Answer Questions: - (2x3=6)
a) How can you test presence of proteins in a given food item?
Write test for detecting the presence of starch.
b) List any three types of nutrients and write the functions of each.
Class : VIII Unit Test -I Subject: SCIENCE
M M. : 20 Time: 45 minutes
Q1. Multiple Choice Questions : (3x1=3)
i) 2-4D is a
a) Pesticides b) Insecticides c) Weedicides
ii) Wheat and gram belong to
a) Rabi crops b) Kharif crops c) Both of these
iii) Watering the crops is called:
a) manuring b) sowing c) irrigation
Q2. Fill in the Blanks with appropriate words : (3x1=3)
a) The first step before growing crops is___________of the soil.
b) Damaged seeds would___________ on top of water..
c) Balanced diet is one containing all ……………….. .
Q3. Define the terms (2x1=2)
a) Wedding b) Sowing
Q4. Short Answer Questions :- (3x2=6)
a) Why is excessive irrigation harmful to the crops?
b) What are the steps involved in soil preparation?
c) How are manures prepared by the farmers?
Q5. Long Answer Questions: - (2x3=6)
a) Explain how fertilizers are different from manures?
What is crop rotation and why is it important?
b) How are grains stored and protected?



Class : VIII Unit Test -I Subject: SCIENCE
M M. : 20 Time: 45 minutes
Q1. Multiple Choice Questions : (3x1=3)
i) 2-4D is a
a) Pesticides b) Insecticides c) Weedicides
ii) Wheat and gram belong to
a) Rabi crops b) Kharif crops c) Both of these
iii) Watering the crops is called:
a) manuring b) sowing c) irrigation
Q2. Fill in the Blanks with appropriate words : (3x1=3)
a) The first step before growing crops is___________of the soil.
b) Damaged seeds would___________ on top of water..
c) Balanced diet is one containing all ……………….. .
Q3. Define the terms (2x1=2)
c) Wedding b) Sowing
Q4. Short Answer Questions :- (3x2=6)
a) Why is excessive irrigation harmful to the crops?
b) What are the steps involved in soil preparation?
c) How are manures prepared by the farmers?
Q5. Long Answer Questions: - (2x3=6)
a) Explain how fertilizers are different from manures?
What is crop rotation and why is it important?
b) How are grains stored and protected?
Class : VIII Unit Test -I Subject: MATHS
M M. : 20 Time: 45 minutes
Q1. Multiple Choice Questions : (3x1=3)
i) Which of the following is not a linear equation in one variable?
a) 33z+5 = 0 b) 33(x+y) = 0 c) 33y+5 = 0
ii) The solution of 2x-3=7 is:
a) 5 b) 7 c) 12
iii) The solution for 3m = 5m – ( ) is:
8 4 5
a) b) c)
5 5 4

Q2. Fill in the Blanks : (3x1=3)

a) The solution of the equation 2x – 1 = 3 is ————–
b) 5 is added to thrice a number x gives 20. The value of x is ——————
c) The solution of 2y = 14 is ————

Q3. Solve the following Equations :-

3 17 y
a) + x= b) 1.6= c) 5 x+ 9=5+ 3 x d) 8 x + 4 = 3(x-1) +7
7 7 1.5

Q4. Solve the following Equations and check it: - (2x3=6)

z 4 3 y + 4 −2
a) = b) =
z+15 9 2−6 y 5


Class : VIII Unit Test -I Subject: MATHS
M M. : 20 Time: 45 minutes
Q1. Multiple Choice Questions : (3x1=3)
i) Which of the following is not a linear equation in one variable?
a) 33z+5 = 0 b) 33(x+y) = 0 c) 33y+5 = 0
ii) The solution of 2x-3=7 is:
a) 5 b) 7 c) 12
iii) The solution for 3m = 5m – ( ) is:
8 4 5
a) b) c)
5 5 4

Q2. Fill in the Blanks : (3x1=3)

a) The solution of the equation 2x – 1 = 3 is ————–
b) 5 is added to thrice a number x gives 20. The value of x is ——————
c) The solution of 2y = 14 is ————

Q3. Solve the following Equations :-

3 17 y
a) + x= b) 1.6= c) 5 x+ 9=5+ 3 x d) 8 x + 4 = 3(x-1) +7
7 7 1.5

Q4. Solve the following Equations and check it: - (2x3=6)

z 4 3 y + 4 −2
a) = b) =
z+15 9 2−6 y 5
Class : VII Unit Test -I Subject: MATHS
M M. : 20 Time: 45 minutes
Q1. Multiple Choice Questions : (3x1=3)
i) (-20) x (-5) is equal to
a) 100 b) - 100 c) 20
ii) The integer whose product with (-1) is 1 , is
a) -1 b) 1 c) 0
iii) Which of the following is true ?
a) (-8) +(-4) > (-8) – (-4) b) (-8) +(-4) < (-8) – (-4) c) (-8) +(-4) = (-8) –(-4)

Q2. Fill in the Blanks : (3x1=3)

a) Sum of -22 and -44 is ______________
b) -36 ÷ (_______) = -9
c) -89 ÷ (_______) = 89

Q3. Solve the following Equations :-

a) [(-8) × (-5) ]+ (-6) b) [(-12) ÷ (-3)] + (-2) c) (-10) × [(-13) + (-10)] d) (-5) × [(-6) ÷ (3)]

Q4. Verify a – (– b) = a + b for the following values of a and b. (2x3=6)

i) a = 21, b = 18 ii) a = 118, b = 125



Class : VII Unit Test -I Subject: MATHS
M M. : 20 Time: 45 minutes
Q1. Multiple Choice Questions : (3x1=3)
i) (-20) x (-5) is equal to
a) 100 b) - 100 c) 20
ii) The integer whose product with (-1) is 1 , is
a) -1 b) 1 c) 0
iii) Which of the following is true ?
b) (-8) +(-4) > (-8) – (-4) b) (-8) +(-4) < (-8) – (-4) c) (-8) +(-4) = (-8) –(-4)

Q2. Fill in the Blanks : (3x1=3)

a) Sum of -22 and -44 is ______________
b) -36 ÷ (_______) = -9
c) -89 ÷ (_______) = 89

Q3. Solve the following Equations :-

b) [(-8) × (-5) ]+ (-6) b) [(-12) ÷ (-3)] + (-2) c) (-10) × [(-13) + (-10)] d) (-5) × [(-6) ÷ (3)]

Q4. Verify a – (– b) = a + b for the following values of a and b. (2x3=6)

j) a = 21, b = 18 ii) a = 118, b = 125

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