ROOM 3 - Activity1 - 12defebrero Lunes

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1. Who arrived first to London?

Alan arrived first to London.
2. What happened to John’s luggage?
The airline lost John's luggage.
3. Why do they need to get John some clothes today?
Because he has a very important meeting.
4. What does John need to get for the meeting?
John needs to buy a suitcase.
5. What does Alan want to get first?
Because he didn’t have stopover in Bangkok
6. Why doesn’t John want to eat breakfast?
Because John had breakfast, lunch, and dinner on the plane.
7. What does John want to get first?
He wants the suit.

Fanny: My dear Diana! How was your flight?
Diana: It was terrible, I feel so tired and sick. Also, I lose my glasses.
Fanny: How long is your flight?
Diana: Around eighteen hours.
Fanny: Don't worry I have a room just for you.
Diana: Really, thanks you, do you know where I can buy a new glasses?
Fanny: Yes, of course, at the city mall, there is a glass shop.
Diana: Can you come with me? I don’t know where is the place.
Fanny: Ok, I can go with you.

Diana Carolina Matute Nuñez T32311284

Arlen Daniela Alvarado Osorto T32311308
Cristian Lucia Ordoñez Flores T32311351
Cristian Lucía Ordoñez Flores T32311351
Jorge Alberto Mendoza Estrada T32311356
Fanny del Cid

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