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Safety management in the Finance team is crucial to ensure a secure working

environment. Here are key parameters and considerations for safety management in
the Finance department:

1. Ergonomic Workspace:
 Are workstations designed ergonomically to prevent musculoskeletal
 Is there a process for employees to request ergonomic assessments for
their workspaces?
2. Fire Safety:
 Are employees aware of fire evacuation procedures and the location of
fire exits?
 Is there regular fire safety training, including the proper use of fire
3. First Aid Preparedness:
 Are first aid kits readily available and regularly inspected?
 Are employees trained in basic first aid procedures?
4. Emergency Response Plan:
 Does the Finance team have a documented emergency response plan?
 Are employees familiar with emergency procedures, including
evacuation routes and assembly points?
5. Electrical Safety:
 Are electrical outlets and equipment regularly inspected for safety?
 Is there an awareness program regarding electrical safety practices?
6. Workplace Violence Prevention:
 Are measures in place to prevent workplace violence?
 Is there training on recognizing and reporting potential safety concerns
or threats?
7. Security Measures:
 What security measures are implemented to ensure the safety of
employees and sensitive information?
 Is access control in place to restrict unauthorized entry?
8. Health and Wellness Programs:
 Are there programs promoting employee health and wellness?
 Is mental health support or counseling services available for
9. Training on Safety Policies:
 Are employees trained on safety policies and procedures specific to the
Finance department?
 Is there a system in place to ensure that new employees receive safety
10. Hazardous Materials Handling:
 If applicable, are there proper procedures for handling and storing
hazardous materials?
 Are employees trained in the safe handling and disposal of hazardous
11. Remote Work Safety:
 For employees working remotely, are there guidelines on creating a
safe home office environment?
 Is there support for ergonomic equipment and safe work practices in
remote settings?
12. Incident Reporting and Investigation:
 Is there a system for reporting safety incidents or near misses?
 How are incidents investigated, and what measures are taken to
prevent recurrence?
13. Safety Culture Promotion:
 How is a culture of safety promoted within the Finance team?
 Are there regular safety meetings or communications to reinforce
safety awareness?

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