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Cerpilaction, esith—o_ neat diagram, | of —_Smutce code arsitbein in Lengunye Cue as_C) inte _ Compilation “Posters —laypiently consiets of several phases? | Vp - The seunce cede Sie wriblen in _C with Y Preprocessing * t . oa ¥ | poeptocessen disectivesr iT Sfp = Modified sauce code witheul pseprncerres divecttus . | e = “Tn tis phase, dhe preptoteuict examines the | D Compilation: ifp - Pre processed cence code Riles i/p_- _Assewly code Giles 5 Op ~ Object tee Lik _Crmachine code in binary, fern ~ = “Tes phose involves tron jating hewton=teadable ma a serably insttuclions imo bivety machine cote inabuclons. 4 “> Liv y ip =< Object Siles_ftxeries + ofp _- _Eveeytable file. __ = Tn tis phase, Linker combines the object files aleny-—— its any necesary Libraties te prcduce an_oxeeaitable fle A_ (Page No] eon 5? Loosing (uot always a distinct phase ) ip = Executable filo ele loaded spesngasn in 1 mmexerny, = Mis pho. 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Asithmebio Operctows + Used to perform _inethemadical opercdion Addition +) | Substeaction C) , Multiplication Ge) Dwisen(/) , Modulos Ch) 2. Relational Operators | Use we Equal to (==) Net equ 4 C12) Geeader than (>) Less ‘than (2) ” Geeadee than ® equal & (>=) less_than es eval te (<=) 3: Losical Operotos + Usd te qeefuem losical operations. 2s Logical AND (8&)_Lesiend_ o& (1) Lesical not(1) 4a Assignnextt Operates! sed Jo assign valoes Jo vaxtables- Simple assist (=) _ Addit assiqn (+=) | Subst _assiqn(- =) Maltiplieal™ assign (x=) Division assign ( /=) Modulos assign Gia) ft deexense the vale of a vosicble. aa Thesement B Dectoment Opecadors + Used te incense “on — Thetementt ++) 6: Conditional Opetaloe: (Temaey Sp)! Used fe desision:mali, —@rditional expression ? tee value i false valve. > seb te_determine size of a dada type + Used _te separate expressions . Commas) eh 30 ‘Decetiphion Revertheses Postfix increment / decoemert Onate, Operator | Moltiplioat , division, Medolus i [= he) Addit® | Substrac Bitwise left 3 wight shit Reledional Operotors . Equality Operoters Bitwise AND Bitwise KOR Bikwise OR, Logical AND Logical OR Conditional Cbemany) epercre Assignment Opesatoss Comma Operates Page Ni (oate] = Pavaliahe “the —follauing a> (o+10 ) x IS /S Phase ti 30% 3 3o b> (20 +10 HIS) ; Phace i C30 x IS) /5 Aso /e 20 & (20 +10) &Cis/s) Phase 12. 30 % 3 380 ay ja keie aie wesett = Jesh Lok Sra luc ef ~vexbt. xesolk = I ==15 || i >I¢ OM l «result = 4 ©) A=10, b=I0, C=30_ sesolt =axbe aac Sind_valus of ‘veaolt. esulb = 10 *10 + +430 = 100 + 60 ss 2 ‘sesolb = (60 (f) sesult = [2-2 le © Find value of sesolt . aise 7 e oa Tealt= oI © ee SEE needed Hurdite ia shest note on type Conversion. 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