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PS C:\Users\ayush\OneDrive\Desktop\git demo> git –version // to check version of git

PS C:\Users\ayush\OneDrive\Desktop\git demo> git clone

//to clone our repository to local system

PS C:\Users\ayush\OneDrive\Desktop\git demo> cd demo // to change directory

PS C:\Users\ayush\OneDrive\Desktop\git demo\demo> git status // to see the status of our code

PS C:\Users\ayush\OneDrive\Desktop\git demo\demo> git add // to add a particular file

PS C:\Users\ayush\OneDrive\Desktop\git demo\demo> git add . // to add all file

PS C:\Users\ayush\OneDrive\Desktop\git demo\demo> git commit -m "Adding new Fi

les" // to commit the operation locally after add

PS C:\Users\ayush\OneDrive\Desktop\git demo\demo> git push origin main // to push all the commit
code to git in main branch

PS C:\Users\ayush\OneDrive\Desktop\git demo> mkdir newDemo // to create repository by CLI

PS C:\Users\ayush\OneDrive\Desktop\git demo\newDemo> git init // to initialise current directory to


// Normally branch is set to master by default change it to main (if you want)

PS C:\Users\ayush\OneDrive\Desktop\git PS C:\Users\ayush\OneDrive\Desktop\git demo\newDemo>

git remote add origin //adding repository to our

PS C:\Users\ayush\OneDrive\Desktop\git demo\newDemo> git remote –v // a management tool for

your record of remote repositories

PS C:\Users\ayush\OneDrive\Desktop\git demo\newDemo> git branch -M main // rename main branch

PS C:\Users\ayush\OneDrive\Desktop\git demo\newDemo> git push -u origin main // pushing to main


PS C:\Users\ayush\OneDrive\Desktop\git demo\newDemo> git push // directly use push because we use

–u in last push

PS C:\Users\ayush\OneDrive\Desktop\git demo\newDemo> git checkout -b Feature1 // moving to new

branch by creating it

PS C:\Users\ayush\OneDrive\Desktop\git demo\newDemo> git checkout main // to move to main

PS C:\Users\ayush\OneDrive\Desktop\git demo\newDemo> git branch -d feature1 // to delete a branch

PS C:\Users\ayush\OneDrive\Desktop\git demo\newDemo> git diff main // to see diff between current

branch and main branch

PS C:\Users\ayush\OneDrive\Desktop\git demo\newDemo> git pull origin main // pull commits from

main branch

PS C:\Users\ayush\OneDrive\Desktop\git demo\newDemo> git merge main // to merge current

branch with main branch

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