Maths Statics

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anu i 23 Nateries and Retountnater onit Zt Basic. Mathemattes for Finance Wntl AS Bosle! stafigéds Vor oupret DRIES Measure of central ten Unit 6 Unk , a j unit Bryartateandlys?s a a F357 ime basedidata a el . ie At 152 fan 3— 3) Forstinple ser?éc''2 ne] psonanit rol ssHioen sito he sen) <4 WV for Frequency late button bit 22 < oe ; mre sy PAE Fon Ee = Losec tin?l of median class. N= Total no-6F obsetbation ~ a Fs cemvlative frequency OF the clog ; mia befoxe the medéan class. fn = Frequency of median class T= class interval Asidth- Hode g— i) for s?mple Serteg = ighest noe os observed frequency - 4) for Frequency d?stribe Hon es net ee 2frn-F,- Fy, Li= lowe [mite the mode class. fm = Highest Frequency or medal frequen #, = frequency tuat before the mode Cm fae Frequency Justafter the mode class te = = Class tn terval Jwidth- stenertal formula 2— Mean —Mode =3 (Mean Med ) sanded deaten LED) 40 vie stinple gevfes $-(6) = : By Nessance = (spy esa ee 6) eo effreent of vorfadtfon = 5 = x 100 vb al f)termula of qrouped Vicor ve age ae Ni = nit [N= nen] @) for umb- of qvowped /combineid 2D = 1 ae Vo a J) covrelaton Ve eee (kak Pears 2) OV my) = papel es (a =) cov (my) SS Sor 4y (9) bey xb = CovCOY) ‘ By Ber ey Saou = Pode pe \ * 100 iaspeyres Index = Fheas a) os Png s Poasche’s Index = (222x100 2 ee = Po tn re zfnto , ZPnan 4 3) Bowley's Index =4% Ca Some =) joa ia goto itt Af 7 4) Fisher's Index = I sPnrdo , =Pnan x00 = PLO Zin 5) Basle Relative Bree Index = =n ZPo ye) 2256 een data, ord?nal data and cast Perfmast y Data ~e before ellen oF such data vohich 7 "sn A avarlable in any | source vor! ee teem ne Primoxy datn: Forexample 3 Suxvey Data: rvf 4 323 Secondasiy Dara Dato (ss oe ee es, 3 panel : Data which arte aiready & col llected for By any povon which %s Inthe me of bo! Ov unpublished and presently ee z is Known, os gecondasiy data: “4 for example % Census report an 7 aly a imple 8 tempeta Binh \ a b Cross - Sec tonal data GP the data axe collected tow dreFenenk at diffrent places at a perHeulor bac a "9 gectional data 2 be Known ars vos = land petrotat. Kelis a ny forexample & price of dise ae hod and mumbek on We OAs aaea Ordinal Data “there axe some special type of datas wohi ch os AFFevIE to measuse and which yequtves rank: Bisa dato. | Kroven a5 ord?nal dates on j ‘data - y Preave wey Sis teipution Sl Soe ihe methoda for treatment oll Par ey A used forte e ig oe wtpose oF summ ory %s Known as | Frequency disty? button helps to specify the ronge'| éf the data 5 and fer this purpose data needs | to be classified ether in beems of class boondaxy| and class l?mik =the difference of class boondoary and class \fmik ‘te Knovom as clogs tn tesiwwal ¥ a E / ! \ tor example’ class Vii § 6-10 ,\\-20 lo -10- ee class boondaxy 8-0-5 -10+5) 10-5 close tnifervat ¢& Clo-0) or 0 o-10)¢ vane tb 2a (t0-'5- 0-5) on 10. pe Ti Q2) From the qedlorel ng ‘inftermation pre paxe 5 ) frequen ey ARehyy button vaing tally most ks, OF BoOhouxs clace interval with relattve | Frequency and frequency dcheliylot 50 elect} bulbs 1? Pe fn houses Sil, ay ) ITFF ) 1016 5 600, ayy > 895 44q 480,423, 19145 08 lige qa 203 yiN3l »qne 21240 ios a DeSOOR | 2 | =0 | 50-000 | R 26 Finix NOTE 305%) NG ©) we can Say Paleentval #em i to measuxe 4, tendency of -tha vas Re center oy mid points thers axa & tools Lo moasusxe centa | tendency a ORR yw Kean, Mrdy jjaam an and Mode. Nean “he mean Pg mostly etd forthe PO ae aleulatlon of average + PE ?s calculated by e dividing she sum of total nom bess witte ne 0 tea| nom bert 9 f- ob ser vatlone+ formula gH oS Simple Serie = =x tes Frequency Alsin? button = Efoc n I0F @) Ca\cwate Avithmebe Mean CAM) from the fleeing been veuine 8 LDS) 121513), IB SA 45: Solu: Mean (m) = (=x n = (0+ (5410-013 oe tSeonee Titan eh revels we 130-140 ta4a0-150 150-160 | 40 {60 — (to Mean (KX) = Ehx Saal a = 14040 dis 14040 a S108 = \52-608 Malia aia eh =eclo)es) class boendasy — CHelght) 20 10-180 i30=t5o fe 140 140 150-140 ie 160 Mean (z) tS asifing t ae, = 4680+ (40F — Median sane, “te middle most bi Seates vohen +t the frequency ato a etther a or degeendtne Seer lou 3 = & L, = lower L?m?t of the mele class tf ae N= Total no- of obsexvabion. F = cumulative Frequency ofthe clas “the median classe 9 1 ae frequency ofthe me 1 = class {interval Maia aah tills trvanged frequency ’n Asm face S54, 12512513, 03,15 515) 16,16 At m ra xv Pith median w'\l be nil th tem eh a a 2th “the spt Brequency of-the series. 163 15 (amen D ae soe in pee ord 9) BBA 10 12 1913 \15 Meat) 4 2) The median vol be wnt! Thee, pa = 6-5ethly qoth ow | : aed MN be (ria ste tesm will be. Bate a 13 cm tim) dlm |p a | ke Yet ‘ ho +OR* Rigas 130-140 (40-150 CL) 150-160 | 160-\+t0 1\ em 4D ee Dz Bik Ly = Lovoert La i a N= Total no = - y 242 Median = |, + ee ee Fn 1 alate.) Ay zBlap Infinix NOTE30 64¢1 ae &Medtan = nt) th term: s 7 in ovdex > Arranged Frequency in treeendé e q Cn= io) e: 24 335 54,54, 61,40 j#2 86,88). ! The med?an will be ae +n term Vy mila lpv4 NOTE 3065) tA aas a erg +A +o4ntota t 14043 = 104 30 3-466 ! Median = Mil +h terem ZL Arvanged Frequency in Rasending owdest: 2252) 23,353) 35 9> 23,958 ene 3, 44a fr 55, 5, Gt (n= 30) a the medtan will be nS term 5 laliimtpva NOTE39 = Prequency:(h) 5. bx | She 5-3. 4-4 AS mean Cx) = 7 ae 3 0%) 4850 =*'5 Rane Saree - OA ee ae OP Nae 5040 + ee BE =09|, aed las i or, 24°32 =) lAeFe 2) +4 — 19-5 Ov ) ht” y 0%) adie aly = Bo Gace S ys i Infinix NOTE3OEs) Q "99 -$-7¢9 GTbS) S19 ve oC? —0= gaa i-35) sc 5 0-09 = (0949-43) ee Gry Saupul vi ry F ue VeW 4o-0N) \ al S ¢ ZE-S3 2 : ast SOEIG ms (aes CE =U. GS-6 \ S-tht— S-tit Eee, . é S-#1t=G-bb] Sa Ss S-tb| -9-#8) Be oo £ G43) - Gt) | Gtk S G-kEI — S-491 bo Geto -g + ESE | G75) | 4s G-491- S+tbh! G-Ebl —S*hEd tkb +. 031 = +3 oo Pate ae ien= a uM ped < aa x$S = (4) Uvoyweee asg- agg fiS-2 aig aae x 2 Qo¢-aal Lom WL \0769US}) (£0 VYypp1or/ jon ray, ss$ujo =) ayy wap yo Ao Aouoabexy = % A WYL SOF 24 ae. Noueabeny = 14 opow 0 Aruzobany seoybity = Uy > Pow 4h. 4o F111 »xamey = 14 Q a hae FO art} wd +'7 = Pen SY MeHodvisre Aruechary sotcn IH Y10 opus 204¢y ey Ra os eas Celantats ‘mode toon x dollowtng Tobe L {sorteo - 160% clacs beondarys 130-140 1405150~ ¢ Hay Frequency 8 12 | Solvs class béundasty frequency | tgo- 140° i (> 140-150 | 1% Ch) (41) 150-160 || 44 Cin) (60—Ito | at (HED) | fx * D ne Know thatly Mode Sty m4 =150 + 44-149 150+ 30 x10 10465 — 11965} to 114 tlae5— (34. t20-1 Se 134, cl) t4o-144 189-5- 144.5) 150-154 1449-5 — 159-5 Mean = Cx) Medlan= nr 2 agra om E = 119-54 202 24 4 20 ve oe ON arr 2 =e > ae v " tae 5 + 60. it 7 5 1145 + B52 Ta ata eh =kyoles) alee 0 5 St 5 mre SH hel = 4.6 + LOO r Vee fs Bee ta bt e-33 =elot-3ss Greneseal Formula — Mean—Mode = 3 (Mean— Medan) ov, Mean — 124-28 = 3(moan — 128-02) 0% mean —124-838= 3mean — 364+ 06 9% 364-06-124-€3= Brean-meay Oo 0) 241-23 = 2me ay) Bape 2-4-1- 23 a, EAC Oy) 120-615 = mean. te 07) 1A0+6 = Mode S (A6=Mode © * Ra Ho 12) 26) 30,39, AAS 5s *) ev 140- Mode =o és Mostks | i is bya | : | 30-34 | 34:5 ae 40-49 | 44:5 | 2 50-5q PAE " 60- 64 64-5 40-49 44-5 80-24 ete GO-4Q A4WB w 8o Moon CH) = Zhe Talila pv NOTE3Z06 Sho ——- vu ov), 64-45 Ltaay aor ee > 444+ Fs cep LT; 45 K(1H4 4P3) = or) 436. B+ CH. 45 F, Ramen, — Cif, - aes +648, = Wg t6FES N443~ [436.3 . ee kt er wo 114 120-139 = 6004 Fy thy eee 1000 c and n= COOtf, th Sv 1000 = 600+ 4 +f, BHemM00 — Coo = +f, OT, 400 = Ff +h, At Or, 400-f, =f, (i Here pmeon = 84-50 andi 2h/, = 5 G5 $4.50 = 93 f00 + 64°50 i TORR Goot hy, th a or, 84-50 (COOt +o) = 5340046 Ov) &t-50 [600+C400- #2) + f:) = 58400 p on 84:50 (600+400-~f6 445) =5 3400 dee este a enoc0 = 0 5) Ce 00-119 \20-13q Here, nme= 1000 and n= COO+h th Sr 1000 = 600 +f +f, 0%) 1000 — G00 = Fithy OT, 400 = Pret pee Or, 400-f, =F, a Here »meon = gt-50 andi EFG/, = x Bs £4.50 = 53700 +64-5 6 + 109.5 oe GOO + Fi thy 0. o%) &4-50[600+(400- fs) +h] esstoodea x OF) 84-50 (6004400 fs 4 fs) = 53400 675.2500 + 85000-53400 +2 (4-50 x 10007 ‘ hate ieee = 400-150 0% f= 950 2) Heveymean = 64-45) —Herght $rreq uency (F) | es 60-62 | 5 lean 63-65 te ee ee | f3 e+ 69-4] | Ba he eet | - | 3 Le Bitha+fy Heve_) vn = 100 ond n= 31 +fgaty 2 00 = 3 Bs ee +a +h of 109-3) ~ Baty 0%) 0g = F534 es i ore ht. ant | dapat a che sp 304 on Ault 3146q- oe 0%, 64 6445 > C6E64+ 3% =a Or, ov, 6475-664 = Bfy or, 81 =3F4 ov) 5 =i BS ov ,24=F4 80 Pg = 69-44 } t q ov, f3 = 64-2 a om 3 > 42 45x(l@0) = 2041 + acon ae Infinix ale ee 245 = 54-30. ss ledian = L,+'A-p 2 who, XI Ly =Lowex limtbef medtanelias ip Fe ee “= total no-of observation: = 505+ 2-20 yo 5 scomutalive frequency qust= 5S before thre median clase = 50-5 +/122-5 - 0 Fin= frequencyetmedian ae equency i a x5 1 > Chass Poterval Aidt . = ee = 50-54 ae Br0- 0 did io lahat be men ieee) s+) = 12-0 | 105-1.2-05 4 Vo = eee Nedton = LrAat 2 whew bas a OF, $-53 = S.05+ — se | N=-totat ae of o bse Vata py eomulative. tre qven 5 01) @-B3- ¢.05= He ee, fust before the See class. a e = 3¢ 676-48 = = (4526 - 38) ara te Am = frequency of oda aM at =f _, tlass. 0% 0.48F, = (5 2 28) x ae ae tntewal fel ail Pe a oe 06) 0-40 F = oy, O-46F +1 SIE, ov), | = 1R-0-96F 090-48 4, - ee Oi ae ov, 1 = 0-04F oF) G42 438 —37-5 = 4 low, t= Ah (00 ean ss ao ov, | = alilatnce NOTE30 G5 Mean(s) = =x nw = 32545 404 =@-055 or G-06 whore, “e=E yi “1,2 foyer Limiter Medians = |))4 eae 1 it Va {> 40%, - 194 yo " 2 iol 202 SIE eae Ce i \Z nde nx E > Talli pve ren =i = 404%4 pee f We e.\. 6 fan = L, 4{'/2 x1 Hedran 1 pF i m of, =» 144-5 *@2=A8), 5 \ 2 0% lage 43 85 ! 0%) 144-5 455.%5 Ih or 144-5 +0466 oy) 1 he 44 Ai 6607 (A492 yy = (OOF ae tj= 144-5 =too eee Heri seeeal ° | 5 f 0 Halilal diate ticle ani 225 (B) 300- 345 0 BiH - 450 | 5 i oSna 5 150+ 2525-219 tk 250 = (50 +(134-5 a) cio eeu 4 t0312+5 250 = 15044125 = 141.95 lillatye NOTE30 G3) = 150 +50 = 200 Ao- nn +wo quorrtiles- : Ase O = bh +a xi m t@o — 190 190 — 200 ae -{ mon ce 2 so 2 N61 Oe 6 = \50+ AL x10 Us nid = (00 oie > t53-8- oo) an 130=1490., aK; 4 ‘ 2H -150 $50-160 26 +E, e) " os! =F 664k, 9%) ae CoxF +h, t€O—- \to ee OS uo Tb gy Cle tycttee 1€0- 190 HE a2 404 Pa, : | Lqg-200 @ 3 | 4846, oem Meo 4h VO gers : SolSO Ht AR + S49 a Fae hy aCe) = $60. SZe Ze 2ts an = ly oe m 146-05 | vao.a(28 526A: 146-25 - 140+ 44 -F Ae, 4 146-255 440 = 4q—F, : 4 6: 25x4 = 4q-F, K1o> Pee eA | Y PF the mean of! os ot A wag discovered that. 24 pr ae written Trajead of 2% and 42 covvect mean: i wWeknowthat Moan Cx) = 2a ale om) 44 = ZX 25 4472.5 = Ew , } tLOo = Zxebaved plo = fiend Pr cosvected EEX =lWOr 34=4G 4 2Bne W 9g a 7O oh cotsected . =14 gr han hy tee : Sei han fh ; Bc ses sins anolpgg £2 Ot : lw ae He 9} Pystos"! Corrected moan = xf« Ma 4 = (5103 ~ (00 = 181-08 AA» eo clam Limit-|elass boundany | > | a | 54-5 — 64-5 2 | ee bP edesle 44-5) ] 20 7 |) 5 d | | 445 - 24-5 | 4q | tof | 84-5 - 94-5) /-194,, |, 2850 tu) -452 | B45 - 04s 3 oaltm) sex [i045 - 154-5 | 20% | alam N45 - \24.5 | er | ex6 ) 124-5 — 134.5 24 594.54 : = 44-54 244.5 4 5-52 = 00-02 Qvatesite 3 = 1, 1% — F . § ce i Ss S ea) a Panny oe : - \04-5 ‘di = 10s4 bh) 0-100 100-200 PE, 300 130 300-400 fee 400-500 | V5 ee t= gts uy +(e -F gE) Fin ac Lover Infinix NOTE20=—= * standard deviation te Dior simple sevfes 3- (¢ an C8 sea 12) Low Frequency dist bution s- (6 2 5) Vesttance = (s d) Valiinty NOTE30E . £ ] mer my aly | ¥eypew se) $ SUorpo pat MOH eens vro2yy Sbeis Qy Bb) X= S ge: 1- sei [= ee Gy) -(erf - eo)” i selerz)~ (=aa)f = (77% are 4ts| oer 93 | 5 : aa ra +) 149-5-|44-5 tA2 12 445-1046) 1442 | N=t00 Zfo=13240 Shree | aati ae : pence s 13270 \2° 100 (oO 4 © 7 po rik oe Rank corretation be eandidate | 4 6 C 0) | EUR Set | = DS Tedge = oa (x) cand idake ts : “ 2 : t ‘ 4 D zs E iB a + , iG lita NOTE 30K Infinix NOTE 30s) i je Know that semi tnter quowt le : 2 oa Q - & “ Be ov, I1@ = Q,— 142 os Ot) 1S KD = Qs 142 on ser Qs 142 or, 364142 = Qs ©%) (4@ = Qs ‘) coeFHeient ef vartaHon = a x 100 6 ov) Ao ¢ 2D % 100 30 or) 40K30 . ep Infinix NOTE 30E8) 2 16 CAD 22 (fm) (4) 80~ 40 10 Cf) 40-50 g 50- 60 ” a 60-4 4 &2. “(n) tor, First quart le , VA 5 ls 05 and tor uppes qvatile ‘ oy. © 8233 5 meee los = 20+ 22-5 Shae : e vatetle deviations Qy— @, Median = Lt * . xt mm 32 x 5 250+ 4 =26 +3565 =2b6+2-04 = 27-04 fe) (gp) Ww = QO E x 7 ‘3 Standastd deviation =(6) RS Sapa 2 (=2)° Was le ee aisles aa \/ 721 12 i428 12-26 * {20g la) tial a ico lay SD (se) = [ Be _ (5h ~ (fe) 1463-64 _ £419.95)* (20 Sau = | 12-04 -(3:4) al ae =i fe) =) ini 5b ae { 104 q 10] = = eee Sm= -'0 Bie CO Zy=l050 44 4 Zx1= 510 z L SD oF shure = |= n Mean of shaxe y Sales aD fon ofS hos “wean co-efticlent-of vaxlat x = 22100 2348 105 2 t-qo } | od en 7 comment 3 The cpueitisent of vasdation of and of y?s 1-40+ $0, shee y £ than shore x a x (00 san Infinix NOTE30E9 = 5-3 Ge Comment 8. he CoeFRetent of veotlaton oF typel bol 4S 2:90 and of type 2 bulb Ps 5. 3g. So +ype 2 bolb 7s more vartlahle- 34.9) We Knows-ttrat (52)= a og ov, for Fimré, 50= 20 550 Oy) 50x550=2% 0% 24500 = Sor Frm B, 45= 2M 650 ov) 45K 650 = zy or) 24950 = zy cotticient- of vadaton obfiem B= = Sethe vetative vatab’ Wty ot Pism B is grea Tent of vastatten: of fren b Psimes coe fF eee of grouped /eomblnes mean = NX = nym + Mee [w= smn] i : formula of grouped /eom bined OD= (16 + 24) + (ea N Talila aim er =ieloles| +650 = 24500 + 249950 1200 = 44-94 Wbvoped SD of the Indus dry = (m6, +24, ) +n, ee) J ——— N a) inl al mh =icfe l=) (y)toas = 1 | 10-95 - 11-25 eg tet | thy 25: eas | ; Vege lar C75 memes 2 12-95 — 42345 rog-18-2 | 12.45 — 13-25 Gov mes Feast quartile Bor tthe Lppey quartile =F $2. @,= Lt a * i : a 5-3 = 10-254 22 — x 0:60 ae a 2 t1-254+-Ge x 0-50 ‘ Vj 210-25 + £ % 0°50 eUi25 ¢ 0-64 £0- = 10-25 + 0:66 % 0-50 = (9540-32. a = (154 = 10+ a (‘bo Infinix NOTE 308) etx Elx- xl ey 104 | a [eace = 14-85 ov 14-94 | 24 ° frvanged Frequency invasending order. 13,24, 24,66 24,84 ,96 1184. n=@ AY, Median = +! th Lerm 4.5 fesm. = Lh = Stl th derm = 68+34 if = thtermm t 2 4629 j a 2 4.5+h4deyrm bo Mean devia} ons ~ Nean deviation =ty 104 cia = 14-85 ov 144 laa Pmanged Frequency i in'asendin ng orders 13,24,24,6€,24,84,96 1134 n=@ No = 4th ot a . +1 th term = 68+384 . 4 es ‘ = =F thtermm ‘n + = 4-5-thderm — ¢ x median! Median = pala Gea 4-51 Leos se "ean deviates 3 About median. = Io] ? Be thterm Seven = 5+ Sth term t [oc = med?an a B45 Bane eee 34 265 AG 14-5 56 te) 65 nie ag: aes #4 1895 BAe 468 Woe Mean deviaHon = about medi al meh =iclelea Tai ®, Mean deviaton = +x = |x-x) =| x 694.44 34 ae Oet Ax (x-*] [Hx x u (10 3-84 Ya 2°89. 1-24 0-€4 ©- 1 eal all 3-1 Av\l 1405200 a 54600 211200 © 322500 IN NOTE30E8) ia 2 } = 50-100 | #5 a ee 190-150 iB fe, 200 | 145 4 ) 200-290 20 - 300 3100 - 350 350 — 400 1044904 B& Ei (se = 36 29025°25- (164-25) 2 Ee 2 8645-56 a 24025°25 — [374-64 a tec fe) x c Tayi 161 — 10 jay = 780 ee 1484. 1228-5 13) kl) ae 9245 Beas 601-5 226-5 | EAS nositt > 2Fx= 6093) SDA) = ——__ =a a J 34025-25 — 2 8645-56 = 149-48 Ms, Mean = ZF NOTE306&s) = 6093 36 = 164-25 bg 5 ia gombined mean = D% = 600-440 = 160 en 264121) 440 = 4-480 2 2 2 .@ ca X Sx, = Speen - > 6240 — 48307% 1310 oh (8) 7a ee > | ¢s-cuamal es (386 2 F fo Covrected mean = tons 7 Ree AS OL eres) oy 62 = {32 -Go* as Ss 2 = 25 — 3156 x25) =e 2x — (31356 25 ee 4840 ewer 25 er 4x25 = zx” ~48400 SY, 166 + 48400 = s3° O%, 42500 = Sx @E5 80 Cowsected s.2 = 48000 -44% = tA ee ae fo covvected ap = a ala Oi 24 = ene Sane i a?” =o 2 a zoe — 40-25 x10 eae? tO 0%) Dee zo A ie 10 papaeS 10. aeten 2 Fao 5+ (02 Peeaaal Opes pines 16.5. d: ae Penn elo. = cted ad= BraCOs ae Infinix met =eclo) (==) _ 8934) 3-4) tbe Xag-) —— Seek = Rox Xo (A94) ,0) +tb-Ge 18-st P= Ba bre seni: 4 9-28-91 f - 1 uF (kg) 4as pene ots 2% 1 s u st; ale u 3° 3) ~ Rem Ch 909 Os ‘b= bt-ot f= Tot ere pe BOs ay Qu zn ie} = ~ ae —— 2a] 7 HE 0) =15 W=*B)tSt=AS) UES OS b ze be 9& sé ¢s te 9 og be ae e SBiEe — p98} = e676) (ciate We |S pf: » Gel Fi =p ~ OG Tbe Gale a = SEU, Oy [SGN Be a Pov) 7S -00e a be = XS pve hz uth = xa € = tho *° pig V-O = oot -— £7001 = if = (0x9) =f Ol at ea a 2a ~ Foo oan 7 Kuo x jo voppooks o1s5s-y4 4 vjputco qepwrn juepued ipur =m pyr % 4° 4 V2DyJe-90 = F k juvjquoe = v ( ajqupcen 4 uspuedap = © araum A st uopweoke uossanbos rere uy 2ISV4 YL - Pash sei aa Yau L®@ bo= Bee con puo 425 epepP OYf U0 ure U!) 34 Frow vorssanby - vayquyern ayy ise F Be V22EPL? 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