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Unit 3 General Test Part 4 Listen to the conversation. Then complete the chart using words from the box. Not all the words will be used. carrepair copying fast helpful housecleaning printing professional reasonable — reliable _tailoring Name of business Kind of service Adjective to describe service Maid to Clean Example: housecleaning 7 Edison's 2 a Tonys a 5 ‘Sew Good & 7 Part 2 Complete each sentence with the correct form of the verb in parentheses. d like to have ths invitation printed __, please. (print) Example: 8. My mom got me to the store with her, even though | didn't want to, (go) 9. You can have the chef the menu, or you can choose your own food. (plan) 10. If you have that picture — , It look a lot better. me) 11. Who can have the job on time? (finish) 12. The shoe repair place lost Bill's shoes, so he’s going to get them for a new pair. (pay) Level 3—Unit 3 Achievement Tests 1 Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc, All ights reserved, Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use, Part 3 Put the words and phrases in the correct order. Example: his assistant / copy / have / a few extra pages / he'll He'll have his assistant copy a few extra pages 13. to call/ the restaurant / she'll/ someone / for a reservation / get 14. a sign / will have / the store manager / printed / to announce the sale 15. before the party / will they / cleaned / have / the apartment 16. can get / parents / my / me / around the house / help /to 17. delivered / you can / the package / tomorrow morning / have 18. got / the forms / her / can / sign / you / to Part 4 Match each word on the left with its definition on the right. 1a, something you speak into to make your voice louder, 19. agenda bb to put off doing things that need to be done 20. podium __ e-dependable 21. microphone __ d. requiring immediate action or attention 22. urgent _ e. a small raised platform, usually behind a tall desk, for a speaker 23. procrastinate__ fa list or plan of things to be done or matters to be voted on Level 3—Unit 3 Achievement Tests Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc, All ights reserved, Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use, Part 5 Look at the pictures. Use the passive causative to complete each sentence. Example: ‘Stan wants to have a package delivered. 24, Annie her skirt lengthened yesterday. 25. Harry wants to have his suit dry= 26. Can Irene have her bby tomorrow? Part 6 Read the article. Then choose the correct answer for each question. Level 3—Unit 3 Achievement Tests ‘Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc, ll rights reserved, Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use, Book of the Month Home and Family magazine talked to Pamela Darby, author of the new book Time ‘Management. Here's some of the advice that she gives: Making time for special treatments and things you enjoy is important. You make time for a lot of things that you don’t enjoy, like work and housecleaning. Choose something, that you really like to have done, make an appointment, and go. You could get your rails done or have someone massage your back. The important thing is to choos something that you enjoy having done. Accept offers of help. People are so used to doing things on their own, that they don’t think about letting people help them. If someone asks, “How can I help?” tell them ‘what you need done! For example, if you're planning a class party for one of your Example: It is most likely that this article is written for a. single women. [b. married women] «. single men and women. children, get some of the other parents to bring food. When someone offers to watch the kids, let them do it! But, you don’t have to wait for people to | offer to help. Assign responsibilities to other family members. Have your spouse drop off the dry cleaning on the way to work. your kids to help around the house. Even young children can be responsible for certain tasks, such as putting away their toys or setting the table. If you lke these ideas, then read Pamela Darby's new book, Time Management, and learn how to | use your time better, 27. This article points out the importance of making time for 28. 29. a, housework, b. responsibilities. ¢, enjoyable activities, ‘The article suggests that people will have more time if they ‘a. got more help. b. are more organized. ¢, do enjoyable things. ‘The author advises the reader to demand help from a. everyone. b. neighbors. <. family members. Level 3—Unit 3 Achievement Tests Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc All ights reserved, Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use, 30. The article suggests that people don't do enjoyable things because they a don't have time. b. can't afford them, ¢, don't have enough money. Level 3Unit 3 Achievement Tests Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc, All ights reserved, Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use,

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