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Kuladevata Prasida Title Not Defined

Full Name Not Defined
Address: Astrologer address not
Mobile: Mobile

Name Ajay Subramanium

Gender M

Father's Name Javli

Mother's Name MS. Javli

Gotra Shiva

Kuladevata Veerabhadra Swami

Birth Place Stamford / Connecticut / United States

Long: 73°:32':19" W Lat: 41°:3':12" N
TZone: US Eastern Standard Time [-5.0]

Time Zone -5

DST Correction DST corrected

Other Time Correction

Birth Date and Time Monday May 01 2006 10:00:00 AM

Address Jayanagara Blore


Mobile Not Available

Jyotishya Deepika Pro

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Shri. Kuladevata Prasida Title Not Defined
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Address: Astrologer address not
Mobile: Mobile

Panchanga Details

Paksha Shuklapaksha

Tithi Sukla Panchami [93.85% remaining]

Vasara (week day) Somavasara

Nakshatra Mrigashira [4]

Yoga Sukarma [75.70% remaining]

Karana Bava [87.69% remaining]

Lagna Kataka

Rasi Mithuna

Sun Rise Time Monday May 01 2006 04:55:25 AM

Sun Set Time Monday May 01 2006 06:47:42 PM

Raahu Kaalam 6:39:27 AM To 8:23:29 AM

Gulika Kaalam 1:35:35 PM To 3:19:37 PM

Yamaganda Kaalam 10:07:31 AM To 11:51:33 AM

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Shri. Kuladevata Prasida Title Not Defined
Full Name Not Defined
Address: Astrologer address not
Mobile: Mobile

Bhaava Spasta

Me+ 29°22'27" Su 17°15'3" XII 2°6'51"

X 17°57'30" XI 24°43'54" Mo*# 5°59'22"
Ra 8°45'13" Ma 16°23'47"
Ve 4°6'39"

IX 17°41'31" Lagna 4°0'59"

Sa+ 11°7'55"
II 23°53'31"

VIII 23°53'31" III 17°41'31"

VII 4°0'59"

VI 2°6'51" V 24°43'54" Ke* 8°45'13"

Ju[R]+# 20°30'59" IV 17°57'30"

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Mobile: Mobile

Rasi (D1) Chart

Me+ Su Mo*#
Ra Ma


Ju[R]+# Ke*

Navamsa (D9) Chart

Me+ Ju[R]+#



Mo*# Sa+ Ra

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Shri. Kuladevata Prasida Title Not Defined
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Address: Astrologer address not
Mobile: Mobile


SL for SL for
Planet Position Nakshatra Lord of In SgL StL SL SSL
(Planets) (Cusps)

Su Ar 17°15'3" Bharani [2] 3 10 Ma Ve Mo*# Ve -- 9

Mo*# Ge 5°59'22" Mrigashira [4] 12 12 Me+ Ma Mo*# Ju[R]+# Su Sa+ --
Ma Aardra [3] 11 12 Me+ Ra Ve Ju[R]+# -- 2 3 8
Me+ Revati [4] 4 12 10 Ju[R]+# Me+ Sa+ Ma -- 4 5 10 11
Ju[R]+# Li 20°30'59" Vishakha [1] 6 10 4 Ve Ju[R]+# Ju[R]+# Sa+ -- --
Ve Pi 4°6'39" 5 9 Ju[R]+# Sa+ Sa+ Ve Ma Ra Ke* 6
Sa+ Cn 11°7'55" Pushya [3] 789 1 Mo*# Sa+ Mo*# Ma Me+ Ve 1 7
Ra Pi 8°45'13" -- 9 Ju[R]+# Sa+ Ve Mo*# -- --
Ke* Vi 8°45'13" UttaraPhalguni [4] -- 3 Me+ Su Ve Ra -- 12


Cusp Rasi Nakshatra Occupants SgL StL SL SSL

1 Cn:4°0'59" Pushya [1] Sa+ Mo*# Sa+ Sa+ Ke*

2[e] Cn:23°53'31" Ashlesha [3] -- Mo*# Me+ Ma Ve
3 Le:17°41'31" PoorvaPhalguni [2] Ke* Su Ve Ma Sa+
4 Vi:17°57'30" Hasta [3] Ju[R]+# Me+ Mo*# Me+ Me+
5[e] Li:24°43'54" Vishakha [2] -- Ve Ju[R]+# Me+ Mo*#
6[e] Sg:2°6'51" Moola [1] -- Ju[R]+# Ke* Ve Ju[R]+#
7[e] Cp:4°0'59" Uttaraashada [3] -- Sa+ Su Sa+ Ve
8[e] Cp:23°53'31" Dhanishta [1] -- Sa+ Ma Ma Ve
9 Aq:17°41'31" Shatabhisha [4] Ve Ra Sa+ Ra Su Ju[R]+#
10 Pi:17°57'30" Revati [1] Su Me+ Ju[R]+# Me+ Me+ Ra
11[e][B] Ar:24°43'54" Bharani [4] -- Ma Ve Me+ Su
12 Ge:2°6'51" Mrigashira [3] Mo*# Ma Me+ Ma Ke* Mo*#

[R]: Retrograde * : In Own Star # : No Planets in Stars + : In Own Sub [e] : Empty cusp ^ : CSL is one of judgement time ruling planets [B] :
Badhaka house

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Mobile: Mobile

Significators - Planets View

Planet Type A Type B Type C Type D Additional CSL for Cusps Cusps
Significations Conjoined Aspected
Su 9 10 5 3 5 9 -- 5
Mo*# 12 12 11 1 2 6 -- -- 6
Ma 9 12 -- 11 4 6 7 8 2 3 8 -- 4 6 7 8
Me+ 10 10 4 12 4 12 4 5 10 11 1 4 5 10 11 -- 4
Ju[R]+# 4 4 6 10 6 10 9 11 12 4 -- -- 9 11 12
Ve 1 9 7 8 9 5 4 6 -- 4
Sa+ 1 1 7 8 9 7 8 9 4 7 8 11 1 1 7 -- 4 7 8 11
Ra 1 9 7 8 9 -- -- -- -- --
Ke* 10 3 3 -- 12 12 -- --

Significators - Cusps View

Cusp Type A Type B Type C Type D Additional SL Planets Conj. Aspected By
Lagna Ve Sa+ Ra Sa+ -- Mo*# Me+ Sa+ Ke* Sa+ -- --
II[e] -- -- -- Mo*# -- Ma -- --
III -- Ke* Ke* Su -- Ma -- --
IV Ju[R]+# Ju[R]+# Me+ Me+ Me+ Ve Ma Me+ -- Me+ Ve Ma Sa+
Ju[R]+# Sa+ Ra
V[e] -- -- Su Ve Su Me+ Ke* Me+ -- Su
VI[e] -- -- Ju[R]+# Ju[R]+# Mo*# Ma Ra Ve -- Mo*# Ma
VII[e] -- -- Ve Sa+ Ra Sa+ Ma Sa+ Ke* Sa+ -- Ma Sa+
VIII[e] -- -- Ve Sa+ Ra Sa+ Ma Sa+ Ke* Ma -- Ma Sa+
IX Su Ma Ve Ra Ve Sa+ Ra Sa+ Ju[R]+# Ke* Su -- Ju[R]+#
X Me+ Ke* Su Me+ Ju[R]+# Ju[R]+# Me+ Ra Ke* Me+ -- --
XI[e] -- -- Mo*# Ma Me+ Ju[R]+# Me+ -- Ju[R]+# Sa+
Sa+ Ke*
XII Mo*# Mo*# Ma Me+ Me+ Ju[R]+# Sa+ Ke* -- Ju[R]+#

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Shri. Kuladevata Prasida Title Not Defined
Full Name Not Defined
Address: Astrologer address not
Mobile: Mobile

Birth Time RPs Judgement Time RPs

Date and Time: Monday 01 May 2006 10:00:00 AM Date and Time: Thursday 02 May 2024 12:26:42 PM
Place: Stamford / Connecticut / United States Place: Bangalore / Karnataka / INDIA
Long: 73°:32':19" W Lat: 41°:3':12" N Long: 77°:30':0" E Lat: 13°:0':0" N
TZone: US Eastern Standard Time [-5.0] TZone: India Standard Time [5.5]

Lagna: Mo*# Sa+ Sa+ Ke* [Sgl, Stl, SL, SSL] Lagna: Mo Me+ Ve Su [Sgl, Stl, SL, SSL]
Moon: Me+ Ma Mo*# Ju[R]+# [Sgl, Stl, SL, SSL] Moon: Sa# Ma Sa# Ve [Sgl, Stl, SL, SSL]
Day Lord: Mo*# Day Lord: Ju

Ruling Planets in Star of Retrograde Planets are: Ju[R]+# Ruling Planets in Star of Retrograde Planets are: None
Ruling Planets in Sub of Retrograde Planets are: Ju[R]+# Ruling Planets in Sub of Retrograde Planets are: None

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Shri. Kuladevata Prasida Title Not Defined
Full Name Not Defined
Address: Astrologer address not
Mobile: Mobile

Vedic Aspects - Sign to Sign

Planet Planets Aspected Planets Aspecting Planets Conj. Cusps Aspected Cusps Conj.
Su Ju[R]+# Ju[R]+# Sa+ -- 5 --
Mo*# -- Ju[R]+# -- 6 --
Ma Ke* Ju[R]+# -- 4 6 7 8 --
Me+ Ke* -- -- 4 --
Ju[R]+# Su Mo*# Ma Su -- 9 11 12 --
Ve Ke* -- -- 4 --
Sa+ Su Ke* -- -- 4 7 8 11 --
Ra -- -- -- -- --
Ke* -- Me+ Ve Ma Sa+ -- -- --

Vedic Aspects - With orb of (3.3333 degrees)

Planet Planets Aspected Planets Aspecting Planets Conj. Cusps Aspected Cusps Conj.
Su Ju[R]+# Ju[R]+# Sa+ -- -- --
Mo*# -- -- -- -- --
Ma -- -- -- 4 6 7 8 --
Me+ -- -- -- -- --
Ju[R]+# Su Mo*# Ma Su -- 9 11 12 --
Ve -- -- -- -- --
Sa+ Su Ke* -- -- -- --
Ra -- -- -- -- --
Ke* -- Me+ Ve Ma Sa+ -- -- --

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Mobile: Mobile

Western Aspects - Planet to Planet


Su - - Se(A)59.15 - Op(S)183.27 - - - Bi(A)141.50

Mo - - - - Ses(A)134.53 - De(A)35.14 - Sq(S)92.76

Ma - - - - Tr(S)124.12 - - - -

Me - - - - - - - - -

Ju - - - - - - - - -

Ve - - - - Ses(A)133.59 - - - Op(A)175.36

Sa - - - - - - - - Se(A)57.62

Ra - - - - - - - - Op(S)180.00

Ke - - - - - - - Op(S)180.00 -

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Address: Astrologer address not
Mobile: Mobile

Western Aspects - Planet to Cusp


Su - - Tr(S)120. Qu(S)15 Op(S)18 Ses(S)13 - - Se(A)59. SSe(A)29 - SSq(A)44

44 0.71 7.48 5.14 56 .29 .86

Mo SSe(A)28 - - - - Op(A)17 Qu(S)15 Ses(A)13 Tre(S)10 - - -

.03 6.12 1.97 2.10 8.30

Ma Vi(A)17.6 De(S)37. Se(S)61. Sq(S)91. 126D(S)1 - - Bi(A)142. Tr(A)118. Sq(A)88. - -

2 50 30 56 28.34 50 70 44

Me Sq(S)94. Tr(A)114. - - - Tr(A)117. Sq(A)85. Se(S)65. - - - Se(S)62.

64 52 26 36 48 74

Ju Tre(A)10 Sq(A)86. Se(S)62. - - - - Sq(S)93. Tr(A)117. - Op(A)17 -

6.50 62 82 38 18 5.78

Ve Tr(A)119. - - - 126D(S)1 Sq(S)92. Se(S)60. - Vi(A)16.4 - - Sq(A)88.

91 29.38 00 09 2 00

Sa - - De(S)36. - - - Op(A)17 - Bi(A)143. - - -

56 2.88 44

Ra Tr(A)115. Ses(S)13 - - Ses(A)13 - Se(S)64. SSq(A)44 - - SSq(S)45 -

26 5.14 4.02 74 .86 .98

Ke Se(S)64. SSq(A)44 - - SSq(S)45 - Tr(A)115. Ses(S)13 - - Ses(A)13 -

74 .86 .98 26 5.14 4.02

Planet-to-House Conjunction ORB used: 8 deg

Op - Opposition (180); Tr - Trine (120); Sq - Square (90); Se - Sextile (60); Bi - Biquintile (144); Qu - Quincunx (150); Ses - Sesquiquadrate (135); Tre -
Tredecile (108);
SSq - SemiSquare (45); De - Decile (36); SSe - Semisextile (30); Vi - Vigintile (18); 126D - 126 Deg aspect; 54D - 54 Deg aspect; Cj - Conjunction
(A) - Applying; (S) - Separating(Ref: KP First Reader: P 109-126: Prof. K.S.Krishnamurti)

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Address: Astrologer address not
Mobile: Mobile

Astronomical Details for Planets

Planet Position Sign Rel.Pos. Nakshatra Speed Latitude

Su 17°15'3" Ar 17°15'3" Bha[2] 0°58'15" 0°0'0"

Mo 65°59'22" Ge 5°59'22" Mri[4] 13°3'57" 5°10'19"

Me 359°22'27" Pi 29°22'27" Rev[4] 1°45'51" -2°-14'-30"

Ve 334°6'39" Pi 4°6'39" U.Bh[1] 1°7'35" -1°-16'-25"

Ma 76°23'47" Ge 16°23'47" Aar[3] 0°35'17" 1°34'26"

Ju 200°30'59" Li 20°30'59" Vis[1] 0°-7'-38" 1°20'22"

Sa 101°7'55" Cn 11°7'55" Pus[3] 0°2'46" 0°44'51"

Ra 338°45'13" Pi 8°45'13" U.Bh[2] 0°-3'-11" 0°0'0"

Ke 158°45'13" Vi 8°45'13" U.Ph[4] 0°-3'-11" 0°0'0"

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Mobile: Mobile

Vimshottari Dasha: Mars Mahadasha Balance: 0 years/4 months/7 days

Mars [age: 0 y] Rahu [age: 0 y/4 m] Jupiter [age: 18 y/4 m]

Moon 07-Feb-2006 Rahu 08-Sep-2006 Jupiter 07-Sep-2024
Jupiter 21-May-2009 Saturn 26-Oct-2026
Saturn 15-Oct-2011 Mercury 09-May-2029
Mercury 21-Aug-2014 Ketu 15-Aug-2031
Ketu 09-Mar-2017 Venus 21-Jul-2032
Venus 27-Mar-2018 Sun 22-Mar-2035
Sun 27-Mar-2021 Moon 08-Jan-2036
Moon 19-Feb-2022 Mars 09-May-2037
Mars 21-Aug-2023 Rahu 15-Apr-2038
Saturn [age: 34 y/4 m] Mercury [age: 53 y/4 m] Ketu [age: 70 y/4 m]
Saturn 07-Sep-2040 Mercury 08-Sep-2059 Ketu 07-Sep-2076
Mercury 11-Sep-2043 Ketu 04-Feb-2062 Venus 03-Feb-2077
Ketu 21-May-2046 Venus 01-Feb-2063 Sun 06-Apr-2078
Venus 30-Jun-2047 Sun 02-Dec-2065 Moon 11-Aug-2078
Sun 30-Aug-2050 Moon 08-Oct-2066 Mars 12-Mar-2079
Moon 12-Aug-2051 Mars 09-Mar-2068 Rahu 09-Aug-2079
Mars 12-Mar-2053 Rahu 06-Mar-2069 Jupiter 26-Aug-2080
Rahu 21-Apr-2054 Jupiter 23-Sep-2071 Saturn 02-Aug-2081
Jupiter 25-Feb-2057 Saturn 29-Dec-2073 Mercury 11-Sep-2082
Venus [age: 77 y/4 m] Sun [age: 97 y/4 m] Moon [age: 103 y/4 m]
Venus 08-Sep-2083 Sun 09-Sep-2103 Moon 09-Sep-2109
Sun 08-Jan-2087 Moon 28-Dec-2103 Mars 10-Jul-2110
Moon 08-Jan-2088 Mars 27-Jun-2104 Rahu 08-Feb-2111
Mars 08-Sep-2089 Rahu 02-Nov-2104 Jupiter 09-Aug-2112
Rahu 08-Nov-2090 Jupiter 27-Sep-2105 Saturn 09-Dec-2113
Jupiter 07-Nov-2093 Saturn 16-Jul-2106 Mercury 10-Jul-2115
Saturn 08-Jul-2096 Mercury 28-Jun-2107 Ketu 09-Dec-2116
Mercury 08-Sep-2099 Ketu 03-May-2108 Venus 10-Jul-2117
Ketu 10-Jul-2102 Venus 08-Sep-2108 Sun 10-Mar-2119

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