English B2.4 - Unit 2 - Lesson 3+4 - Workbook

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11 Circle the word that correctly completes each sentence. 1. The dentist may / will be able to see you today, but I'm not sure. 2. Your gums are really swollen. You might / must be in a lot of pain. 3. Bill hates to miss class. He must / might be really sick if he’s not here today. 4, We will / might be able to go shopping this weekend. It depends on if we have time. 5. You lost a filling? That must / may really hurt! 6. The patient might / must need a blood test. The doctor will have to examine him to be sure 7. Susan will / must be able to meet us for dinner, but she said she'd be a little late. 12 Rewrite each sentence using may, might, or must and be able to. 1. She has a lot of work to do, so she might not be ablete keep her doctor's appointment. 2. Dr. Morris isn't in until this afternoon. He ______________see you. 3. I’m sorry, but I have to cancel today. | _ the week. I'll have to check my schedule, _ see you until the end of 4, If leave work at 5:00, |____ much traffic there is. get there by 5:30. It depends on how 5. Mrs. Graham has called several dentists. She __get an appointment for today. 13 Read the article Consider the Choices on page 20 in the Student's Book again. Write the names of mBES, the treatments. :MBAIABS 1. When modern medicine and surgeries are unsuccessful, a person might try one of these féatments. 2. A person who is afraid of needles would not want this treatment. 3. A person who needs surgery would want this treatment. 4, A person who feels strongly that there is a mind and body connection would choose this treatment. 5. A|lotof conventional medicines are based on the study of this treatment. 6. A person who is using a remedy that can actually cause the symptoms the person suffers from is using this treatment. Health Matters 97 14 WHAT ABOUT YOU? What are some pros and cons of each type of treatment? Use your own ideas. Pros Cons Tt ean help you quit smoking. It’s | I don’t like needles! acupuncture 5,000 years old, so it must work. conventional medicine herbal therapy homeopathy spiritual healing 15 Read the website about a type of medical treatment. Then circle the letter of the answer that correctly completes each sentence. Yew faene Toa te ( ashort \ sand | recent ‘more about —_reflexology >) hone inGoducten ‘sry popularity treatments near you — Reflexology is a natural treatment dating back to ancient times. It is based on the idea that there are zones; or areas, in the feet and hands that are related to other parts and systems of the body. For example, the tips of the toes and fingers are related to the head and neck, and the ball ofthe foot is related to the heart and chest. A reflexologist applies pressure to specific areas ina patient’ feet and hands to relieve symptortis or pain in other related areas. ‘This type of treatment does not cure or diagnose specific health problems, and it does not involve any medication. Yet many patients find that it successfully relieves symptoms of stress and disease. Reflexology: is effective for pain, headaches, and sleeping dificultes, among other ailments. Applying pressure to the feet and hands relieves tension, improves blood circulation, and relaxes muscles. It promotes the natural, heathy functions and wel-being ofthe entire body. Reflexology is often used along with other types of treatments, including conventional medicine. This gentle therapy is safe and simple. A reflexologist’s only tools are his or her hands. Pressure is strong, but not uncomfortable. It’s not uncommon for patients to fal asleep during treatments. ‘Atypical treatment session lasts one hour. Treatment is usualy focused on the feet for most of the session. A patient is asked to remove his or her shoes and socks, to sit ina comfortable reclining chai, and then to relax as the reflexologist warms the patient’ feet with his or her hands and applies pressure to the appropriate parts of the foot. The last ten minutes ofthe session are dedicated to the hands. ‘ter relieving specific problems, many patients continue a regular program of treatment to maintain ‘200d health, Some reflexologists suggest building atleast a five-minute reflexology session into every day for long.term relief of stress and pain, 8 unt2 16 1. Areflexologist is a a. person who provides reflexology treatment b. patient person who receives reflexology treatment d. doctor 2. The article doesn’t mention that reflexology can relieve __. a. headaches b. problems with the feet tension d. symptoms of disease 3. Reflexology __ with other treatments. a. can be combined b. is never combined . isn’t usually combined d. might be combined in the future 4. Ina typical session of reflexology, about is spent on the feet. a one hour b. fifty minutes . ten minutes d. half the time 5. The ideas behind reflexology are most similar to those of ___. a. conventional medicine b. spiritual healing . herbal therapy d. acupuncture ‘Complete the chart. Use the information from the website in Exer: page 20 in the Student’s Book. ¢ 15 and the Reading on Type of treatment | Howit’s similar to reflexology | How it’s different from reflexology homeopathy herbal therapy acupuncture Sa 7 Suggest medications for the following symptoms. In some cases, more than one type might be helpful. Explain why you think each medication is helpful. Reason Symptom Medic: sneezing Cold tablets, a toothache weakness coughing stomach problems burn from hot oil red eyes an infection Health Matters 18 WHAT ABOUT YOU? How do you buy medications in your country? Which ones do you need a prescription for? Which ones can you buy without a prescription? Which are available both ways? Prescription Prescription Some kinds require always needed not needed ‘a prescription antacids o Oo o | painkillers o o a } antibiotics o a o fo | Samer vitamins a oO 0 I Potanad cold tablets o Oo o sso fe antihistamines o Qo q | other o oO a | 19 WHAT ABOUT YOU? Answer the questions in your own way. 1. What are some of the medications listed in Exercise 18 that you have taken?___ 2, Whatis theinormaldosage?___--— a. 3. Do you need a prescription to get them? —__ ‘4, What are some warnings or side effects of these medicines? (Reread A Rewrite the sentences, using probably and most likely, 1. He feels terrible, He must have the flu, 2. My arm aches. It must be from the shot | got yesterday. 3. My doctor is not answering the phone. He must not be in today. 4, An herbalist must know a lot of different plants. 5. Lucy is not eating anything. She must not be feeling well 100 uNiT2

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