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To cite this article: Delyan Petkov 2019 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 614 012013 M Frtia, F Popescu, K Uzuneanu et al.

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EKO Varna 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 614 (2019) 012013 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/614/1/012013

Analysis of the Capabilities of Pistons Design using


Delyan Petkov
Department of Automotive Engineering and Technologies, Technical University -
Varna, 1 Studentska Str., city of Varna, Bulgaria


Abstract. The difficulty in designing internal combustion piston is determined by

complex operating conditions. Piston is the busiest engine part. Combined mechanical
and thermal loads work on it. Profiling the piston in two mutually perpendicular
planes is a major part of its design. The shape of the piston in a cold state is quite
different from the cylindrical one. The aim is, despite the varying amount of material
in the various zones, when the working temperature reaches the piston to take
cylindrical form, thus providing minimal clearance to the engine cylinder. Because it
is a moving part, the parameters at work are hard to determine. There are studies of
the piston temperature state, some of which are described and analysed.

1. Introduction
The work presented by me aims to analyse the possibilities of widely accessible SOLIDWORKS
software for designing pistons for modern diesel engines.
Profiling the piston in two mutually perpendicular planes is a major part of the piston design. By
determining the method to set boundary conditions in SOLIDWORKS simulation, I receive the piston
temperature field, and the stresses from thermal and mechanical loads, and compare the resulting
displacements with the dimensions of a real piston in cold state. The temperatures at specific piston
points obtained experimentally [1] are criteria for the result adequacy.
Given the fact that piston is a moving part, the parameters at work are hard to determine. There are
studies of the piston temperature state, some of which are described and analysed in [2].
The subtask of the work I present with the publication is to determine the method to set boundary
conditions and to assess the adequacy of the results obtained.

2. Explanation
Creation of Three-dimensional Piston Image
We create three-dimensional images based on the real part. The design dimensions are taken from
the basic dimensions specified in the manufacturer's technical documentation.

When drawing the piston, its microgeometry is not taken into account. The created model
has cylindrical shape. Figure 1 shows a diagram of the dimensions of a piston of Perkins

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EKO Varna 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 614 (2019) 012013 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/614/1/012013

Prima engine, which is subject to the study The diagram is taken from the engiine technical

Figure 1. Piston diagram

The parts are dimensioned in accordance with English technical documentatio n, where the
measurement system is in inches, and therefo re the dimensions in millimetres hav e inaccurate
values. Since the objective is to recreate th e real parts in drawing, rounding h as not been
Figure 2 shows the finished piston model.

Figu re 2. Piston model.

2.1. Boundary Conditions

a. Attachment

EKO Varna 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 614 (2019) 012013 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/614/1/012013

The manner of attaching the piston that determines its contact with the cylinder and the connection
with rod via the piston bolt is detailed in [3].
b. Load
In order to evaluate the impact of the different types of load on the total stress and strain state of the
piston two simulations are made. In the first simulation, only mechanical load caused by gas pressure
and inertial force is applied to the piston.
To analyse the piston temperature field, separate test is conducted in the Thermal option. These are
third generation boundary conditions. The values of heat transfer coefficient αg.mid. [W / m2deg] and
the resulting temperature tг.res [оC] are entered in the option.

Table 1. Thermal boundary conditions.

Zone Αg.mid. Tg.res.

2 446 86

3 598 95

5 748 109

6 600 109

7 388 109

12 26148 186

13 22 186

14 26,148 186

15 744 179

16 34241 196

17 29 200

18 34,241 200

19 73 560

20 137 991

21 271 1,559

22 374 1,559

EKO Varna 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 614 (2019) 012013 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/614/1/012013

Figure 3. Th ermal load setting zones.

The values of αg.mid and tg.res for the different zones are determinned theoretically and
experimentally. As regards the current tests , the values obtained for diesel eng ine in [1] have been
taken into account. They are shown in the tab le 1.
The second simulation combines mechan ical and thermal deformations with the data obtained for
the temperature field.
In SOLIDWORKS environment, the pist on is subjected to mechanical load in the Static option,
using the Pressure and Gravity commands.
The method of conducting mechanical, t hermal and combined load simulatioons and the resultant
thermal field are detailed in a previous study [2].
The deformed state of the piston resulting from combined action of mechanica l and thermal load is
illustrated on figure 4. The maximum displac ement is 0.348 mm.

Figure 4. Deformations

The results of deformation of the piston and displacements of points from i ts surface in running
order are the starting point for piston profilingg.
Radial displacements by piston height are determined in two mutually perpen dicular planes (along
the axis of piston bolt and perpendicular to the axis of piston bolt); the profile o f piston longitudinal
generant must be the mirror curve of the dia grams shown in figure 5, i. e. the p iston expansion in a
given zone during operation must be equal too its shrinking in a cold state.

EKO Varna 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 614 (2019) 012013 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/614/1/012013

Y110 Y110
100 100

90 90

80 80

70 70

60 60

50 50

40 40

30 30

X 20 Z
0,16 0,21 0,26 0,31 0,36 0,13 0,15 0,17 0,19
a. b.
Figure 5. Diagrams of radial thermal expansions
a - perpendicular to the axis of piston bolt; b - along the axis of piston bolt

2.2. Real Piston Microgeometry Measurement

Piston of the same engine is measured with micrometre. The results are shown in Table 2, with Y-
axis levels being the same as those indicated in the graphic of SOLIDWORKS report for convenience
during comparison.
Table 2. Piston dimensions
[mm] [mm]

100 84.12 84.27

90 84.15 84.28

85 84.16 84.29

80 84.17 84.29
60 bolt 84.3
40 84.27 84.31

3. Conclusion.
The analysis shows that the approach selected in determining the boundary conditions for attachment,
mechanical and thermal load is appropriate.

EKO Varna 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 614 (2019) 012013 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/614/1/012013

The created model provides adequate results for the piston temperature expansion.
This model can be used to determine the piston shape at the initial stage of its design.
The method can be used in the training of students in the subject Computer Methods to design
Internal Combustion Engines of the Master programme of Department of Transport Engineering and
Technologies of Technical University - city of Varna.

4. References
[1] Serafimov M 2000 The thermal boundary conditions of the piston of an automotive diesel
engine as a function of the working mode, Sofia, J. Motauto 2000 365.
[2] Belchev S and Petkov D Evalution of the possibilities for modeling the heat and deformation
condition of an engine piston in SOLIDWORKS J. EcoVarna 24 367.
[3] Petkov D and Belchev S Capability of the finite element method in SOLIDWORKS envoirment
for determining the actual thermal and deformation state of a diesel engine piston J. 56th
Science Conference of Ruse University Bulgaria 2017 v56 book4 420.
[4] Karavasilev O, Kozhuharov M, Dimitrov N, Grigorov B and Mitrev R 2012 SolidWorks-Basic
modeling and drawings (Sofia: TechnoLogica) p 600.

The report was prepared with the help of 2019 Young Scientist and Postdoctoral Fellow Programme.

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