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What is Branding? Branding is like giving your product or company its own personality and identity. It's
about creating a special connection between what you offer and the people who might use it. Imagine
your brand as the face of your product or company, the part that everyone recognizes and remembers.

Why is Branding Important? Branding is super important because it helps your product or company
stand out in a crowded marketplace. It's like wearing a unique outfit in a sea of similar clothes – people
notice you! Good branding makes people feel something special when they see or hear about your
product. It's what makes them choose you over other options. Plus, it builds trust. When people see a
brand they know and love, they feel confident that they're getting something good.

Task: Create Your Own Brand

1. Split students into teams.

2. Each team comes up with a cool idea for a new product or company.

3. They get creative and design a brand name, logo, colors, and a catchy phrase (slogan) for their

Evaluation Criteria 2 points 1 point 0 points

Content Deep understanding, Adequate content, some Information is insufficient or
accurate addressing of all points need improvement. incorrect.

Organization and Clear and logical structure. Acceptable organization; Lack of organization;
Structure Orderly presentation. structure could improve. confusing or disorderly work

Grammar and Language Appropriate vocabulary and Some errors observed, Serious grammar and
Usage grammar usage. minimal impact on vocabulary errors impeding
comprehension. understanding.

Adherence to The student follows all Some or all instructions not

Instructions instructions provided in the followed, impacting quality.

Presentation Clean, readable, good visual Presentation is illegible, lack

presentation. of visual presentation

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