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Canrea Journal: Food Technology, Nutrition, proofread evidence to the supplementary file
and Culinary Journal is an international peer- when making a submission. Otherwise, your
reviewed journal that publishes original research manuscript will be delayed or even rejected after
and review papers on food technology, a preliminary review by the editorial team.
nutrition, and culinary with a special emphasis
on traditional food, particularly traditional Review Policy
Indonesian foods, as well as other regions that Editor in Chief will assign the manuscript to
have similar or relevant culinary to Indonesian Managing Editor for further handling. The
food. The topics of the articles may include but Managing Editor will request at least two
are not limited to the chemistry, microbiology, scientists to review the research article
biotechnology, processing, packaging, manuscript. All manuscripts are subject to single-
functional, and sensory aspects of traditional blind peer-review, both the reviewer and author
and contemporary foods. identities are concealed from the reviewers, and
vice versa, throughout the review process to
Authors are invited to submit manuscripts that meet standards of academic excellence.
fall within the scope of the Canrea Journal.
Please read the information on the peer-review Publication Frequency
process. The articles published in Canrea Journal Canrea Journal: Food Technology, Nutrition,
are going through a Singel-blind peer-review and Culinary Journal published two times a year
process. Hence, the decision on whether the in June and December.
scientific article is accepted or not, will be the
Editorial Board’s right based on the peer Open Access Policy
reviewer's recommendation. This journal provides immediate open access to
its content on the principle that making research
Please read and understand the author's freely available to the public supports a greater
guidelines for the preparation manuscript. The global exchange of knowledge.
author who submits a manuscript to the editors
should comply with the author's guidelines and Paper Format
template. If the submitted manuscript does not The word limit for the submission is 4000-8000
comply with the guidelines or using a different words (including of footnotes and abstract).
format, it will be rejected by the editorial team • The sequence of manuscripts following: Title;
before being reviewed. The editorial team will Abstract; Keywords; Introduction; Materials
only accept a manuscript that meets the and Method (for original research articles);
specified formatting requirements. Results and Discussion; Conclusion; and
Important Note
If English is not your first language, we Main Headings of Manuscripts
appreciate it if the manuscript has passed the An article may be divided into sections,
proofread process by a native or a trusted subsections, and sub-subsections, using Arabic
proofread institution. Do not forget to attach the numerals. Only the initial word and proper
names should be capitalized. Following main 4. Introduction
headings, sub-headings and sub-sub headings The introduction should be clear and provide the
should be numbered in the manuscript with the issue to be discussed in the manuscript. At the
following example: end of the paragraph, the author/s should end
with a comment on the significance concerning
1. Mainsection identification of the issue and the objective of
2. Mainsection
2.1. Subsection 5. Material and Method
2.1.1. Subsubsection Provide sufficient detail to allow the work to be
reproduced. Methods already published should
be indicated by a reference (only relevant
modifications should be described). Please note
1. Title Page
that publication of your manuscript implicates
• Title
that you must make all materials, data,
Concise and informative, title of articles are
computer code, and protocols associated with
written with Calibri (Body), Bold, size 16,
the publication available to readers.
Justify, Sentence case, Line spacing singel,
and title should not exceed 21 words.
6. Result and Discussion
• Author(s) name
This section is the most important section of
The author's name is written in full under
your article. Contains the results of the object of
the title without mentioning academic titles
study and should be clear and concise. It should
and positions, bold.
provide a concise and precise description of the
• Affiliations
experimental results. Authors should discuss the
Present the authors' affiliation addresses
results and how they can be interpreted in
below the names. Indicate all affiliations
perspective of previous studies and of the
with a lower-case superscript letter
working hypotheses.
immediately after the author's name and in
front of the appropriate address.
7. Conclusion
• e-mail Conclusion contains a description that should
Corresponding author email must be answer the objectives of research. Do not repeat
written the Abstract or simply describe the results of the
Title page should include 3-6 keywords. research. Give a clear explanation regarding the
possible application and/or suggestions related
2. Abstract to the research findings.
A concise and factual abstract is required. The
abstract should state briefly the purpose of the 8. References
research, the methods, the principal results and For submissions to issues published from 2021
major conclusions. Font with Calibri (Body) size onwards, Canrea Journal: Food Technology,
10, and preferably not more than 300 words. Nutrition, and Culinary Journal uses the
Vancouver Style in the References at the end of
3. Keywords the manuscript. Please ensure that every
Keywords arranged by alphabetically, should reference cited in the text is also present in the
include 3-6 keywords, keywords separated by a reference list (and vice versa). Please use
semicolon (;). Reference Manager Applications like EndNote,
Mendeley, Zotero, etc. Use other published
articlesin the same journal as models. All
publications cited in the text should be included
in the References section and arranged (more than 20%), the board will reject the
alphabetically. For example: manuscript immediately.

Books Submission Preparation Checklist

1. Baars T. Regulations and production of As part of the submission process, authors are
raw milk. In: Raw Milk. Elsevier; 2019. p. required to check off their submission's
65–89. compliance with all of the following items, and
2. Whitely PR. Biscuit manufacture: submissions may be returned to authors that do
fundamentals of in-line production. not adhere to these guidelines.
Springer Science & Business Media; 2012. • The submission has not been previously
published, nor is it before another journal for
Journal consideration (or an explanation has been
3. Glover SG. The Cheese Biscuit Queen Tells provided in Comments to the Editor).
All: Southern Recipes, Sweet • The submission file is in OpenOffice,
Remembrances, and a Little Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
Rambunctious Behavior. Southeast Libr. • Where available, URLs for the references
2021;69(1):6. have been provided.
4. Peris M, Escuder-Gilabert L. On-line • The text adheres to the stylistic and
monitoring of food fermentation bibliographic requirements outlined in the
processes using electronic noses and Author Guidelines.
electronic tongues: A review. Anal Chim
Acta. 2013;804:29–36. All manuscripts must be submitted online at:

All figures should be cited in the main text as
Figure 1 etc. The figures should be clearly
readable and at least have a resolution of 300
DPI (Dots Per Inch) for good printing quality. If
there are multiple panels, they should be listed
as: (a) Description of what is contained in the
first panel; (b) Description of what is contained
in the second panel.

Table made with the open model (without the
vertical lines). Tables should be placed in the
main text near to the first time they are cited.

Plagiarism Policy
Plagiarism and self-plagiarism are not allowed.
The authors should ensure that they have
written entirely original works, and if the authors
have used the work and/or words of others that
this has been appropriately cited or quoted.
Editorial Team checking manuscript by using
Turnitin app. If it is found plagiarism indication

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