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Intramuros: A
Blend of Histo
and Heritage
Presented By M
icaela Arnesto
title Exploring
Intramuros: A
Blend of History
page and Heritage
Intramuros, located in Manila, Philippines,
is a captivating destination steeped in
history and cultural heritage. This research
investigates the environmental
preservation efforts, unique tourist
experiences, regulations for maintaining
cleanliness, businesses operating within
the area, job opportunities, and
recommendations for educating tourists
about responsible tourism practices
of the Area
Intramuros, meaning "within the
walls" in Spanish, is a historic
walled area in Manila that served
as the center of Spanish colonial
rule in the Philippines for over 300
years. It features well-preserved
colonial-era architecture, including
churches, forts, and government
buildings, offering visitors a
glimpse into the country's colonial
past and cultural heritage.
Meaningful Tourist
Tourists visiting Intramuros can
immerse themselves in a variety of
Preserving the historical and
meaningful experiences that
architectural integrity of Intramuros
showcase the area's rich history
is essential for maintaining its
and cultural heritage. These
cultural significance. Conservation
include guided heritage tours,
efforts focus on restoring and
interactive museum visits, cultural
maintaining heritage structures,
performances, and culinary
implementing sustainable tourism
experiences featuring traditional
practices, and promoting green
Filipino cuisine. These experiences
initiatives such as waste
not only educate tourists but also
management and tree planting
foster appreciation for the unique
heritage of Intramuros.
Regulations for Cleanliness
To uphold the cleanliness of Intramuros, Jobs within the Area:
regulations are enforced to ensure proper The tourism industry in Intramuros
waste disposal, litter prevention, and provides employment opportunities for
maintenance of public spaces. Visitors are local residents in various sectors, including
encouraged to practice responsible hospitality, tour guiding, heritage
tourism by disposing of trash properly and conservation, and cultural preservation.
respecting historical sites and monuments. These jobs not only contribute to the local
Preservation efforts are supported by local economy but also empower communities to
authorities, community organizations, and take pride in their heritage and share it
tourism stakeholders. with visitors from around the world.
Businesses within the Area:
Intramuros is home to a diverse array of
Group's Comments or
businesses catering to tourists, including Suggestions:
hotels, restaurants, souvenir shops, and Our research highlights the importance of
tour operators. Many of these businesses responsible tourism practices in preserving
collaborate with local artisans and cultural Intramuros' historical and cultural heritage
organizations to promote authentic for future generations. By educating
experiences and support community tourists about the significance of
development initiatives. Partnerships with conservation efforts and encouraging them
heritage conservation groups also to support sustainable businesses, we can
contribute to the preservation of historic minimize the negative impacts of tourism
landmarks. on this iconic destination.
Santiago, L. G. (2018). Rediscovering Intramuros: A Historical and
Cultural Guide.
Manila, Philippines: Vibal Group.

Torres, J. R. (2020). Preserving the Past: Conservation Efforts in

Intramuros. Journal of Philippine Heritage Studies, 5(2), 45-56.
Department of Tourism Philippines. (n.d.). Intramuros: A Journey
Through Time. Retrieved from
De Guzman, M. A. (2019). Sustainable Tourism Development in

Challenges and Opportunities. Proceedings of the International

Conference on Sustainable Tourism Development, 112-124.

National Historical Commission of the Philippines. (2017).

Intramuros Administration Annual Report 2017. Manila,
Philippines: Author.

Acosta, R. G. (2016). Cultural Heritage Tourism in Intramuros: A

Case Study. Philippine Journal of Tourism Research, 8(1), 32-45.

Intramuros Administration. (n.d.). Visitor's Guide to Intramuros.

Retrieved from

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