Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Multiple Choice Questions
1. Sound waves cannot travel through
(A) air (B) material medium (C) water (D) vacuum
2. Which one of the following media can transmit both transverse and longitudinal waves
(A) Gas (B) Liquid (C) Solid (D) Plasma
3. Longitudinal waves are also known as:
(A) Stationary waves (B) Transverse waves
(C) Compressional waves (D) Electromagnetic waves
4. Tuning fork is a source of:
(A) Energy (B) Heat (C) Light (D) Sound
5. The velocity of sound in air at 0o is
(A) 224ms-1 (B) 332ms-1 (C) 322ms-1 (D) 300ms-1
6. If the pressure of the gas is doubled then the speed of sound is
(A) also doubled (B) become half (C) not affected (D)increase by four times
7. The error in the value of speed of sound calculated by Newton at STP is about
(A) 14% (B) 15% (C) 16% (D) 18%
8. The speed of sound is greater in solids due to their high
(A) Density (B) Pressure (C) Temperature (D) Elasticity
9. Sound waves cannot be
(A) Reflected (B) refracted (C) polarized (D) diffracted
10. For each degree Celsius rise in temperature of gas, the speed of sound through it
increases by
(A) 0.61 m s-1 (B) 0.61 cm s-1 (C) 61 m s-1 (D) 6.1 m s-1
11. Which of the following does not have any effect on the speed of sound in gases?
(A) Temperature (B) density (C) elasticity (D) pressure
12. The speed of sound in air depends upon
(A) Temperature (B) Humidity (C) Density (D) All of these
13. The speed of sound has maximum value in
(A) Oxygen (B) Air (C) Hydrogen (D) Helium
14. The frequency range of hearing of cats is:
(A) 20-20000 Hz (B) 10-10000 Hz (C) 60-70000 Hz (D) 60-20000 Hz
15. The pitch of sound depends upon:
(A) Intensity of sound (B) Loudness of sound
(C) Wavelength of sound (D) Frequency of sound
16. According to Newton sound travels in air under conditions of
(A) Adiabatic (B) Isothermal (C) Isobaric (D) isochoric
17. Sound travel fasters in:
(A) CO2 (B) H 2 (C) O2 (D) H e
18. Increase in velocity of sound in air for 1°C rise in temperature is:
(A) 0.61 cm s–1 (B) 61 cm s–1 (C) 0.61 m s–1 (D) 61 m s–1
19. The velocity of sound in vacuum is:
(A) Zero (B) 332 m/s (C) 280 m/s (D) 330 m/s
20. The velocity of sound is greatest in:
(A) Steel (B) Air (C) ethanol (D) Water
21. A sound wave of frequency 400 Hz is travelling at a speed of 320 m s−1. What is the
difference in phase between two points on the wave 0.2 m apart?
(A) π/4 rad (B) π/2 rad (C) 2 π / 5rad (D) 4 π /5 rad
22. Speed of sound in air at a given temperature is 350 m s−1. An engine blows a whistle at a
frequency of 1200 cycle s−1. It is approaching the observer with velocity 50 m s−1. The
apparent frequency in cycle s−1 as heard by the observer will be:
(A) 600 (B) 1050 (C) 1400 (D) 2400
23. The velocity of sound in air is 360 m s−1
while that in water is 1440 m s−1. If the
wavelength of sound in air is 2 cm, that in water is:
(A) 2 cm (B) 2 cm (C) 8 cm (D) 16 cm
24. If 20 waves pass through a medium in 1 sec, with a speed of 20ms-1 then the wavelength
(A) 1m (B) 40m (C) 400m (D) 20m
25. A 4 m long string fixed at its ends resonate in 4 segments. The wavelength of the wave
(A) 4 m (B) 2 m (C) 0.5 m (D) 0.25 m
26. What is the dimensional formula of √ 𝝆 ?
(A) [M0L0T0] (B) [MLT0] (C) [M0LT−2] (D) [M0LT−1]
27. The frequency of a fork is 200 Hz. The distance through which sound travels by the
time the fork makes 16 vibrations is (Velocity of sound in air is 340 m s−1).
(A) 34 m (B) 21.25 m (C) 425 m (D) 27.2 m
28. When two identical traveling waves are superimposed, velocity of resultant wave
(A) Decreases (B) Increases (C) Remains same (D) becomes zero
29. Half wavelength corresponds to:
(A) 0o (B) 90o (C) 180o (D) 360o
30. Two waves of same frequency and moving in same direction produces:
(A) Interference (B) diffraction (C) beats (D) both b and c
31. Beats are formed when two notes of frequencies f1 and f2 (f1> f2) are sounded together.
The beat frequency will be
f +f f −f
(A) f1 − f 2 (B) f1 + f 2 (C) 1 2 (D) 1 2
2 2
32. Beats are used to find
(A) Frequency (B) Wavelength (C) Intensity (D) Speed
33. In order to produce beats, the two sound waves should have
(A) The same amplitude (B) Slightly different amplitude
(C) The same frequency (D) Slightly different frequencies
34. Beats can be heard when difference of frequency is not more than:
(A) 8Hz (B) 10Hz (C) 4Hz (D) 6Hz
35. Forks A and B produce 6 beats/s. A and C produce 2 beats/s. Forks B and C will
produce ⎯⎯ beats/s.
(A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 3 (D) 5
36. Two tuning forks of frequencies 256 Hz and 258 Hz are sounded together. The time
interval between consecutive maxima heard by the observer is:
(A) 2 s (B) 0.5 s (C) 250 s (D) 252 s
37. The distance between a node and anti-node is equal to
  5 3
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2 4 2 2
38. Distance between two consecutive nodes or two consecutive anti-nodes is
 
(A) (B) (C) 2 (D) 
2 4
39. The stationary waves consist of
(A) Crests and troughs (B) Compressions and elongations
(C) Nodes and antinodes (D) Reflection and rarefaction
40. A sound source is moving towards stationary listener with 1/10th of the speed of sound.
The ratio of apparent to real frequency is:
2 2

(A)   (D)  
9 10 11 11
(B) (C)
10 9 10 10
41. When wave is reflected form the boundary of denser medium then phase of wave
changes by
(A) 0o (B) 90o (C) 180o (D) 270o
42. A 120 Hz wave on a string has an amplitude of 0.160 mm. How much approximate energy
exists in 80 grams of string?
(A) 0.1 mJ (B) 0.2 mJ (C) 0.3 mJ (D) 0.6 mJ
43. Consider a stretched string under tension and fixed at both ends. If the tension is
doubled and the cross-sectional area halved, then the frequency becomes:
(A) twice (B)half(C) four times(D) eight times
44. On increasing the tension, frequency of vibration of a string
(A) Increases (B) Decreases
(C) Remain constant (D) First increases then decreases
45. A stationary wave is established in a string which vibrates in four segments at a frequency
of 120 Hz. Its fundamental frequency is
(A) 15Hz (B) 480 Hz (C) 360 Hz (D) 30 Hz
46. If a string is fixed at both ends vibrates in “n” loops, then wavelength in term of length
' ' of string is given by
n 2 2
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2 2n n v
47. For same mass and length, if tension of a vibrating string is increased by four times, the
speed of the wave is increased by?
(A) √2 times (B) 4 times
(C) 6 times (D) 2 times
48. If the number of loops of stationary waves are increasing, then:
(A) wavelengths get higher (B) wavelengths gets shorter
(C) both a and b (D) none of these
49. If a train of waves moving along a rope has a velocity of 100 m s−1 and a wavelength of
20 m, then the time period is:
(A) 5 second (B) 2000 second (C) 0.2 second (D) 666 second
50. The wavelength of the fundamental mode of vibration of a closed pipe of length ‘l’ is
(A) (B) l (C) 2l (D) 4l
51. Two pipes one is open and other is closed at one end are of same length, then the ratio of
their fundamental frequencies is:
(A) 1 : 2 (B) 2 : 1 (C) 1 : 1 (D) 1 : 4
52. A cylindrical tube, open at both ends has a fundamental frequency ‘n’ in air. The tube
is dipped vertically in water so that half of it is in water. The fundamental frequency of
air column is now:
n 3n
(A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 2n (D) n
53. In a closed organ pipe, the fundamental frequency is f. What will be the ratio of the
frequencies of the next three overtones?
(A) 2:3:4 (B) 3:4:5 (C) 3:7:11 (D) 3:5:7
54. Radar system is an application of:
(A) Chemical effect (B) Electric effect (C) Magnetic effect (D) Doppler’s effect
55. Stars moving towards the earth show a:
(A) red shift (B) blue shift (C) yellow shift (D)green shift

1 D 16 B 31 A 46 C
2 C 17 B 32 A 47 D
3 C 18 C 33 D 48 B
4 D 19 A 34 B 49 C
5 B 20 A 35 B 50 D
6 C 21 B 36 B 51 B
7 C 22 C 37 B 52 C
8 A 23 C 38 A 53 D
9 C 24 A 39 C 54 D
10 A 25 B 40 B 55 B
11 D 26 D 41 C 56
12 D 27 D 42 D 57
13 C 28 C 43 A 58
14 C 29 C 44 A 59
15 D 30 A 45 D 60

Short Questions from Topics

Q.1 Why does sound travel faster in hydrogen than in oxygen?
Ans Oxygen and Hydrogen have nearly identical elastic properties. At same temperature and
pressure, the speed of sound varies inversely as the square root of density of a gas i.e.,
v∝ 𝜌

As the density of hydrogen is 16 times less than that of hydrogen so the speed of sound in
hydrogen is four times greater than its speed in oxygen.
Q.2 What is the effect of density on speed of sound?
Ans The speed of sound is related to the density of a gas according to the following relation:
𝑣 = √𝜌
At the same temperature and pressure, the speed of sound varies inversely as the square root of
density of a gas i.e., v ∝ 𝜌 . Hence, sound travels faster in gases which are less dense as

compared to gases having greater densities.
Q.3 Why Radar waves cannot detect underwater objects?
Ans Microwaves are strongly absorbed by sea water after few meters of their transmission that is
why radar techniques cannot be utilized in detection of underwater objects. For this purpose,
Light Detection and Ranging method (LIDAR) is used.
Q.4 Explain the term red shift and blue shift in Doppler’s effect.
Ans Stars moving towards the earth show blue shift, so the spectrum is shifted towards shorter
wavelength. Stars moving away from the earth show red shift, so spectrum is shifted towards
longer wavelength.
Q.5 Define waves and progressive waves.
Ans The disturbances produced in a medium which transport energy from one place to another
without transporting matter are called waves. e.g., water waves, sound waves, waves produced
in a string.
The waves which transfer energy by moving away from the source of disturbance are called
progressive waves e.g., waves produced in a string.
Q.6 Write down characteristics of stationary waves.
Ans Characteristics of stationary waves are as follows:
i. They have the same frequency but opposite direction.
ii. They do not transfer energy.
iii. They produce nodes and antinodes.
Q.7 Write formula of speed of sound at 00C.
Ans The formula for speed of sound is:
𝐯𝐭 = 𝐯𝐨 + 𝟎. 𝟔𝟏 𝐭
where 𝐯𝐭 = speed of sound at a temperature t oC, 𝐯𝐨 = speed of sound at 0 oC,
t = Celsius of temperature t oC.
Q.8 State the principle of superposition.
Ans If two or more waves superimpose on each other, then the resultant displacement ‘Y’ will be
equal to the algebraic sum of all the displacements i.e.
Y = y1 + y2 + y3 + … + yn
Q.9 How the velocity of a wave will change if “tension” is made 16 times?
Ans The speed of stationary waves in a stretched string is given by
1 F
v = 2𝑙 √m
1 16F
If F’ =16 F v ′ = 2𝑙 √ m
1 F
v ′ = √16 × 2𝑙 √m
1 F
v ′ = 4 × 2𝑙 √m
v ′ = 4v
This shows that velocity will increase 4 times when tension is increased 16 times.
Q.10 Define mechanical and electromagnetic waves.
Ans Mechanical Waves: The waves which require material medium for their propagation e.g.,
water waves, sound waves etc.
Electromagnetic Waves: The waves which do not require material medium for their
propagation e.g., light waves, microwaves etc.
Q.11 Write any two applications of Doppler’s effect.
Ans (i) Radar System: Radar is a device which transmits and receives radio waves. Radar works
on the principle of Doppler’s effect. It is used to determine the speed and elevation of an
airplane. If an airplane is approaching the radar, the frequency of the reflected waves from the
airplane is increased and if it is moving away the frequency of reflected waves is decreased.
(ii).Sonar: Sonar is acronym of “Sound Navigation and Ranging”. It is a technique for
detecting the presence of objects under water by acoustical echo. The apparent frequency of
waves, produced by the moving objects under water, is calculated using Doppler shift. It is
used for detection and location of submarines, control of antisubmarine weapons, mine hunting
and depth measurement of sea.
Q.12 Differentiate between “an open organ pipe” and “a closed organ pipe”.
Open Open Organ Pipe Closed Organ Pipe
• It is open at both ends. • It is closed at one end.
• It has anti-nodes at both the ends. • It has anti-node at open and node at closed end.
• It is richer in harmonics. • It has only odd harmonics.
Q.13 Define Beats. Write its two uses.
Ans The phenomenon in which two waves of slightly different frequencies (≤ 10 Hz) travelling in
the same direction superpose is called beats.
i. Beats are used to tune musical instruments.
ii. To find unknown frequencies.
Q.14 Define interference of waves. Write the conditions for interference.
Ans When two waves having same frequency and travelling in the same direction superpose, the
phenomenon is called interference.
i. Sources producing sound waves should be coherent.
ii. The waves must be monochromatic.
Q.15 Write down effects of variation of pressure and density on the speed of sound.
Ans Effect of Pressure:
Density is directly proportional to the pressure that is why their ratio remains constant.
Therefore, speed of sound is not affected by variation in the pressure of gas.
v= √ρ
Effect of density:
At the same temperature and pressure of a gas, the speed ‘v’ is inversely proportional to the
square root of the density. Therefore, an increase in density means that speed decreases and
vice versa.
Q16 What are the factors upon which speed of sound in air depends?
Ans The speed of sound waves in air depends on the following two factors:
i. the compressibility i.e., elasticity of the medium.
ii. inertia i.e., density of the medium.
Q.17 What are stationary waves and how are they produced?
Ans When two waves of equal frequency travelling in the opposite direction on a same path
superpose each other, they give rise to stationary waves.
Plucking a stretched string of length ‘L’ from an appropriate position such as middle or
quarter of its length produces stationary waves.
Q.18 Which is richer in harmonics, an open organ pipe or a closed organ pipe?
Ans For an organ pipe that is open at both ends,
fn = 2l , n = 1,2,3,…
For a closed pipe
fn = 4l , n = 1,3,5, … … …
Hence, an organ pipe open at both ends is richer in harmonics as compared to a closed organ
Q.19 Define Doppler’s shift. Also write its formula.
Ans The amount of compression or expansion of waves due to motion of source towards or away
from the observer is called Doppler’s shift. It is represented by ∆𝜆.
∆λ = fs where us is the speed of source.
Q.20 What is velocity of sound in air if temperature of air is 20 0C?
Ans According to the relation
vt = vo + 0.61 t
vt = 332m s −1 + 0.61(20)
vt = 344 m s −1
Q.21 How the velocity of stationary waves in string is affected by changing its tension?
Ans The speed of stationary waves in a stretched string is given by,
1 F
v = 2𝑙 √m
Thus, v ∝ √F
i.e., velocity increases as the tension in a stretched string increase and vice versa.
Q.22 Can Doppler’s effect be applied to electromagnetic waves? Give an example.
Ans Yes, Doppler’s effect is applicable to electromagnetic waves.
Example: An important application is the radar system which uses radio waves to determine
the elevation and speed of an airplane. If an airplane approaches the radar, then the wavelength
of the wave reflected from airplane decreases and if it moves away then the wavelength
Q.23 What is the apparent change in frequency when source is moving away from stationary
Ans In this case, the apparent frequency decreases in accordance with
fA = (v+u ) × f
As (v+us )
so fA < f
Hence the observer will hear a low pitch sound.
Q.24 What is the apparent change in frequency when source is moving towards stationary
Ans In this case, the apparent frequency increases in accordance with
fA = (v−u ) × f
As (v+us )
so fA > f
Hence the observer will hear a high pitch sound.
Q.25 What is the apparent change in frequency when observer is moving away from stationary
Ans In this case, the apparent frequency decreases in accordance with
(v−u )
fA = v o × f
(v−u )
As <1
so fA < f
Hence the observer will hear allow frequency sound.
Q.26 What is the apparent change in frequency when observer is moving towards stationary
Ans In this case, the apparent frequency increases in accordance with
(v+u )
fA = v o × f
(v+u ) o
As >1
so fA > f
Hence the observer will hear a high frequency sound.
Q.27 What are the conditions for constructive and destructive interference?
Ans In constructive interference, whenever the path difference is an integral multiple of wavelength,
the two waves are added up. The condition for constructive interference can be written as:
∆S = nλ where n = 0, ±1, ±2, ±3 … … …
In destructive interference, at points where the displacements of two waves cancel each other’s
effect, the path difference is an odd integral multiple of half the wavelength. The condition for
destructive interference can be written as:
∆S = (2n + 1) 2 where n = 0, ±1, ±2, ±3 … … …
Q.28 What happens to the speed of sound if the temperature of medium increases?
Ans The speed of sound increases by increasing the temperature. One degree rise in temperature
produces 0.61 𝑚 𝑠 −1 increase in the speed of sound i.e,
𝐯𝐭 = 𝐯𝐨 + 𝟎. 𝟔𝟏 𝐭
Q.29 Why sound produced due to sudden explosions going on in the sun cannot be heard on the
Ans Sound waves are mechanical waves, and they require material medium to travel. As there is no
medium between sun and earth so, explosions happening in the sun cannot be heard.
Q.30 What do you understand by harmonic series?
Ans The stationary waves can be set upon the string only with a discrete set of frequencies
f 1 , 2f 1 , 3f 1 , 4f 1 … … … nf 1 , which is called harmonic series. The lowest of these i.e., f1, is
called fundamental frequency and the others which are integral multiples of the fundamental
are called harmonics.
Q.31 Why are odd harmonics produced in a closed pipe?
Ans In case of closed pipe, one end is closed while the other end is open. As we know that at closed
end, a node is produced and at open end, an antinode is produced. This is why only odd
harmonics are produced in closed pipe.

Exercise Short Questions

Q.1 What features do longitudinal waves have in common with transverse waves?
Ans Common features of longitudinal and transverse waves:
1. In both waves, particles of the medium vibrate about their mean position.
2. Both transport energy and momentum but not matter.
3. When they propagate in a medium, they obey the relation v = f λ.
4. Both are mechanical waves.
Q.2 The five possible waveforms obtained when the output from a microphone is fed into the Y-input of
cathode ray oscilloscope, with the time base on, are shown in the fig. These waveforms are
obtained under the same adjustment of the cathode ray oscilloscope controls. Indicate the waveform.
(a) which trace represents the loudest note?
(b) which trace represents the highest frequency?
Ans (a) trace D represents the loudest note because the amplitude is maximum.
(b) trace B represents the highest frequency because it has more number of waves.
Q.3 Is it possible for two identical waves travelling in the same direction along a string to give rise to a
stationary wave?
Ans No, it is not possible. Stationary waves are produced when two identical waves travel in opposite
Q.4 A wave is produced along a stretched string but some of its particles permanently show zero
displacement. What type of wave is it?
Ans This is a stationary wave. In stationary waves some of the particles of medium permanently show zero
displacement at points called nodes whereas some of its particles show maximum displacements at
points called antinodes.
Q.5 Explain the terms crest, trough, node, and antinode.
Ans Crest: The portion of a transverse wave above the mean position is called crest.
Trough: The portion of a transverse wave below the mean is called trough.
Node: The points on stationary waves where particles have zero displacement are called nodes.
Antinode: The points on stationary waves where particles have maximum displacement from the mean
position are called antinodes.
Q.6 Why does sound travel faster in solids than in gases?
Ans In the relation v = √ρ
Density ρ of solids is greater than density of gases, but elastic modulus E of solids is far greater than
elastic modulus of gases. Therefore, the speed of sound is greater in solids than in gases.
In solids, molecules are very close to each other as compared to gas molecules. Therefore, sound waves
pass rapidly through the solids as compared to gases.
Q.7 How are beats useful in tuning musical instruments?
Ans One can use beats to tune a string instrument such as piano or violin by beating a note against note of
known frequency, the string can then be adjusted to the desired frequency by tightening or losing it until
no beats are heard.
Q.8 When two notes of frequencies f1 and f2 are sounded together, beats are formed. If f1 > f2 , what will
be the frequency of beats?
(i) f1 + f2 ii) ½ (f1 + f2 ) iii) f1 - f2 iv) ½ (f1 - f2 )
Ans Correct answer is (iii) (f1 - f2 ). The number of beats per second is equal to the difference between the
frequencies of the two tuning forks.
Q.9 As a result of distant explosion, an observer senses a ground tremor and then hears the
explosion. Explain the time difference.
Ans As sound waves travel faster in solids than in gases, therefore, sound waves travelling through ground
reach the observer earlier than the sound waves through air. Hence the observer first feels ground tremor
and then hears the sound in air.
Q.10 Explain why sound travels faster in warm air than in cold air.
Ans As v ∝ √T
The above relation shows that speed of sound is directly proportional to the square root of absolute
temperature. Since the temperature of warm air is greater than cold air that’s why sound travels faster
in warm air than in cold air.
Q.11 How should a sound source move with respect to an observer so that the frequency of its sound does
not change?
Ans In Doppler effect, there is an apparent change in the frequency due to relative motion of source and
observer. When source moves in a circle around a stationary observer then distance between source and
observer does not change, although source is moving with respect to observer. Hence there will be no
apparent change in frequency.
Long Questions
Q.1 Derive Newton’s formula for speed of sound waves in air. How was it corrected by
Laplace? Explain.
Ans Newton’s formula for the speed of sound in air
Sound is a type of mechanical wave that produces the sensation of hearing. The speed of sound
waves depends on
i. the compressibility of the medium (E)
ii. inertia of the medium through which they are travelling ()
If the medium has the elastic modulus E and density ρ, then speed v is given by
v = − − − − − −(1)

Newton’s formula for speed of sound:
The sound waves are longitudinal waves and travel in the form of compression and rarefaction. Newton
assumed that during compression and rarefaction, the temperature of the medium remains constant.
He argued that during compression, temperature rises and during rarefaction same amount of
temperature decreases. Hence the net temperature of the medium remains the same. It means
propagation of sound waves through air is an isothermal process.
Derivation of formula:
During compression the pressure of air changes from P to (P + ∆P) and volume changes from V to
(V − ∆V). Using Boyle’s Law
P1 V1 = P2 V2
P V = (P + ∆P) (V − ∆V)
PV = PV − P∆V + V∆P − ∆P∆V
As ∆P∆V is very small, it can be neglected. i.e. ∆P∆V  0.
Therefore, above equation becomes
PV – PV = − P∆V + V∆P − 0
P∆V = V∆P
P  V  = ∆P
 
∆P Stress
P = ∆V = Strain = E
 
 
Putting this value in eq. (1)
v= − − − − − − − (2)

Putting the values of atmospheric pressure and density of air at S.T.P in eq. (2) we get
v = 280 ms-1
The experimental value of speed of sound in air is 332 m s-1. Therefore, the above value is 16% less
than the actual value of speed of sound.
Laplace Correction:
According to Laplace, temperature of medium during propagation of sound waves does not remain
constant. He said that compression and rarefaction take place so quickly that heat produced due to
compression does not have time to flow to a neighboring cooler region where rarefaction has taken
place. Thus, overall temperature of the medium is increased. Therefore, the process of propagation of
sound waves is an adiabatic process. So, Boyle’s law will take the form,

PV = Constant,
Cp Molar Specific heat at Constant Pressure
where  = C = Molar Specific heat at Constant Volume
 
P V = (P + ∆P) (V – ∆V)
   ∆V 
P V = (P + ∆P) V 1 − V 
  
  ∆V 
P V = (P + ∆P) V 1 - V 
 
 ∆V 
P = (P + ∆P) 1 - V  − − − − − (3)
 
n(n − 1) 2
Using Binomial Theorem (1 + x)𝑛 = 1 + nx + 2 x + −−−−−−

 ∆V  ∆V
1 - V  = 1 − V + neglecting higher terms
 
 ∆V  ∆V
1 - V  = 1 − V
 
Putting this value in eq. (3)
  ∆V
P = (P + ∆P) 1 - V 
 
P∆V P∆V
P = P –  V + P –  V
P∆V P∆V
Since is very very small so it can be neglected. i.e. 0
Therefore, above equation becomes,
 P∆V
P – P + V = ∆P

∆P =  P  V 
 
∆P ∆P Stress
 P = ∆V = Strain = E
   
V V
   
Hence P=E
Putting this value in eq. (1) we get
v= − − − − (4)

=  x

= 1.4 x 280 m 𝑠 −1 For Air  = 1.4
v = 333 m s −1
This value is very close to the experimental value 332 ms-1.
Q.2 What is the effect of temperature on speed of sound? Also derive a formula to find the rise
of speed with temperature. (OR) Show that 𝒗𝒕 = 𝒗𝒐 + 𝟎. 𝟔𝟏𝒕.
Ans Effect of Temperature:
When a gas is heated at constant pressure, its volume is increased, hence its density is
As v=

So, speed of sound increases with rise in temperature,
Let vo = Speed of sound at 0 oC, o = Density of gas at 0 oC
vt = Speed of sound at t oC, t = Density of gas at t oC
then vo = √ρ − − − − − − (1)

vt = √ − − − − − − (2)
Dividing eq. (2) by (1)
Vt √ρ
vo γP
vt γP γP
= √ ρ × √ρ
vo t o
vt 0
= − − − − (3)
vo t
Suppose V0 = Volume of a gas at 0 oC
Vt = Volume of a gas at t oC
For volume expansion of a gas
Vt = V0 (1 + β t)
Where  = coefficient of volume expansion of gas = 273 for all gases
 t 
Vt = V0 1 + 273 ---------------- (4)
 
Putting these values in eq. (4)
As Density = volume
m m
Hence Vo = and Vt =
o t
m m t 
=  1 + 273
t 0  
1 1 t 
=  1 + 273
t 0  
0  t 
=  1 + 273
t  
Taking square root of both sides
0  t 
=  1 + 273 putting in equation (3)
t  
vt t
v0 = 1 + 273 − − − − − − − (5)

273 + t
= 273
Here 273 + t = T and 273 = To, where T and To are absolute temperatures corresponding to toC
and 0oC respectively.
vt T
v0 T0
v  T
This result shows that speed of sound is directly proportional to the square root of absolute
temperature of the gas.
From equation (5)
vt t  t 2
= 1 + =  1 + 273
v0 273 
Using Binomial Theorem and neglecting terms with higher powers.
vt  1 t 
=  1 + 2  273
v0  
 t 
vt = vo  1 + 546
 
vt = vo + 546 t Putting v0 = 332 m s-1 in the 2nd factor
Then vt = vo + 546 t
or vt = vo + 0.61 t
It means for every 1oC rise in temperature; speed of sound will increase by 0.61 m s-1
(61 cm s-1).
Q.3 Define and explain the interference of sound waves. Describe its types and write down their
Ans Interference:
When two identical waves meet each other in a medium then at some points they enhance each
other’s effect and at some points they cancel each other’s effect. This phenomenon is known
as interference.
Consider an experimental arrangement as shown in fig. (a). It consists of:
Two loud speakers S1 and S2 for the production of harmonic sound waves of fixed
frequency. An audio generator, a microphone, a cathode ray oscilloscope is attached to
microphone to see the input signal wave form. To observe the effect of interference, a
microphone is placed at different points in front of loud speakers.
Types of interference A.G.
There are two types of interference. S1 S2
⚫ Constructive interference P.A.
⚫ Destructive interference
Constructive Interference: 2 4

1 P 5
At points P1, P3, P5, CRO gives a P 3

large signal as shown in Fig. (b).

Here compression of one wave
meets with the compression of
Fig. (b)
other wave or rarefaction of one
wave meets with rarefaction of the
other wave. Therefore, we get loud
sound due to constructive Fig. (a)
Path difference:
The difference between distances covered by two waves coming from two speakers to a point
where they meet each other is called path difference.
Condition for constructive interference:
Path difference at point P1
∆S = S2 P1 − S1 P1
1 1
=42λ − 32 λ = λ
Similarly at points P3 and P5 path difference is 0 and - λ respectively. Therefore, path difference
for constructive interference is an integral multiple of wavelength. Therefore, the condition for
the constructive interference can be written as
∆S = n λ
where n = 0 , ± 1 , ± 2 ,± 3 − − − − − − −
Destructive Interference:
At points P2 and P4, CRO gives no signal as shown in fig. (c). At these
points compression of one wave meets the rarefaction of the other, so
they cancel out each other’s effect. Therefore, we get feeble sound due
to destructive interference.
Condition for destructive interference: Fig. (c)
Path difference at point P2
∆S = S2 P2 − S1 P2
λ 1
∆S = 4 λ − 3 2 = 2 λ
Similarly at point P4 path difference is − 2 λ
Therefore, path difference for destructive interference is an odd integral multiple of half the
wavelength. Therefore, the condition for destructive interference can be written as
∆S = (2n + 1) 2
where n = 0 , ± 1 ,± 2 ,± 3 − − − − − − −
Q.4 What are beats? Explain it with the help of examples as well as graphically. Write its two
Ans Definition: The periodic rise and fall in the intensity of sound is called beats. OR
Beats are produced due to superposition of two waves having slightly different frequencies (
10 Hz) and traveling in the same direction.
Consider two tuning folks A and B having the same frequency say 32 Hz. Add a bit of wax to
one of the prongs of tuning fork B so that its frequency becomes 30 Hz. Now when these two
tuning forks are sounded together beats are produced. Fig. (a) and (b) show waveforms emitted
by two tuning forks A and B. The resultant waveform due to A
the superposition of two waves is shown in fig (c). (a)

Let two tuning forks are sounded together. To check the

rise and fall in the intensity of sound waves we divide the (b)
1 second into four equal intervals of ¼ s. 1
(i) After t=1/4 s, tuning fork A completes 8 vibrations whereas 2

tuning fork B completes 7.5 vibrations. It means (c)

compression of A meets the rarefaction of B, hence fall in
the intensity of sound will be observed. X 1
s Y 1
s Z
(ii) After t=1/2 s, tuning fork A completes 16 vibrations whereas Resultant
tuning fork B completes 15 vibrations. It means compression Formation of Beats
of A meets the compression of B, hence rise in the intensity of sound will be observed.
(iii) After t=3/4 s, tuning fork A completes 24 vibrations whereas tuning fork B completes 22.5
vibrations. It means compression of A meets the rarefaction of B, hence fall in the intensity of
sound will be observed.
(iv) After t=1s, tuning fork A completes 32 vibrations whereas tuning fork B completes 30
vibrations. It means compression of A meets the compression of B, hence rise in the intensity
of sound will be observed.
Beat Frequency:
From the above explanation, it is clear that in 1 second two rises and two falls in the intensity
of sound will be heard. One rise and one fall make one beat. Hence two beats will be produced
in one second and this is called beat frequency.
fA − fB = (32 – 30) Hz = 2 Hz
fbeats = 2 Hz
Comparing above equations we get
fbeats = fA − fB
When beat frequency is greater than 10 Hz then the human ear cannot recognize the beats.
(i) To tune a string of musical instrument such as piano or violin.
(ii) To find the unknown frequency of a vibrating body.
Q.5 What are stationary waves? Describe the stationary waves produced in a stretched string and
prove that their frequencies are quantized.
Ans Stationary waves:
Two waves of same frequency travelling in opposite direction execute the phenomena of
stationary waves.
Consider a string of length ℓ stretched between two clamps so that tension in the string is F.
Mass per unit length of the string is represented by m. When we pluck the string, it vibrates in
different loops giving rise to stationary waves. The speed v of the waves produced in the string
is given by
v = m − − − − − (1)
Frequency of 1st harmonic:
Suppose we pluck the string at its middle; two transverse waves will originate from this point.
One moves towards right and other moves towards left of the string. They are reflected back
from the clamped ends and superimpose each other giving rise to stationary waves. In this case,
the string vibrates in a single loop as shown in the figure.
v = f1 λ1
From the figure 𝑙 = 21 l
or λ1 = − − − − − (2) A
v N N
f1 = 
λ1 l=
Putting the value of λ1,
f1 = 2𝑙 − − − − − − (3) N
Putting the value of v from eq. (1) in eq.(3)
N 2 N
1 F l==
f1 = 2𝑙 m
Frequency of 2nd harmonic: N N
When the string is plucked from one quarter of its length it N N
vibrates in two loops as shown in figure. l=
v = f2 λ2
f2 = λ − − − − − − −(4)
λ2 λ2
From the figure 𝑙= +
2 2
λ2 = 2 − − − − −(5)
Putting value of λ2 from eq. (5) in eq. (4)
f2 = 2𝑙 − − − − − (6)
𝑓2 = 2(2𝑙)
f2 = 2f1 (∵ f1 = 2𝑙)
Frequency of 3rd harmonic:
When the string is plucked at 8 th of its length it vibrates in three loops as shown in figure.
λ3 λ3 λ3
From the figure 𝑙 = + +
2 2 2
ℓ = 2
λ3 = ----------------- (7)
Also v = f3 λ3
f3 = λ3
Putting the value of λ3 from eq. (7)
f3 = 3 (3𝑙)-------------- (8)
f3 = 3f1 (∵ f1 = 2𝑙)
Frequency of nth harmonic:
From equations (2), (5) & (7) it can be generalized that
λn = n
and from equations (3), (6) & (8) it can be generalized that
fn = 2ℓ
Putting the value from equation (3) we get
fn = nf1 (∵ f1 = 2𝑙)
Where f1 is called fundamental frequency.
If we substitute the values of n = 1, 2, 3, ------- we will get the values of frequencies f1, f2,
f3, -------. These discrete set of frequencies are called as Harmonics.
Q.6 Find the frequencies produced by the stationary waves in air columns, for the closed and
open ends of the organ pipe.
Ans Organ Pipe: An organ pipe is a hollow pipe in which sound is produced by setting up
stationary waves in its air column.
Case-1: Stationary waves in a pipe when both ends are open,
Consider an organ pipe of length ℓ open at both ends. When a vibrating tuning fork is held horizontally
at the open end of the pipe, longitudinal waves are formed in the air column.
(a) First Mode of Vibration:
Let f1 be the frequency and λ1 be the wavelength of longitudinal waves in first mode of vibration.
From the figure (a)
λ1 λ
ℓ = + 41
𝜆1 +𝜆1 2λ1 λ1
ℓ = = =
4 4 2
= 2
2l l = /2 f1= /2l
λ1 = 1 --------------- (1) (a)
v = f1 𝜆1
f1 = λ1
v l = 2(/2) f2= (/l)
f1 = 2ℓ --------------- (2) (b)
(b) Second Mode of Vibration:
From the figure (b)
λ2 λ λ λ λ λ l = 3(/2) f3= 3(/2l)
ℓ = + 42 + 42 + 42 = 4 42 = 2 22
4 (c)
λ2 = 2 ℓ /2
Station ary lon gitudinal
2ℓ waves in a pipe open at both
λ2 = 2 --------------(3) ends.

v = f2 λ2
f2 = λ 2
f2 = 2ℓ ---------------(4)
(c) Third Mode of Vibration:
From the figure (c)
λ3 λ λ λ λ λ
ℓ = + 43 + 43 + 43 + 43 + 43
ℓ = 4
ℓ = 2
λ3 = 3 --------------- (5)
f3 = λ3
f3 = 3 2 l ---------------(6)
 
(d) nth Mode of Vibration:
From equations (1), (3) & (5) we can generalize for wavelength,
λn = where n = 1, 2, 3,
From equations (2), (4) & (6) we can generalize for frequency,
fn = where n = 1, 2, 3, − − − − −
Putting the value of f1 from equation (2) we get
fn = n f1
where f1 is fundamental frequency.
When we substitute n= 1, 2, 3, ---------- we get discrete set of frequencies f1, f2, f3, ---------
which are called Harmonics.
Case-2 Stationary waves when one end is open,
Consider a closed organ pipe of length ℓ. A vibrating tuning fork held
horizontally at the open end of the pipe. The incident waves are
l = /4 f = /4l
reflected back from the closed end of the pipe which acts as a denser
medium. When the length of the air column is adjusted, the incident
and reflected waves superimpose each other. Thus, resonance takes
place at this point and loud sound is heard. As motion of the air l = 3(/4) f = 3(/4l) 2
molecules is restricted at the closed end, hence nodes are formed. (b)
(a) First Mode of Vibration:
Let f1 be the frequency and λ1 be the wavelength of longitudinal
waves in first mode of vibration. This is fundamental mode of l = 5(/4) f = 5(/4l) 3

vibration. (c)
From the figure (a) ℓ = S tat ion ary l ong it ud in al
waves in a pipe closed at one
end. Only odd harmonics are
4ℓ present.
λ1 = -------------- (1)
As speed is given by v = f1 λ1
f1 = λ 1
Putting the value of λ1 from eq. (1)
f1 = 4ℓ ---------------- (2)
(b) Second Mode of Vibration:
λ3 λ3 λ3
From figure (b) ℓ = + +
4 4 4
ℓ = 4
λ3 = 3 -------------(3)
But v = f3 λ3
f3 = λ3
f3 = 3 4ℓ ------------- (4)
 
(c) Third Mode of Vibration:
λ5 λ5 λ5 λ5 λ5
From figure (c) ℓ = + + + +4
4 4 4 4
ℓ = 4
λ5 = 5 -------------- (5)
v = f5 λ5
f5 = λ5
f5 = 5 4ℓ ------------ (6)
 
(d) nth Mode of Vibration:
From equations (1), (3) & (5) we can generalize for wavelength,
λn = where n = 1, 3, 5, 7, - - - - -
From equations (2), (4) & (5) we can generalize for frequency,
fn = 4ℓ where n = 1, 3, 5, 7, - - -- -
Putting the value of f1 from equation (1)
fn = nf1
where f1 is called fundamental frequency
In this type of organ pipe only odd harmonics are possible and even harmonics are
Q.6 What is Doppler’s effect? Discuss the cases when the observer and source move towards and
away from a stationary source and the stationary observer respectively.
Ans The apparent change in the frequency of sound due to the relative motion between the source
of sound and observer is called Doppler Effect. This effect was observed by Johann Doppler.
Suppose v is velocity of sound and λ is the wavelength of sound waves in a particular medium. When
both source and observer are stationary, then
v = fλ Observer
f = -------------- (1)
λ = v v
f ------------ (2)
Case A: When the observer moves towards the stationary source S

When an observer moves towards a stationary source with a velocity uo, u s=0
the relative velocity bet sound waves and observer is increased to (v+uo). v v
The frequency of waves reaching observer is given by
fA =  λ 
  An observer moving with velocity
uo towards a stationary source
Putting the values of λ from equation (2) in above equation. hears a frequency fA that is greater
than the source frequency.
 v+u o
fA =  v  f ---------- (3)
 
 v+u o
As  v  >1, so fA> f
 
Result: Therefore, apparent frequency is increased.
Case B: When the observer moves away from the stationary source
When an observer moves away from the stationary source with a velocity
uo, the relative velocity of the sound waves and observer is decreased to
(v-uo). v
The frequency of waves reaching observer is given by v S
fB =  λ  u =0s
  o

Putting the values of λ from equation (2) in above equation. v
fB =  v  f ---------- (4)
  An observer moving with velocity
v-uo u away stationary source hears a

As  v  <1, so fB < f frequency f that is smaller than

  the source frequency.
Result: Therefore, apparent frequency is decreased.
Case C: When the source moves towards the stationary observer
When a source moves towards a stationary observer with a velocity us, then sound waves produced in
one second are compressed by an amount Δλ.
Δλ = f
 
where Δλ is called Doppler Shift.
The compression of waves is due to the fact that same numbers of waves
are occupied in shorter space. This happens due the velocity of the
source. The new wavelength of the waves is given by
λC = λ - Δλ
v uS
= f - f
λC = f
The apparent frequency in this case is given by
fC = v-uS
fC = [𝑣− 𝜇 ]f --------(5)
As [𝑣− 𝜇 ] > 1, so fC > f
Result: Apparent frequency is increased when the source moves towards the observer.
Case D: When the source moves away from a stationary observer
When a source moves away from a stationary observer with a velocity us, then sound waves
produced in one second are expanded by an amount Δλ.
Δλ = f
 
The expansion of waves is due to the fact that the same numbers of waves are occupied in a
greater space. This happens due to the velocity of the source. The new wavelength of the waves
is given by,
λD = λ + Δλ
v uS
= +
f f
λD = f
The apparent frequency in this case is given by
fD = v+uS
fD = [𝑣+ 𝜇 ]f --------(6)
As [𝑣+ 𝜇 ] < 1, so fD< f
Result: Therefore, apparent frequency is decreased when source moves away from observer.

8.1 The wavelength of the signals from a radio transmitter is 1500 m and the frequency is
200 KHz. What is the wavelength for a transmitter operating at 1000 kHz and with what
speed the radio waves travel?
Given data:
1 = 1500 m
f1 = 200 kHz = 200 103 Hz
f2 = 1000 kHz = 1000 x 103 Hz
To find:
2 = ?
v =?
v = f1 λ1
v = 200  103  1500
v = 3  108 m s-1 Ans.
v = f2 λ2
2 = v2
1000 x 103
= 3 x 108
2 = 3× 102 m Ans.
8.2 Two speakers are arranged as shown in Fig. 8.24. The distance between them is 3 m and
they emit a constant tone of 344 Hz. A microphone P is moved along a line parallel to
and 4.00 m from the line connecting the two speakers. It is found that tone of maximum
loudness is heard and displayed on CRO when microphone is on the centre of the line and
directly opposite each speaker. Calculate the speed of sound.
Given data:
f = 344 Hz
d = distance between speakers = 3m
L= distance between speakers and line of motion = 4m
To Find:
Speed of sound = v =?
For constructive interference Path difference = n
S1 P – S2 P = 1  ---------- (1)
In ∆S1 S2 P
(S1 P)2 = (S2 P)2 + (S1 S2 )2
(S1 P)2 = (4)2 + (3)2 = 16 + 9 = 25
S1 P = √25 = 5 m
Putting this value in eq. (1)
5m – 4m = 1 
 = 1m
v = f
v = 344 × 1
𝐯 = 𝟑𝟒𝟒 𝐦 𝐬 −𝟏 Ans.
8.3 A stationary wave is established in a string which is 120 cm long and fixed at both ends.
The string vibrates in four segments, at a frequency of 120 Hz. Determine its wavelength
and the fundamental frequency?
Given data:
ℓ = 120 cm = 100 m
ℓ = 1.2 m
f4 = 120 Hz
To find:
4 = ?
f1 = ?
n = 2 l / n
λ4 = 4 = 0.60 m
𝛌𝟒 = 𝟎. 𝟔 𝐦 Ans.
S 1
fn = nf1
f4 = 4f1
f +
f1 = 44
𝐟𝟏 = 𝟑𝟎 𝐇𝐳 Ans.
S 2
8.4 The frequency of the note emitted by a stretched string is 300 HZ. 4.0m

What will be the frequency of this note when;

(a)The length of the wave is reduced by one-third without changing the tension.
(b)The tension is increased by one-third without changing the length of the wire.
Given data:
f1 = 300 Hz
To find:
(a) f ′ = ? When wavelength is reduced by one third without changing the tension.

(b) f ′ = ? When tension is increased by one third without changing the tension.

(a) When wavelength is reduced by one third
λ′ = λ − 3
λ′ = 3

λ′ =
When the tension is kept constant, the speed remains same
v = v
f = f
𝑓 (300)(𝜆)
f = 𝜆′ = 2𝜆
f = 450 Hz Ans.
(b) When tension is increased by one third
F′ = F + 3 (∵ T = F)
3F+F 4F
F′ = =
3 3
1 F
As f = 2l √m
1 F′
f ′ = 2l √m
1 4F 4F
f ′ = 2l √3m (∵ F ′ = )
41 F
f ′ = √3 2l √m
4 1 F
f ′ = √3 × f (∵ f = 2l √m)
f ′ = 1.153× 300
𝐟 ′ = 346 Hz Ans.
8.5 An organ pipe has a length of 50 cm. Find the frequency of its fundamental note and the
next harmonic when it is
(a) Open at both ends
(b) Closed at one end. (Speed of sound = 350 m s-1)
Given data:
v = 350 m s −1
𝑙 = 50 cm = 0.5 m
To find:
(a) When pipe is open at both ends
f1 =?
f2 =?
(b) When pipe is open at one end
f1 =?
f3 =?
(a) When pipe is open at both ends
f1 = 2l
f1 = 2×0.5
𝐟𝟏 = 𝟑𝟓𝟎 𝐇𝐳 𝐀𝐧𝐬.
f2 = 2 f1
f2 = 2(350)
𝐟𝟐 = 𝟕𝟎𝟎 𝐇𝐳 Ans.
(b) When pipe is closed at one end
f1 = 4l
f1 = 4×0.5
𝐟𝟏 = 𝟏𝟕𝟓 𝐇𝐳 Ans.
f3 = 3 f1
f3 = 3(175)
𝐟𝟑 = 𝟓𝟐𝟓 𝐇𝐳 Ans.
8.6 A Church organ consists of pipes, each open at one end of different lengths. The
minimum length is 30 mm and the longest is 4 m. calculate the frequency range of the
fundamental notes. (speed of sound = 340 m/s)
Given data:
𝑙𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 30 mm = 30 × 10−3 m
𝑙𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 4 m
vmax = 340 m s −1
To Find:
fmax =?
fmin =?
f1 = 4l
For maximum frequency, length of pipe must be minimum so,
fmax = 4l
fmax = (4×30×10−3)
fmax = 2833 Hz
For minimum frequency length of pipe must be maximum so,
fmin = 4l
fmin = (4×4)
fmin = 21 Hz
The frequency range is 21 Hz to 2833 Hz Ans.
8.7 Two tuning forks exhibit beats at a beat frequency of 3 Hz. The frequency of one fork is
256 Hz. Its frequency is then lowered slightly by adding a bit of wax to one of its prongs.
The Two forks then exhibit a beat frequency of 1 Hz. Determine frequency of 2 nd tuning
Given data:
Consider two tuning forks A and B
fA = 256 Hz
fbeat = 3 Hz (before loading)
fbeat = 1 Hz (after loading)
To find:
fB =?
If fA > fB
then fbeat = fA − fB
3 = 256 − fB
fB = 256 − 3
fB = 253 Hz
If fB > fA
Then fbeat = fB − fA
3 = fB − 256
fB = 253 + 3
fB = 259 Hz
After loading the prong of tuning fork A, its frequency will decrease. Also, after loading beat frequency
is decreased. This is possible only if the frequency of tuning fork B is less than A. Hence,
𝐟𝐁 = 𝟐𝟓𝟑 𝐇𝐳 Ans.
8.8 Two cars P and Q are travelling along motorway in same direction. Leading car P travels
at steady speed of 12 m s-1 the other car Q, travelling at a steady speed of 20 m s-1, sound
its horn to emit a steady note which P’s driver estimate, has a frequency of 830 Hz. What
frequency does Q’s own driver hear?
Given data:
Speed of car P = vP = 12 m s −1
Speed of car Q = vQ = 20 m s −1
frequency of P = fP = 830 Hz
Speed of sound = v = 340 m s−1
To find:
Frequency heard by Q’s driver = fQ = ?
Relative speed = us = vQ − vP
us = 20 − 12
us = 8 ms−1
Since source is moving towards observer, therefore,
fP = (v−u ) fQ
fQ = ( ) fp
fQ = ( 340 ) × 830
𝐟𝐐 = 𝟖𝟏𝟎 𝐇𝐳 Ans.
8.9 A train sounds its horn before it sets off from the station and an observer waiting on the
plate form estimates its frequency at 1200 Hz. The train then moves off and accelerates
steadily. Fifty seconds after departure, the driver sounds the horn again and the plate
form observer estimates the frequency at 1140 Hz. Calculate the train speed 50 s after
departure. How far from the station is the train after 50 s?
Given data:
Fundamental frequency = f = 1200 Hz
Source (20ms-1 ) Listner (12ms-1)
Apparent frequency = f ′ = 1140 Hz
Speed of sound = v = 340 ms −1
time taken t = 50 s
To Find:
(i) Speed of train = us = ?
(ii) Distance covered by the train = S = ? Q P
(i) Since source is moving away from observer, therefore,
f ′ = (𝑣+ 𝑢 ) f
v + us =
us = −v
us = ( 1140 ) − 340
us = 17.89 m s −1
𝐮𝐬 = 𝟏𝟕. 𝟗 𝐦 𝐬 −𝟏 Ans.
(ii) Now, the distance covered by the train is given as:
S = uav t
S = ( 2 s) t
S = ( 2 ) × 50
S = 447.5 m
𝐒 = 𝟒𝟒𝟖 𝐦 Ans.
8.10 The absorption spectrum of faint galaxy is measured and the wavelength of one of the
lines identified as the Calcium ∝ line is found to be 478 nm. The same line has a
wavelength of 397 nm when measured in a laboratory.
(a) Is the galaxy moving towards or away from the Earth?
(b) Calculate the speed of the galaxy relative to Earth.
(Speed of light = 3.0  108 m s-1)
Given data:
Apparent wavelength = λ′ = 478 nm = 478 × 10−9 m
Fundamental wavelength = λ = 397 nm = 397 × 10−9 m
Speed of Light = c = 397 nm = 3 × 108 m s−1
To find:
(a) Direction of motion of galaxy = ?
(b) Speed of galaxy relative to earth =us = ?
(a) For apparent wavelength
c 3×108
f ′ = ’ = 478×10−9
f ′ = 6.27 × 1014 Hz
Similarly for fundamental frequency
c 3×108
f= =
 397×10−9
𝐟 = 𝟕. 𝟓𝟓 𝐱 𝟏𝟎 𝐇𝐳
As f′ < f
This shows galaxy is moving away from earth
(b) f ′ = (𝑣+ 𝑢 ) f
v + us = f′
us = −v
3×108 ×7.55 𝑥 1014
us = ( ) − 3 × 108
𝐮𝐬 = 𝟔. 𝟏 × 𝟏𝟎 𝐦𝐬−𝟏 𝟕

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